Do women like pantyhose?

I had to do just that at one time. When I was eleven and just starting junior high school, the privileges of growing up included permission for leg-shaving and nylon-wearing (no pantyhose invented yet). My mother told me I could wear nylons, but that I was too young to shave my legs.

Ewww. :eek:

I got teased a lot.

I do because my legs are thinnish and I think they make my legs look better. Otherwise it looks like I have two white sticks attached to clown feet.

Oooo, thanks! I’ve ordered some. It never occurred to me that such a product existed.

Pantyhose are eeeeeevil. I am convinced they were invented by some sadistic, misogynistic man as a tool of oppression. I have a drawerful of them, because back when I used to wear them regularly, I would buy them whenever I saw non-hideous ones on sale. Black doesn’t match everything, nude is practically never in a color that doesn’t make my legs look oddly jaundiced, and then there are other colors (gray, brown, ivory, etc.) that I have bought at various times in a vain attempt to have a pair that will match whatever I am wearing in an emergency.

I can’t remember the last time I had to wear a pair; lately they are for weddings and job interviews, and not even all weddings, for that matter. But I still can’t bring myself to get rid of them; after all, I spent a lot of money on the darn things! I always have the urge to scratch my legs when I wear them, though they do make it much more comfortable (and less blistery) to wear dress shoes. But then there’s the obvious solution; don’t wear dress shoes, either! Yay for business casual workplace attire.

Hey folks - I’m part sasquatch, being from this part of the world - I gots me some fur…


As to this:

Was it the tube type items you were wondering about, or was it another poster you were inquiring about? I do wear stockings but they’re just WonderBra brand.

One night of the week I work with these two middle-aged black ladies, of the hat-wearing-total-matching-dressed-UP-for-church vintage. They really, honestly don’t believe me when I tell them that white girls don’t all wear hose to church these days. Now, when I come in in a skirt, they check my legs because they don’t really, honestly believe that a lady like me would go bare-legged.

Imagine their shock when I told them that another of the librarians usually doesn’t wear underwear.

Bah, looks like I’m the weird one again. I like pantyhose because they make my legs look pretty and I don’t find them terribly uncomfortable or anything. I wear them nearly every day that I work. As long as I buy a brand with plenty of spandex, they last me quite a while.

I just don’t know how to dress without them. The other day I saw a lady who was wearing a skirt and closed-toe dress shoes without hose, and she didn’t look bad. On the other hand, she was only about nineteen years old…and wouldn’t dress shoes without hose cause blisters and/or the ruination of the shoes?

I’m reminded by this thread that my wife hasn’t worn pantyhose in years. I’m beginning to think they’re on their way out, and that in five years you’ll have to go a specialty shop to buy them. Kind of like spats.

Oh, trust me, the black lady church set believes in pantyhose. Maybe you’ll have to go to an African American beauty shop to buy them, but they’re not giving them up any time soon.

I’m in the minority here…I like pantyhose. I wear skirts or dresses nearly everyday, and I think my pasty, flabby legs look much better in hose than out. I feel more dressed up and professional, and they give me a smoother look. Now that I’ve lost weight, my thighs don’t rub together as much, so the hose last quite a long time…usually two weeks, and I’m opening boxes, putting away shipments, climbing ladders…I’m not sitting somewhere all lady-like. Sometimes I’ll even wear pantyhose under slacks, just for the little extra bit of control. I’ve tried to use just a shapewear thing that only comes to the knees, but then you get that fat roll at the knees. I have no problem sliding them down and back up to go potty, and the warmth problem isn’t that great…all that air circulating in a skirt keeps me cool. A friend encouraged me to try thigh-highs, but I’m too pudgy at the top of the legs for that…all the pudge then rubs together, and bare skin chafes. Plus it doesn’t look all that great…the contrast between the top of the stockings and the bare flesh…only looks good on fit, thin, tan women. Plus I don’t like the feel of bare feet in dress shoes.

See, any kind of garment for which “lasts two weeks” is a long time shouldn’t be used.

I don’t think I’ve ever worn pantyhose. I was a dancer in junior high and high school and so I always had a ready supply of tights around the house; those are my default leg coverings in the winter. In the summer, I prefer to get a pedicure, wear pretty sandals, and use the lightest shade of sunless tanner, just so no one is accidentally blinded by the glare of my white legs. (Not here in Bulgaria, though, now it’s like, “fuck it, deal with my nasty toes because there’s no way I’m going to get a pedicure to walk around in the dusty streets with my flip flops”.)

I used to have to wear hose or tights for work, as a waitress. Three summers - Mother’s Day to Thanksgiving (October in Canada!), 5-6 days a week, in a golf club with no air conditioning (the building was from the 1920s). It was hell. They might add a nice layer of warmth during the winter, but they are just too damn hot and itchy during the summer, especially in the kitchen on a busy night!

I started off buying good quality pairs, but over time gave up, since they were that much more expensive to replace when they got torn or spilled on. It got to the point where I was buying the cheapest ones I could get (often from the Dollarama), wearing them until they got too full of runs to get away with wearing them again, then tossing them in the garbage. One pair might last about 4 days, if everything went well. As for washing them - forget it. These were cheap enough that they’d disintegrate, no matter how gentle your wash cycle!

Add to that the fact that the skirts we had to wear were handmade by the crazy, drunken managers’ wife, out of what I’m pretty sure was curtain fabric, and you might understand why I will do everything I can never to have to wear them again!

There was only one good thing about that uniform - these nasty ugly pink, yellow and red with green or blue background wrap-around, knee length floral skirts were GREAT at covering up food stains obtained while working!

Actually, I just had to show you all the indignity of that skirt pattern. I was somthing very similar, if not exactly, this:

In defence of that golf club, I know for a fact that the new manager (the assistant at the time) brought in new, much more dignified uniforms after the old drunk retired. The year after I left.

I don’t like pantyhose, and almost never wear it. I almost never wear skirts or dresses, either. When I do wear pantyhose, it is always pantyhose with lycra in it - they cost a bit more, but they fit like a dream, and they last five times longer than pantyhose without it. I only wear two colours, too - smoke/charcoal with dark clothes, and linen with light clothes. Never mind black pantyhose - smoke or charcoal looks much classier than black, and without the streaking and weirdness of black pantyhose.

The linen-coloured hose looks surprisingly good with my whiteness. Add me to the list of people who can’t be bothered to worry about my white legs.