Battlestar Galactica 3.3: "Exodus, Part One" (spoilers)

To explain it better (maybe), I think last week’s episode showed Callie running away from the friendly shooters, and she was shown still running when she heard gunfire. This week even though it’s from a different angle, she’s running towards the shooters in the treeline, and is tackled on open terrain as shots as fired.

Starmommybuck must die. I just can’t frakin’ handle it.

Admiral Adama must give a few less speeches per/ep. I just can’t take too many more.

Xena-bot now has religious dreams? No explanation other than there really is a God? Ron Moore must die.

I don’t think 3 is the Cylon god since she’s only number 3. When will we get to meet Number One?

Is the ceremony with the line and scripture reading new? I kinda like it…

You are number Six.

Man, that is scary isn’t it?

No I don’t think number 3 is God. Is it just the chamalla root? I don’t like people having these prescient dreams. Is chamalla the Dune spice melange of the BSG universe? Even if it were, it doesn’t explain D’Anna having a prescient dream, unless she’s snorting the stuff.

The show is too religiousy.

Not as much as you’d think.

Scroll down to where Moore notes “Number Six was specifically a homage to “The Prisoner,” but the rest were assigned their numbers randomly.” (if you’re willing to wait that long for the page to open; Sciffy’s website after a BSG airing is atrocious)

I was thinking this same thing, but I believe when they refilmed it, they botched it a bit… in the early scene where cally falls, there is no on tackling her… when the clean shave chief tackles her, its above waste level… the only way they could explain that away was if cheif hit her low… and he didnt.

But I really dont care… they did the early scene for the cliffhanger, and then did the other for the rescue… typical swerve (and yet a little disappointing)

On the bonus scenes… I just watched them… I’m not sure thats whats intended there… that

infant looked much younger than the earlier shot of Hera, and I think what they are setting up is xenabots desparation to feel love/loved and to believe in her vision(s)/god. .

“Johnathan Frakes guest stars in a Very Special Galactica…”

I missed the first reel, so i’m just catching up on the second viewing…

I agree that the “4-hours earlier” thing is a bit of a retcon, didn’t Ron Moore use up his Flashback budget/allotment last season, frakkin’ flashbacks have worn out their welcome

the “#3 visits the crazy old prophet who has vital plot info” was a little too convenient as well

the Pop-Tart makes an unwelcome appearance, and MomBuck needs to get a frakkin clue and space the StarBrat
(couldn’t help MST3K’ing the scene where Kasey grabs Kara’s hand as she starts to walk away, a tiny voice says “Mommy, can i have some toast?”)

Ellen’s lifespan can be measured in Microts now…

an average episode, better than 90% of the crap that passes for TV now, but not up to their previously high standards, this was clearly a Plot-Convenience-Development episode

looks like R&D have found the “Plot-Convenience Button”, lets hope they don’t overuse it…

Watched them again. I’m guessing the bodies are the two escorts assigned to Maya and child. The hat on the child looked like the hat shown on Maya’s child earlier to me. Unless is a common babyhat or something…


Way too pat an ending to the execution scene. And trite. They pull a few more of those “surprise” rescues, and the dramatic tension of the series is shitcanned. Sorry folks, but you’ve set a dark tone for the series, and it works. You don’t kill off some key players in situations like that, you better think of other ways to create suspense, and fast. Continuity issues with Cally fleeing, as mentioned above, were especially grating.

Starbuck playing mommy is sudden, and stupid. She’d never fall for it. I sure as hell don’t. She knows very well what a lying, conniving sack Leoben is. No fracking way that girl is her daughter. What, suddenly all the cylon reproductive issues, the entire need for the farms and the Boomer/Helo experiment just vanished? Bullshit. I thought at first the hand-hold scene with Leoben was another act of guile, drawing him in, waiting for another chance to kill him, but no. She’s going all Stockholm syndrome on us. How original.

I did like Cavill bitching about how long it took him to die after being shot. It’s weird and fun to listen to these guys talk matter-of-factly about all the times they’ve been killed, and what a tiresome pain in the ass it’s becoming.

3’s dreams, and the priestess’ divination of them, reveal once again the undeniable and disappointing supernatural aspect of the BSG universe. I sometimes forget how spot-on Roslyn’s dreams (about Kobol, Leoben’s getting sucked out the airlock, etc.) while under the influence of Kamala (sp?) were, and I hoped it was all some kind of Cylon trick, but there’s no getting around it: There really is a God, or gods, and we’re just going to have to resign ourselves to the fear that BSG might turn into Touched By An Angel in outer space of RDM and company don’t come up with some good ideas that don’t devolve into quantum cognitive flapdoodle à la Trek.

Just wondering (because I seem to be an idiot in keeping the various characters separate) - Does Leoben show up in the ‘cylon council’ scenes on Colonial One, or does he spend all his time with Starbuck?

I keep waiting for Thrace to grab the little girl by the ankles and use her to beat Leoben to death…all while chanting something completly nuts, like “I love to pet the purple squirrels in the evening”

Agreed. Lots of dominoes being set up in this show, which makes it rather unsatisfying by itself. In the long run, the verdict on this episode will depend on how those dominoes are knocked down by succeeding installments. Good payoff? We can watch this episode and relish the imminent resolutions. Bad, or no, payoff? This episode will grate as between-action filler. Can’t tell yet.

And I’m with Mr. Dude about the dream stuff. I fell in love with the show because of its hard-as-nails style and its avoidance of technological magic and psychic goofiness. Last season, when Roslin was having her visions, I stuck my fingers in my ears: la la la, something else is going on.

I hate thinking that metaphysical nonsense is going to invade this otherwise rock-solid universe, but it looks like that’s the choice of the producers. Frak.

Actually, they started in season one, didn’t they? Whatever. Point remains.

Agree that this was a “link in a chain” type episode that didn’t really get us anywhere, just reinforced alot of what we saw in the season premiere and reminded us what’s coming. Can’t complain…it’s still frakkin good!!!

I thought there would be more of a comeuppance for Ellen in this ep. I guess Saul knows who he can send out on his next suicide mission!

I dunno, I love Adama’s speeches!

OK…when did the Chief have the time to shave off that beard!!!

Looks like Gaeta finally turns into a badass next week…I can’t wait!!!

As for the psychic visions, eh, I’m not too picky about getting scifi in my fantasy, or fantasy in my scifi. They’re two great genres that, uh, genre great together. I will be happier if it is left largely unexplained, rather than have definitive evidence of god(s) or some lame star trekky explanation. I think the BSG universe is perfectly compatible with the conclusion, “weird shit sometimes happens, we don’t know why, and don’t have the time or facilities to investigate.”

What I do take great exception to is the bait-and-switch with Callie’s flight. Not to go all Annie Wilkes, but it is not fair to show a cliffhanger with certain information, then show the “resolution” with conflicting information. My recollection is the cliffhanger showed Callie still running when shots were fired, whereas what “really” happened is she was tackled, then the first shots were fired. :mad:

Michael Hogan is frakkin brilliant - the frame shows only one of his eyes, and it’s absolutely riveting.

I was really impressed by the D’anna/Sharon confrontation. Personally, I would have had a hard time passing up that offer, even if rationally I thought it was a load of bull. But she trusts Adama - a lot. Correct me if I’m wrong, but he did not lie to her, did he? Only Roslin, her aide, and the doctor know.

I thought Adama’s speech was pretty good - very St. Crispin’s day.

Oh, and Mommy Starbuck must die, it almost goes without saying.

Was the kid supposed to be cute and adorable when she grabbed Starbuck’s finger and stared at her? I found her creepy. Something about the way that kid stares is wrong.

As a bridge episode, it worked. Although I agree that it was a cop out to go back an hour later and show the rescue being formed. I saw those words come up on my screen and thought “that’s cheating!”

Adama’s speech would have worked a lot better for me if I hadn’t seen in in 1,000 BSG ads over the past couple weeks.

As to the religious thing, there’s nothing that can’t be explained in other ways. Amanda Plummer’s character could be a really good cold reader. Plus, it was established that 3 has been wandering around at night with insomnia. The priestess could have seen 3 out late at night a couple times staring at babies with a longing look on her face and come up with a good story. Why is 3 dreaming of the baby? Well, the baby is a big deal to her. It could have happened even if the child were dead. Or there could be some ways cylons identify each other aside from sight. Maybe the child is sending out some very weak “hey, I’m a cylon” signals (weak because she’s very young and/or because she’s only half cylon) that can only be picked up in dreams. Okay, that’s a stretch. I just don’t want major issues to be resolved by religious interference, so I’m kind of grasping at straws.

I didn’t like Cavil whining about how long it took him to die. I liked the complexity we saw last week flipping between the human point of view and that of the cylons. Both thought they were doing the right thing and both totally misjudged how the others would react. The cylons thought they’d start a human police force and crack down on the insurgency… and they got suicide bombers. The humans started suicide bombing… and they got cylon execution squads.Neither side was completely right and neither was completely wrong. I understand that Cavil has pretty obviously never been fully on board with the “let’s all live together in peace” thing, but he was so wrong this time, it ruined a lot of the complexity of the show.

I still can’t wait for next week. What will happen to Ellen (by the way, Saul’s expression with his one eye after finding out about her betrayal was some great acting)? Who will make it out alive? How will Starbuck get out of prison and escape? Will creepy Casey go with them? Can her storyline end next week, please?

It’s hard to judge this episode independently. After all, it’s Part 1 of 2. Hardly fair to call it a bridge when we don’t know where the bridge is leading. That said…kill the kid. Bloodily. I’m kinda leaning towards Critical1’s idea myself. I also have zero problem with the religious aspects/ideas of this show. But then, I’m not a militant athiest, either. :smiley:

But it is past time for a shootout. I want to see Basestars blowing up, dammit! Let’s see Galactica kick ass and take names. Oh, and some nude Boomer while we’re at it.