Cooper the Portugese Water dog's tails

I had a couple interesting days…
Niece is still hurting, I’m sorry for hurting her, and she can’t play with me until she heals, what makes me even sadder is that SHE was the one who insisted MomTech adopt me…

We went to the beach again on Sunday, lots of seaweed to shred and interesting tide pools to walk in, that night on my afternoon walk in the field, I saw an opossum, but MacTech (gonna call him Dad from here on, in fact I’m dropping the “tech” from the names entirely, less to type) didn’t let me get too close, said it was unusual for a possum to be out during the day and it might be sick…

I’m not scared of Dad’s shiny silver revolver anymore, in fact it makes me happy, it means we’re going for a nice long walk in the field, Dad told me he brings it along to protect me from sick or dangerous animals like possums, or zombies, or zombie possums (he told me to say that, said it was something called a “joke”…

We had an interesting walk last night, while we were out in the field of our private, posted No Trespassing property, a big SUV drove up the road, saw us walking the field, slowed down and shined a light at us, then drove off…

Dad thinks it was the local cops, making sure we weren’t “spotlight hunting” or somehing, yes there are deer on the property, but we weren’t hunting, just out for a walk

Dad now wants to walk the field tonight with his big, powerful flashlight (170 lumen MagCharger) and his AR-15 on his back, just to get on their nerves, the AR would have low power, quiet, varmint rounds in it, about the power and noise of a .22 Magnum (36 grain Barnes Varmint Grenade frangible bullet over a load of IMR Trail Boss powder) and they’d only be good for varmints Racoon size or smaller

After all, we’re just out for a walk in the field, nothing more, maybe they should concentrate on solving real crimes, or just nailing the jerk-ass speeders on motorcycles racing up and down our street and lea e law abiding citizens on PRIVATE PROPERTY alone

Hey Cooper,
Demon here. Me & the rest of the pride have learned that when we all get still & intent, Dad will bring the long loud stick that kills stuff out & protect us if the new critter is not nice.

I will even make a run at the critter because Dad has the stick because I am brave and a black asshat & not afraid of nuttin while Dad or Mom is there. Dad gets mad because he says I make it hard to get a clear shot. He can get’er done but it sure pisses him off.

Do you still jump at the noise? I do, can’t seem to learn not to. It does hurt my ears though.

Hope you jump a rabbit to chase if he will let you…



Forgot to add, Mom took me to the v-e-t yesterday to get me checked out, the doggie doctor said I was very healthy and was amazed at how smart I am, I went up to him while he was sitting down, put my paws on his knees and gave him my best “be my freind” look, I even showed him my dancing, and even stood on my hind legs for a few minutes, mom remarked how human-like it was

There was only one bad report from the doctor, my right eye is a little wierd, reflects a lot of light in low light and my iris is off to the side a little, he used a fancy medical term with too many fancy words, but he said the only way it could have happened is if someone hit me hard enough to knock the lens askew

I can still see out of it, it just doesn’t work as good in low light

Dad was furious when he found out and said he had better not find out which Not-Home it happened in originally, as he would probably do something he would regret…

Here’s my iCloud diary, Dad will update it with more pics when he takes them

One last question…

What is a neen-ja?

Dad has started calling me a Neen-ja Dog, mainly because I have a tendency to sneak up behind him and stand there, like a shadow, he doesn’t see me until the last minute, sometimes he almost trips over me or steps on one of my paws, when that happens, he says I “Neen-ja’d” him

He finds it funny actually…

The sneaking up thing, not the stepping on me thing…

Dad has more pics of me up

I experienced a little of what my niece had to deal with in regards to Cooper’s raw speed, and how quickly he can unleash it…

I had him out for his morning walk, and tossed his favorite sugar maple stick for him to chase…
He was at full speed basically instantly, and reached the end of his 23 foot Flexi leash in about ONE second, explosive acceleration from a standstill, when he reached the end of the leash, the force almost dislocated my shoulder!

Amazing amount of strength in his 35 Lb. frame, if he was a car, I think he’d be an Ariel Atom (0-60 in 2.9 seconds)

I like the sleeping pose from 10-12 that is at the bottom of the page now. That is my favorite pose for the dogs I have to deal with.

Your friend

Hi Cooper! I’m Nathan, a dachshund that is served by Baker. I didn’t see this thread until now, I have to be careful about using the computer when Baker isn’t around, and keep my posting to a minimum.

I came to Baker almost three years ago after my people left me in a doggie prison. I was only seven months old, and don’t know what I did wrong.

She lets me sleep on the bed because I am something called “trained” I guess that’s a good thing. She takes me to the dog park to meet and greet. I get to lord it over the shudder cat that lives here, Atilla. But Baker won’t let me eat the cat’s food, why I don’t know.

It’s too bad Baker is the only human here, I have to wait for her to come back from the place where she gets the stuff to buy me treats and toys. But sometimes she take me with her when she visits her mother, to wash clothes(why do humans need them?) and her mother has treats for me and give me almost as many as I want.

Got to go, she’s coming up the stairs.

It’s been a while, niece is healing up nicely and doesn’t hate me, thank the flying spa-get-ee monster (Dad told me to make that joke, dunno what that means), even better, I think the cats are starting to tolerate me too

I was able to give both of them a good sniffing and all they did was growl and hiss a little, I just need to control my need to chase when they run, it’s just my instinct is all, I don’t mean any harm, just can’t help myself

I did another bad thing :frowning:

A couple days ago I pulled Dad off balance, and he ended up badly spraining his thumb tip, sorry Dad, I’m trying, really I am…

I’m a lot better with the cats now, we can hang out in Dad’s bedroom and I don’t chase them, the only time I chase them is when they run and trigger my prey drive and instinct to chase

But tonight, I didn’t chase them, Dad told me not to and I listened this time! And I got my nummy sea jerky treats in the process…

Dad got curious a few minutes ago, and decided to measure my voice parameters with his phone… This is what he found…

Bark decibel level… 110 dB (8x louder than the hearing damage threshold) he says that’s very impressive

Peak bark frequency; approx. 700-ish Hz, a low bass-y bark

Here’s a video of Nephew giving me one of my treats, look how high I can jump!
Cooper gets some air
Sorry about the vertical video, Dad had to shoot at way to get me in frame

MachTec - Have you tried a Gentle Leader collar? It’s like a halter on a horse. It controls the head, thereby controlling the rest of the dog. It’s very good for training a strong dog not to pull.


Hey Cooper, Demon here.

You jump good, not as good as me but then I am a cat.

You behave much better than I do too. :cool:

Dad let me stay in last night & sleep with him. mom kept pushing me away. She says My claws are too sharp and she can’t take the kneading…

You are a great size for a dog as I am for a cat.

Oh & you would only chase me once. I would read to you out of the book & then we would be fine together.

Post more often as I really enjoy chatting with you.

Here is a picture of me sleeping while Dad pounds on the computer keyboard. * ( He gets cranky when I do that. He won’t share it. I Don’t understand but I am as stubborn as he is. Bawahahaha ) *:smiley:

Demon with Dad

Yes, I have one for him, when I remember to use it on him, he’s fine, doesn’t pull at all

However I think Cooper is scared of it, as he shies away when I install it, guess ill have to bribe him with Sea Jerky to break him of that fear reaction

Cooper - Here’s the dog treat recipe for your dad to make. They’re Incredibly stinky and incredibly tasty!

Liver Dog Treats


1 lb liver (any kind - I use chicken livers because they’re cheap)
1 1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup wheat germ (or oatmeal)
1 cup low-sodium beef broth
1 egg
1 teaspoon granulated garlic (not garlic salt or fresh garlic)
1/2 cup dried parsley (optional)


  1. Preheat oven to 350º F.
  2. Liquefy the liver in a food processor; pour into a separate bowl. Add remaining ingredients. Mix until smooth like brownie batter. Spread out evenly on a greased or parchment paper-lined 9 X 13 jelly roll pan. Dough should be about 1/3” – 1/2" thick.
  3. Bake for 35-40 minutes.
  4. When cool, cut into small squares or other preferred shapes. Refrigerate in a ziplock bag.

Note: ingredients are flexible; it’s the liver they love!

Whoo’s a good dog? Whoooo’s a good dog?!

I mean it. I wanna know who is a good dog.

Cooper this is Nathan again. My mom Baker took me to see Santa Claus last weekend, and I got my picture taken! I tried to lick Santa’s face, but then they got my attnetion with a squeaky toy and when I looked up they took the snapshot.

You should make your Dad take you to get your picture taken with Santa. I even got a treat!

Oh boy, oh boy, so much to tell, sorry I haven’t posted in a while, Dad hides the ipad thingy on me, he’s selfish that way…

Where do I start, okay, like this…

I met a weird looking kitty that has a bald tail and “more teeth than the entire osmond family” (dad told me to make that joke) and rolled up in a ball and acted like it’s dead when I chased it, dad got mad and told me to not chase it and I was being bad, as I pulled the leash out of his hand, he said I was lucky it was not a rack-ooon (whatever that is, sounds like another kind of kitty to me) and was only an uh-poss-em or something, I just wanted to be freinds with it, i didn’t hurt it, it didn’t hurt me

We’ve been going to the beach a lot too, I like the really big beach, dad calls it Long Sands, in York Maine, and he’s right, it is a lonnnnnngggg beach, I even started to play in the tide pools, and y’know, aside from being really, really cold, the water isn’t so bad, plus I get lots of seaweed to shred, and those funny looking feral chickens that fly away when I chase them (I could swear I keep hearing them say “Mine!!!” When they call), they seem even stupider than Sis’s chickens…

I met two new freinds at the beach today, two older dogs that weren’t tethered to their human, even though all dogs need to keep their humans on a leash to keep them from going away, I scared Dad at first, as I was barking like crazy and straining against the leash, but once we got to nose length, we just engaged in the Doggie Standard Greeting, and were bestest freinds, dad thought my “I wanna be bestest freinds” bark was actually an “I wanna eat your face off” bark, how stupid is that?

However, all is not well in Cooperland…

Nephew has brought over another scary monster, a shiny golden colored coiled tube that makes a horrible sound when he presses it to his face and blows in it, it makes an absolutely horrible scream, this “Beau-gull Monster”, it’s worse than the SodaStream Monster, at least that makes fizzy water, this Beu-Gull Monster seems to serve no purpose other than to scare me, and to make matters worse, nephew and dad are always teasing me about how funny they think it is that the Beau-gull Monster scares me so…

I just have a thing about unexpected noises, they freak me out, I blame Not-Home’s evil larval human demonthing, try having a larval human shrieking in your ears sometimes, it’s Not Fun!

Anyway, that’s my world so far, maybe dad can let me talk some more later

Cooper, I am sorry your human is being so inhuman to you lately. They get weird like that sometimes.

My human fed me real good today and then tonight he scritched me all over until I could not move. He got every itch I had or thought I had. I was a limp noodle. I slept like the dead for an hour. Sheer bliss.

Your friend Zeus.