Cooper the Portugese Water dog's tails

I realize that as a doggy, you probably haven’t had much formal schooling but all of the doggies that I know have only one fur mommy & one fur daddy yet you say you are a cross of three breeds. Did you have a step-fur daddy? :confused:
Oh & welcome, Coop!

I’m guessing one parent is Husky, one Border/Lab mix


Good guess, and it really is a guess, since I am, in fact, an orphan. I look like a black Border Collie, but am a little tall, and my tail is all curly (northern breed for sure).

You can see how gorgeous I am and how cute I was when I first came to this family


Too tired to post tonight Niece and NephewTech really wore me out today, playing ball in the field, running in the field, playing near the pond…

Then MacTech took me down through the field tonight so I could help him exercise, he says I’m really helping him get healthier , we were able to walk 1/4 mile to and from the pond and he didn’t get out of breath once, this summer he had to pause before the hill at the base of the lawn, I’m happy I’m making him healthier

Right now all I want to do is lay in my crate and look at Nutmeg, MomTech put my crate next to Nutmeg’s cage so I have to sit in the crate to hang out with Nutmeg…

Nice to meet you too, Simon, you look really cool, your humans sure are lucky

Wonder if we could start a DoggieDoperFest…

I dunno if I want to sleep in my crate next to Nutmeg tonight, or crash on MacTech’s bed, one last walk before I turn in tonight, so I don’t have to wake MacTech up at 3:30 AM again…

Made up my mind, bed tonight, maybe try crate tomorrow

Goodnight my new interweb friends

MacTech’s job is okaying something called Over-time or something, he told me this means he can get me more and/or better toys, but it means he has to come home later than normal…

It just makes me appreciate him more, besides the short ones (Niece and Nephew) do a great job keeping me excersised, once again all I wanna do is sleep

MacTech explained to me that the SodaStream Monster isn’t a monster at all, just something that makes fizzy water, and to prove it wasn’t a monster, he used it while I watched, it still makes a scary noise, but he didn’t seem scared at all, he treated it no different than that magic heating box that beeps and lights up…

Maybe it’s not a monster after all, still don’t like it, but I don’t think it’s going to eat me anymore…

Okay, upstairs sleepy time now

MacTech says I passed the “separation anxiety” test for the first time last night!

We got in his car and drove down to this big concrete island where he got out of the car and shoved this long hose into the side of his car and waited for a few minutes, I sat patiently in the car, then he went into the building on the island, I got nervous, I’ll admit, but I didn’t complain…

He came back out with a couple bottles of water, and a couple packets of something called “Ritz sandwiches” that had a nummy peanut butter filling, he said I was a good boy and shared them with me, then we went home

We sat in the TV room for a while, then he got back up and went outside again, again a little worried, but he was just going out to his car and getting something out of the back, he came right back, he didn’t leave me forever…

I also slept the whole night on his bed, he woke up at 5:30 AM and he actually got up to go answer nature’s call before me…

You shouldn’t have said that

(Have Fun, Cooper!)

I am glad you are having such success with merging into household.

By the way, I am a cat, a big black, I have retractable claws, it takes a while for me to warm up to a dog but don’t take it personal.

He suggested I post to you so I could get some good ideas on how to get along with dogs that come to my yard of which I am the boss.

I don’t get to sleep on the bed much because Dad does not like being kneaded on the neck under his beard all that much. When I just sleep in the crook of his arm with my head on his shoulder, he likes that.

My advice is to stay on the end of the bed & work hard at being the lost one up to take care of business. Dad’s really like that. Not having accidents in the house also insures you of a much nicer life style I have found.

Keep up with your posting because I have longed for someone interesting to talk to for a long time. Don’t get much in here.

Until next time.


Demon, glad to meet another new friend!

Since you’re a cat, how can I get the cats here to like me, I try to be friends, but they run away when I try to say hi…

Blue, the black and white one is really really shy, Nemo, the orange and white one is a lot braver, and we almost touched noses last night, I got too excited and barked, MacTech told me no, and sounded disappointed, I looked away from him 'cause I knew I messed up

Thankfully, he was nice and just told me to be calmer next time, I was afraid he was going to yell at me or worse, but he was kind and understanding

He even got me a special treat tonight, he shared a couple pieces of something he called “soo-shey”, it was a neat little roll of rice, salty papery stuff, and nummy raw fish, he said one was a Samm-unn roll, and one was a Toon-aah roll, they were both nummy and I liked both

Bed time now, crashing on MacTech’s bed again, YAAY!

I had ALL DAY with MacTech today, I think I may have broken him, at least wore him out…

We went down to the pond and back FOUR times, walked in the small orchard, and I had a blast ripping up some fallen apple tree branches, they make a satisfying crack when I break them off… Then MacTech picked an apple for me to play fetch with…

We also went to the BEACH, and this time I got to actually walk on the sand, when Mom took me to the beach, we just walked on the sidewalk near the beach

Today we went to Harbor Beach in York, I was in sensory overload, SO MUCH FUN!

First, there were piles of seaweed to sniff, and I really liked the fuzzy green algae clumps, so much fun to SHRED! Then we walked over to the water, I walked out…

And got CHASED BY A WAVE!, boy that At-lann-tick water is some COLLLLD stuff!, I know I’m a water dog, but that water’s too cold for me, especially since I had a haircut before I was adopted, and no, not that stupid poofy “lion” cut, MacTech has PROMISED me he will NEVER let anyone do that to me, I can have my long coat in the winter, and a retriever clip during summer

Niece wants to play now, gotta go

Demon @ Cooper:

Do you have your own Face Book account or one you can borrow?

There is a dog named Zeke.

He is in Maine & is also a cool dog. And this coming from a cat is high praise.

Hope you had fun playing with the kids.

Hi, Cooper! I’m glad your forever family found you! My name is Weaver, and I’m a lot older than you, so old I can’t even remember a time before I had my family. I’m a border collie cross (my people like to say I’m “crossed with something a lot bigger”).

My cats aren’t at all afraid of me. Sometimes I wish they were, especially Nico. She’s a Siamese cross, and (don’t tell anyone) I’m a little nervous about her. Maybe you could teach me how to bark so I scare the cats and Cisco (the fluffy gray and white tabby) could teach your cats how to play with dogs, even when they bark. I’d keep them away from Nico, though, because she’d just teach them to be bossy.

I did a really bad thing today, MacTech and MomTech are FURIOUS at me, I’m afraid they’re going to give me away now…:frowning:

Niece and I were running out in the field this afternoon, I was on the retractable leash, I built up so much speed that I pulled niece off her feet and she fell, breaking her collarbone…

MacTech wants to speak now…

I went into work for a little overtime today’ and come home to find out my 9 year old niece broke her collarbone because the furry idiot above couldn’t resist his bloody singleminded urge to pull on the leash, even when I took him for a walk around the yard, the moron was still pulling, strong yanks on the leash didn’t help, heck, a couple pulls strong enough to upset his balance didn’t work, he just can’t stop pulling, and I’m sick of it…

He walks fine for the most part with his gentle leader, but he hates wearing it, well, tough crap Cooper, guess what you’re wearing from now on, I don’t care that it embarrasses you and makes you feel like a horse, you hurt my niece, and I take that personally

I’ve given you multiple stern talkings-to about the pulling issue, but nothing seems to get through that thick skull of yours, how can you be so smart and eager to learn on one side, yet on the other flat out refuse to resist the urge to pull on your leash when attached to your collar

Frak it, at least our cats don’t end up injuring family members

You better be on your best behavior, dog, I’m sick of you only following commands when you feel like it, and I won’t hesitate to go all Cesar Millan on your fuzzy little ass if you start misbehaving

Consider yourself on probation now…

My niece is okay for now, well as okay as she can be with a broken collarbone, she’s in pain, but you couldn’t tell from that New England stoicness we’re known for, she’ll be in a sling for six weeks all because Dynomutt here has no self control…

I wouldn’t go to Cesar Milan but it sounds like some basic etiquette lessons for Cooper would be a good idea. I wonder if your niece might enjoy the lessons, too, once she’s feeling better. He’s still a young dog. He needs to learn to be polite on leash and to listen when he’s off.

A little more clarification on the situation…

Niece was letting Cooper run on the retractable leash, saw he was going too fast and spooling the line off too rapidly, so she engaged the brake, the sudden stop of the spool combined with Cooper’s forward momentum pulled her off balance , caused her to fall and caused the collarbone fracture

She has already said that she wants to take Cooper to obedience and agility classes, so she’s harboring no ill will towards him

Cooper does seem genuinely sorry, he’s been moping around all evening, looking sad and depressed, and the last two times I took him out for a walk, he rarely pulled on the leash, and would come when called

I think he’s realizing he hurt a member of his pack and he’s trying to behave better

I’m the spirit of Katie talking to you through Mom’s brother.

I was a Newfoundland female who loved my Mom & Dad but it turns out I was smarter than my Mom. She & Dad were very good to me and loved to play with me. One of my favorite games was “Tug of War” with a big long towel with knots tied in the ends to hold onto.

We were playing and she was really pulling hard & I was losing on the wet grass in the backyard. So I let go. Mom was so unready she fell backwards and broke her arm. What a lot of excitement that was…

Mom kept saying it was her fault, not mine which I thought was nice & very true. So she wears that cast for a long time & we don’t play “Tug of War” at all.

One day she got the cast off but would not play “Tug of War”, we would go for walks but no rough games. She was getting her arm strength back she said. “Well good” said I as I wanted to play again.

One day she came out with the “Tug of War” towel & it was once again play time. It was great.

But then, a week or so later, I let go again & again she was not ready. She fell back again. 3 guesses & the first 2 don’t count. Yepper, she broke the same arm just inches from where it broke the first time.

She just sat in the grass laughing & when Dad came out to see what was going on, she told him and he asked if it was OK to laugh also. Some signal passed between them & he was rolling in the grass & giving me hugs and wallers & have3 a grand time. Mom said it was her fault & that I was smarter than she was.

My point Cooper, is that there are times it is OK to pull & other times not to pull.
Your life will be much better if you listen to Dad MT on these kinds of things. Learn them quick. All will be well then.

I’ll be here when you get here. We can compare our stories and have a wonderful time. No hurry, have fun doing what you do for as long as you can. You have a great Mom & Dad so do them proud…

ohai im maxwell teh kitteh n this mah fave thred. eben doh iz abowd dawg … p’tooey blech ew.

o PS. (iz hard 2 type wit 2 toes so iz slo):

wut ai saw happen 2 teh dawg one tiem 2 make the STOOPID stop frum pullin on deh leesh wz dis:

SHE putted teh leesh UNDEr stoopids leg wen he waring deh harness-walking-type-thing. it maked him walk funny liek he wz hobbled (heheh) an he nebber pulled hard agen. den she always putted it dis way wen stoopid got walked.

MacTech Chuck was a puller too. You have to train it out of Cooper. For training use a regular leash not a retractable at the start. Or keep the retractable locked short the shorter the better.

Now comes the hard part, patience and training. Any time you are anyone else is walking Cooper and he starts to pull just stop. Don’t pull back any harder than necessary to stay still. When Cooper relaxes start walking again. If he pulls stop. Relax walk pull stop. At first you will only go a step at a time. But soon he will learn that the only way to go for a walk is to not pull. He will still try at the start of walks then relent to a relaxed walk and after a while walks will be pleasant. This method worked well with Chuck. Occasionally he’ll still try and pull but always stop when he does. Remember any time spent with him is training time not just set aside time for training. But still set aside training time to work on specifics. You and Cooper will be much happier when he knows what you want. A stern talking too doesn’t get it you have to show him.

Once you’ve got him walking properly on a short leash. You can start letting out the retractable leash. Don’t let him take off running. If he does brake the leash and reel in back. Whenever he starts to near the end of the leash partially hit the brake so that it clicks then brake with a gentle pull. Soon he will learn the length of his leash and stop near the end. Remember patience don’t get angry but don’t let him have his way. Otherwise he just learn all he has to do is out stubborn you. Good luck and happy training. And give lots of “Good Boys” when he does well.