Do women like pantyhose?

Agreed. I dislike wearing nylons (what most people think of when they see the word “pantyhose”). They tend to be itchy and either too tight, which leaves a stomach roll no matter how fit you are, or too loose. When they’re too loose, you could pull them up over your bra and they’d still bag. Victoria’s Secret makes low-rise ones now, but since I put runs and holes in them no matter how expensive they are, I just buy the cheap ones.

Tights, on the other hand, can be very soft and warm, and for some odd reason I don’t have the sizing problems I do with nylons. Also, they’re a lot easier to find in non-control top version. I refuse to wear control-top anything. Tights also come in different colors and textures, so that’s fun too.

I wear thigh-highs because I am required to wear nylons at work, and I certainly wouldn’t choose to wear them everyday, but I don’t really mind it. It’s kind of sexy, actually. I just wish they’d last longer because it’s a big money eater.

“like,” no, not really.

But I have to admit that my legs look better in hose than they do w/o hose - and I already have great legs. If it weren’t for their tendency to self-destruct when you look at them funny, they wouldn’t be that big of a deal. As it is, they’re too expensive for the number of uses/pair.
Tights last longer, but they’re itchier and harder to scratch through.
Thigh highs rarely come in a workable size, and can only really be worn under really long and really full skirts.

I used to wear them (with control top) with pettilegs and skirts, or with pants that would leave my butt to waggle too much without a control top (rayon trousers, etc.). The only thing I liked about them was the feeling that I went the extra mile to dress up. They made me feel more formal for job interviews.

Other that than, I hate them. Mostly because to get my size and control top is at least $6 and they run the first wearing, and because they are frigging uncomfortable. And they necessitate Static Guard which smells weird.

I basically don’t wear socks at all, even in New England snowstorms.

Don’t like them. They’re uncomfortable, and either dig in at the waist, or gradually slide down as you walk. I wear knee-highs if I have to wear something nylonish. Most of the time I were knee or thigh-high cotton socks.

“Wear”. Cripes.

gigi, what is or are pettilegs?

Same as pettipants, a split slip undergarment. I wore these AND skirts, not one or the other as my post might imply :eek:

I don’t “like” them. They’re a necessity sometimes. I wear them with dresses/skirts in the fall/winter. I’m bare-legged as soon as sandals are workable. Under trousers I wear trouser socks or knee highs.


No. The top part always shifts downward and makes the chafing between my legs even worse than it would be with nothing, and on top of that they’re really uncomfortable. Seems like anything can cause the shift- sitting down, getting up, going to the bathroom (why can’t you ever get pantyhose right twice?).

And it’s not like anyone would believe that my legs are tan when the rest of me is so much lighter, anyway. If my white legs bother someone, my white arms probably do, too.

What Anne Neville said. The acrobatics involved in getting into them often take me from one end of my bedroom to the other, and it’s all but impossible to duplicate the phenomenon in a public restroom.

I’ll wear them for fancy things when I feel I can’t get away without them. Most especially if my dress is less than mid-calf length. I do not have attractive legs. But I don’t have attractive lots of things, so I say the hell with it most of the time.

I hate the fact that if I know I need to wear pantyhose for something, I have to buy two pairs–because chances are quite good that I’m going to stick my hand right through the first pair I try to put on.

In the summer, I’d much rather wear a skirt and sandals. In cooler weather or dressier occasions I don’t mind pantyhose, but only if they are the cheap, pale non-control top type. God save me from the expensive ones my mother tries to pawn off on me. I am pale, I do not need to where old lady dark tan colored stockings, thank you very much. I think black ones look bad on me as well. And after one stupendous failure with a garter belt and real stockings, I’ll save those for recreational purposes.

Absolutely! If I don’t rip them with my fingernails, I’ll rip them with my toenails…

And there’s that seam that’s supposed to be at the end of your toes, but never is. It either makes the bottom of your foot uncomfortable, or the top.

Heaven forbid it get stuck between your pinky-toe knuckle and a tight pair of shoes.

No - I never wear them. I don’t even own a pair.

If I’m wearing something really clingy I have a couple of “foundation garments” (basically super elasticy tubes that Selma Hyiak got me on to) to keep my ass jiggle at bay.

Otherwise I’m bear legs or tights, all the way.

(boldng mine)
You should probably shave.

If I had bear legs, I think I might wear the hose. :smiley:

That said, I wear them to work in the winter, or when I’m dressing up. I like how the control top makes my figure look more streamlined, so when I’m wearing a more snug outfit, I prefer to wear hose. Not in the summer, though. Never in summer. Yuck.

I don’t mind tights, but pantyhose aren’t very sturdy. Like many who have posted, I can’t wear a skirt or dress without them, but I rarely feel a need to wear a skirt or dress.

TMI: Since the summer I stopped wearing full hose (and therefore skirts), I’ve never had a yeast infection again. With hose, it was pretty much constant.

I’ve never found a pair of black hose that weren’t crap for less than $20. Cheap black hose are streaky and uneven. If you *must * wear hose, and don’t care to spend the $20 (and who the hell could blame you?) you’re *always * better off with nude.

Wow, I must be lucky. Though I hate pantyhose because they’re friggin’ ugly as sin, I don’t find them that uncomfortable. But I’ve probably only worn them about a dozen times in my life.

Stockings, on the other hand, are teh sexy. My back-seam fishnets get brought out pretty often.
alice_in_wonderland,** do you have a link to the brand you’re talking about?