Boxing with Crayons: NYC Dopedinner 12/26

Figures. All the Americans get together to celebrate Boxing Day, and I’ll be up North.

As I’ve posted in the other thread, I have one extra free pass for MoMA on Sunday afternoon if anyone is interested (so far we have a group of 4). Anyone else wants in, let me know.

Mememememe. I mean, I’d love to go to MoMA on Sunday :slight_smile:

I’ve forwarded the email regarding the agenda to you :slight_smile:

Looks like me and Zoltarb will be there. And it’s looking like the illusive Houseman may be able to make it too.


does the Snoopy happy dance… not easy to do in big, fuzzy bunny slippers

That’s okay. I’ll have some extra Canadians to take your place. They’re on their way as we speak.

Okee-dokee… just checking in as soon everyone will be scattering to the wind for the holidays. All is still good for MoMA Day and Doper Dinner, correct?

Assuming the winter storms abate long enough for my flight (long term forecasts seem to indicate all should be good), I should be arriving in the Big Frozen Apple early on Sunday morning. (Really early. Ew.) And I’m excited to meet lotsa new Doper faces!

does the happy dance

I’m still in, and still very much looking forward to it!

If there is room for one more. It looks like I may be free

OK, boys and girls, I’ve just made a reservation for 14 people at Chelsea Grill for Sunday night under the name Cecil Adams. They should be prety flexible if more people want to show up.

See you there.

I have a subway question: How do I know if a subway train is an express train? I looks like I can get back to my Sunday night accommodations by taking the A or C south. How do I know if it will actually stop where I need it to?

(Almost got lost once that way before.)

Well, unless it is after midnight, the A is the express and the C is the local. (After midnight, the A makes all stops.) If your stop is at a stop for both the A and C, it is an express stop, and you can take either.

Ah, and each stop is labelled on the little map thingy with an A or C (or both)?

OK, boys and girls, I’ve just made a reservation for 14 people at Chelsea Grill for Sunday night under the name Cecil Adams.


Poseur. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Eats, you must realize that nobody you are going out to dinner with is going to let you get onto a subway and try to find your way to your sleeping pod alone, we’ll make sure you are either escorted pretty darned close if not all the way, or at least guided very clearly so you don’t get befuddled. After all, you will be tired from an early flight, day of museumming ( new word ** ), socializing, carousing, yodelling, carolling, dining, laughing, imbibing and generally making whoopie in the city that never sleeps.

You’ll be looked after. :slight_smile:

Holy Toledo. I completely forgot about this (you see, I’m getting feeble-minded in my old age and have to be constantly reminded of things.) I bet both Zoltarb and Houseman forgot too or they certainly would have reminded me by now.

Now I’ll have to remind everybody else-- that’s a change. And, hell, we may even be able to persuade the elusive Heartache to show up.

Cool! I think I’ve got it figured out that the subway that gets me back from the Chelsea Grill is the one that would get me TO the dinosaurs. I like dinosaurs. And planetariums.

I though it was “moaming” for the MoMa (eg/ “Oh, give me a home/Where the Straight Dopers moam/And the deer and the antelope plaaaaaay…”), and “heavy metting” for the Met. Was I wrong?


You were right.

Can’t wait to see whatcha do with “Algonquin”


“The Elusive Heartache”… good Harlequin romance novel title.

Okay, for the MoMA… meeting by the clock by TellMeI’mNot Crazy’s office. So anybody got a distinctive look about them, or shall I just use the wild Doper call “Cecil-cecil… Cecil-cecil…”

I’ll be the one with the black leather backback.