Ask The Cougar

Pbbt. :wink:

No way! Are you serious? :rolleyes:

Paging Sense of Humor. Sense of Humor needed in MPSIMS.

Ever get the “wonders”? As in, “I wonder why this young person is interested in being with someone my age”? I remember thinking that on many occasions when I was 40 and dating a 24-year-old. Of course for guys it’s a mid-life crisis or lechery, nothing cutesy like being called a cougar. I still have a sense of bewilderment that it ever happened. Hey, enjoy yourself.

Have you met his mother yet? I keep envisioning Liz Lemon in 30 Rock (season 2, ep 7, Cougars)when she met her boytoy’s mom and realized it could be her.

As I get older, I’m finding that I think the signs of aging on people actually look good. I like wrinkles and grey hair - young people’s faces are starting to look unfinished and too simple now.

Does the 24 years old kid have a preference for older women? I would or I would prefer much more mature ladies. Girls that dissolve into giggles for no reason (at least not discernible to me) drives me up the roof.

nice, I have a girl 24 years younger who has been after me for some time now.

its fun but no nookie yet, its weird

I have nothing of substance to add, but I would like to say that I think Alice is awesome.

We were 35 and 24 when me and my honey first got together.
I think it’s been harder on him than me. I got old and run down rather quickly after having a baby.

Have fun!