Do vampires, fairies and werewolves exist?

No, we do not.


And ours is just about as smart!


Funny, the people who believe they are vampires think it goes the opposite way. They get nourishment from your energy, but it doesn’t hurt you.

They are called psychic vampires (yes, there is actually a name for them). I had one, considered her my best friend. I lost 30 lbs during the time I knew her, due to the stress of just dealing with her drama. I know vampires aren’t real but some people can really just suck the life out of you. For me, ironically, I lost physical weight but got addicted to being around her.

Sometimes I wish I had her back. I need to lose 30 lbs.


Not cool.

Yes, of course there are real vampires and fairies, and if you’re a very good Doper, then Santa will leave one in your stocking this Christmas.
But not werewolves, that’s just silly.

My GreatGrandfather staked a vampire. In fact I have told the story here.

I doubt there was anything supernatural going on, however. But very real to them.

To the best of my knowledge, there is no empirical evidence that V/F/W exist, nor are there any hypothesis that reconcile the characteristics of V/F/W with what we know of biology, therefore I live my life as though they do not exist while being prepared to examine new evidence if it should arise. Having observed some humans’ eagerness to engage in magical thinking, however, I maintain some of my highest level of skeptisim for these topics.

That’s a whoosh, right?

Because everyone knows werewolves revert to the human form at death, vampires are human, so their bones don’t look any different, and fairies don’t have bones, just cartilage which degrades fairly quickly.

OK, modestly smarter.

I’m a generous man.


I don’t know why I didn’t close this one earlier.

samclem, moderator


Bosda. “and ours is just about as smart” is insulting a poster in General Questions. Try to refrain from this kind of thing.
