Did people really think it was "Excuse me while I kiss this guy"?

Yeah, Hendrix doesn’t really come across to me as one of the more mush-mouthed singers. I don’t really care about lyrics, but his were pretty easy to understand.

This is a quote of two lines from David Bowie’s “Life on Mars,” but with “Dave,” presumably referring to Bowie, substituted for “Lennon.”

Thank you! That song has bothered me for years. I only hear it on the Geezer Rock radio station and they never tell the name of the song or the group.

I kept meaning to look it up from the lyrics I did understand but when I’d be at a computer and would think of it, all I could ever remember is “I don’t care about FBI”. I was pretty damn sure that wasn’t what they were singing but I could never get it to sound like anything else.

There was another song that I had no idea I had wrong until it came out on one of those Songs of the 70’s sort of albums and I saw the title Radar Love scroll by. Up till that moment, I’d always thought it was Red Eye Love. :smack:

I have no idea what that was supposed to mean but I have to admit that the song has seemed a little duller for me since then.

I’m still trying to figure out who the hell "Bingo Jed" is, and why he had a light on.

Now I’ve mentioned before a number of my mondegreens, including “Just like the one-winged dove” from Stevie Nicks’s Edge of Seventeen and how I heard “Sugar Bear” in Elton John’s Someone Saved My Life Tonight and, thinking that sounded stupid so they’re obviously singing “Should’ve they?” (er… no, it’s “Sugar Bear”.)

But I don’t think I’ve mentioned my most embarrassing one of all, one that my wife still mocks me to this day, years after she corrected me. In my defense(?)… naw, there’s no defense. I was just completely stupid. And had I bothered to learn the title of this 70s soft-rock song, there would be no mocking.


So there’s this song that I thought (even though the word “woman” is used during the verses) had the chorus:

Wow! It’s the most openly gay song in history - the artist(s) must have been really brave to come out with such a song 30+ years ago!

Uh… no. Apparently the guy is singing

To be honest, like “Sugar Bear/Should’ve They”, I like my version better. :smiley:

In Van Morrison’s Brown Eyed Girl, I heard Lah-tee-dah as Lucky Duck. Made total sense to me, but then again, I was about five when that song was getting air play. I still like it better that way.

Born in 1973, I wasn’t sure if it was Kiss This Guy or Kiss The Sky. Was a fight between something slightly nonsensical given the lyrics or a phrase I hadn’t heard before.

Fools! It’s “Big ol’ Chad had a light on”.

My favorite misheard lyric (I didn’t hear it wrong - I read it on a website) was from the Replacements song “Never Mind”: For the line “All over but the shouting” someone thought it was “I overbooked the chalet”.

JET! by Paul McCartney and Wings… I had different lyrics for it every single time it played.

Firstly, thanks to the OP for shouting out at Superstars of the 70’s. I still have my copy (LP) that I bought with my very own money in the early 70’s.

My favorite mondegreen is a friend’s young daughter who thought Crystal Gayle was not singing “Don’t It Make My Brown Eyes Blue”, but “Don’t It Make My Brownies Smooth”.

When I was a tiny Methodist, I sang, “With the cross of Jesus, dragging on the floor.”

Well, I was a young teenager when that first Hendrix album was released (late '60s, not early '70s), and I thought he was singing “'Scuse me while I piss this guy.” I just figured it was some vulgar slang term I’d never been exposed to.