Confused and chastened by Tubadiva

I don’t find them raising the level of discourse- its their right, and IMHO, somewhat needed as of late. But, an announcement and a set of principles or guidelines would be nice-- kind of like what we have gracing the top of the Pit right now.

find = mind, for clarification purposes. Sorry. :frowning: :smack:

I though Scylla was just sharing a time in his life with us and his troubles with it. His post was not vulgar or indecent at all compared to others I have seen on this board.

It’s all been said already but from what I hear TubaDiva is a very cool person and maybe she’s just having a crappy day.

Yeah, but wasn’t there a recent law passed about minors and access to sites with “mature” content? Maybe they’re trying to protect their asses?

Sucks, either way. I mean, yeesh, what with whole discussions involving porn and sex toys and what not-as long as we don’t do links-what’s the difference?

Color me :confused:

No, of course we don’t have to respond. But what if we want to? It leads to pit threads like this, when it all could’ve been much less painless without the snottiness. If a smilie had been included, the tone of the post would’ve been altered and I think we’d all just go “okay, lesson learned” - as it is, there’s unnecessary bad feeling.

Still, I’m sure we’ll all go on with our lives as before once this controversy has blown over, as it no doubt will soon :slight_smile:

Question: Can’t blueangel/angelbaby still read the pruient material on here?

And mods, I’m going to go out on a limb here, posting privalges-wise. I don’t like the decision to close Scylla’s thread. I don’t like that fear for my account because I said that I don’t like the decision. We, as the members of the SDMB, have also expressed our dislike with this closing.
How do you expect to raise the tone of the message board? The SDMB has been coolest because people could talk about anything. Please tell me that this isn’t about blueangel’s spiritual siblings. We have disclamers, and TMI and other pruient threads are usually marked as such.
You know, it’s funny. If I’m going to get banned for writing this, than I don’t particularly care. If the SDMB is going to be such that posts, threads, and members need to justify their existence, than I think that the board will go downhill. A long, long way downhill.
BTW, please don’t ban me.

Er, count me among the baffled, especially considering today’s column link on the main page.

But, while I think the public chastisement was unnecessary, I can understand it, if the Mods sometimes feel like they are trying to herd presuming TubaDiva was having a bad day.

Holy crap, whatever happened there?

Let me try again.

But, while I think the public chastisement was unnecessary, I can understand it if the Mods sometimes feel like they are trying to stem a flood of envelope-pushing posts, and I am presuming TubaDiva was having a bad day in this regard.

I’m sure life’ll go on, as it is wont to do. :slight_smile:

A smilie would have gone a long way. But alas and alack, no smilie - it’s up to us to infer.

And robert, anyone can read any of the postings on this board; you must register to post.

Well, Scylla, FWIW, I didn’t think it was all that bad a thread.

The thread in question didn’t deserve closing, especially in light of what else is allowed to remain open. Something funny’s going on here.

Like I said, Did they explode??

Ya know if they’re trying to raise the moral level of the boards there has to be a reason…

Maybe they are going to try to market it? Get subscribers and appeal to a wider bunch of people other than us nutz who live here?

I find the whole thing scary. I know it’s their board but we posters make what it is. I’m afraid that if things are changed too much it will cease to be the fun place it is now.

Ugh I hit submit too fast.

I’ve noticed things like this before, mainly back in the early 90’s when I mudded.

All of a sudden a small close knit mud would have admit start kicking players off for behaviour nobody minded… a few weeks later we were told to pay 10$/month to continue using our accounts

As Blueangel’s most virulent detractor let me assure you that no one in her thread said anything of the sort. My beef and everyone else’s beef was that she shouldn’t have been here at all. Never did anyone call for cleaning up the material here. I would weep if my beloved Pit was made safe for little girls.

Several times in the past, particularly in a very recent thread where I merely pointed out a clear discrepency in a moderator action for which I was merely amused, you Scylla saw fit to flame my ass, suggesting I was lucky I haven’t been banned. No one else saw fit to respond in like manner. Just because you’re one of those moderator ass kissing posters who flame newbie’s for questioning moderator actions, that doesn’t make you immune from administrator censure.

So suck it up baby. It’s not your message board.

Now that I’ve got that off my chest, Tuba’s action really surprised me.

I’m sure that Scylla will be uh, relieved to hear this reassuring news from *The Men’s Health Forum*:

So relax, guy, even though your “only issue is that you wish you could have been told nicely,” your ghoulies are safe. :slight_smile:


Isn’t it just a wee bit early to play the “I FEAR FOR MY POSTING PRIVLIGES, BUT STILL I BRAVELY SPEAK THE TRUTH!” martyr card?
We’re not even up to page two yet.

This is just sloppy people.

Attend as I enlighten. This isn’t all THAT tricky.

Things started correctly with the closing of a thread. But the next steps are crucial.
FIRST: comes the accusation of mod-Nazi-dom
SECOND comes the meltdown
THIRD come the banning
THEN AND ONLY THEN do we get the hysterical “o GOD! i might be NEXT!!! WHO KNOWS WHAT THEY’LL DO?!” posts.

I mean, really. C’mon.


I’m just peeved because I feel I was deprived a really obvious “Scylla the rock” joke.