Ariel Sharon is an evil bastard - he gives Jews a bad name.

Also, with apologies (well not really) to Bon Jovi:

*Build up that wall
And you’re to blame
Ariel, you give Jews a bad name
Yasser plays it hard, but it’s still the same
You give Jews a bad name
You give Jews…


Try and get THAT out of your head. :smiley:

Don’t tell! Don’t tell! I know. Let me. Sevastopol is from Belgium. Stupid Belgian leftist idiots don’t deserve being called Europeans anyhow. Belgians are stupid wankers. Sevastopol is a stupid wanker. Ergo Sevastopol is a Belgian. The proof is incontrovertible!


I guess I’m asking if essentianly is Israel is like the Vatican…home of the Catholics (but please don’t all move home) or like the Vatican…hey we love those darn Catholics where ever they live (feel no need to move here we still love you).

Ok I couldn’t think of anyone that wanted all their beleivers in one place. I thought Israel was like that. Am I wrong?
(Hey I’m all atheist born and bred, so shoot me if I have offended Cattholics and Jews in one paragraph)

Exactly how is this incident unlike any other incidents in recent history? Sharon’s always had a bug up his ass about Europe (since they support the Palestinians and because they were Nazis 60 years ago) and Europe’s always been wary about Sharon (understandable, since Israel has the dangerous combination of nukes, an enemy surrounding them, and a recent history of leaders with itchy trigger fingers).

Israel would be for the better if they got rid of the Likud Party.

Who said I was offended? Alessan is entitled to idiocy, I respect that. What might offend me is a moderator using his position to disclose information I’d rather were kept private, thank you very much. I might prefer anonymity for my own very good reasons.

That might offend me & for FWIW someone else payed my registration as a gift so don’t be sassure of what you know foucault about.

Rune good to see your ignorance pains you, it’s a healthy sign. Carry on.

Well, it had been a whole week since we exposed someone.

Ladies and gentlemen, sevastopol lives on 25, Pigboink Lane, Lllyyynnennwwggrgrhheggege, Wales, United Kingdom. Third set of lights after the Texaco station, hang a right. Across the bridge, can’t miss it.

Silly duffer! Your IP address is logged and he can see it. Doesn’t matter who paid for your registration. You’re still Australian no? And living in Australia too?

Ok I get it. I am invisible and my ignorance can not be fought.

Well, cannot is one word. :smiley:

I agree though. It is an interesting question.

Well, calm kiwi, my WAG would be “No, not all Israelis think that all Jews should migrate to Israel”, but don’t listen to this gentile. ;j

Not at all (perhaps the Israelis are a bit miffed off at the latest stupidities of your prime twat Helen Clark). Seeing as Israel in some way see itself as the homeland of all Jews which can immigrate there, I too had wondered whether Sharon saw it as part of his responsibility as Israel’s leader to protect all Jews everywhere, inside as well as outside Israel? Or perhaps he’s just trying to defuse the demographic bomb? In any case the Jewish emigration from France to Israel has already doubled the last few years.

HEY!! I like our prime twat! and our Mossad moments did not prompt my question. I was merely asking is Jew equals Israeli because I never thought it did ,well no more then Catholic equated to Vatican.

You think Clark should have just offered up NZ’s sovereignty to Mossad :confused:
WTF are you talking about? What stupidities?

HUH?? Where and when did I say that? I will be voting for her yes. Do I think random anyones should have our passports? No!. I’m fairly sure the “Clark twat” would agree.

The Israeli/Mossad passport weirdness had NOTHING to do with my question.

No I never said it had, on the contrary I think it is an interesting question. It’s just that my dear mama taught me never to miss a good opportunity to call someone a twat - and by golly I’m sticking to it! And oh boy how that stupid woman takes twatiness to a whole new level!

At last! Someone spells my name without the upper case S.

Yes I knew about the IP address, I was just sowing ambiguity. However I’m not visiting here for much longer, so I shall merge silently into a very large crowd again (the largest) shortly.

Naaaaaaaaaa! She takes “not pretty” to a new level but she is no ones stupid.

I too have a deep need to say twat whenever the moment comes up, I’m just not sure Helen is a twat.

The Mossad queston is interesting though. I was very tempted to start a thread. It just has a very small audience so it didn’t seem worth it.

I always thought you had taken your name from the great city of Sevastopol, Ukraine? Seemed to make sense at the time because you’re a pinko commie bastard and all. Or am I confusing you with someone else?

I think you’re just confused in general. I still want to know about these stupidities of Clark’s. She’s an intelligent man and been a fine PM. What gives?

Umm she may slap you if you call her a man. Ok she ain’t a girly girl but she is a woman. But yes I think she is a fine PM.