Do you like lima beans?

Love lima beans!
(They’re the same as butterbeans, really? I never knew that.)
No special recipe comes to mind, though. I rarely make soup that doesn’t involve some sort of beans.

Fava beans have a similar buttery flavour, IMO. It’s a little bit of a pain to prepare fresh ones because you have to remove the skins, but OMFG they are good. Boil quickly and remove skins, then sautee in a little olive oil with garlic, salt and thyme. This would work equally well with limas, I think.

I’ll eat them without complaint, but there are plenty of other vegetables (including plenty of other beans) that I like much more. I don’t think I’ve ever chosen them over other alternatives.

Hate them and won’t eat them under any circumstances or in any dish. Period.

Aren’t Lima Beans the smaller, immature, green Butterbeans? Between the two, I like the large mature and sweeter Butterbean especially with Tomatoes, garlic, onions, and olive oil in a baked Greek Style. Plaki Gigantes. But I also enjoy both with just some butter and hot sauce.

I liked Lima beans when I was young because they were easy to spear with my fork. This is no longer an issue for me, so I give them an unqualified thumbs down.

No option for “I don’t know since I’ve never tried them”? I doubt that I’d like them, since the only way I can eat every other bean I’ve tried is to swallow them whole. I don’t like the texture of beans.

They’re fairly unexciting. I’ll eat them if they’re served to me but I’ve never gone out of my way to buy them.

HATE them with the kind of undying passion that would be best served elsewhere in my life.

Somewhere on the Dope either I or somebody else posted that ‘the species should be ripped from the ground and the ground sown with salt.’

That is how much I hate lima beans.

I really like lima beans. I find this pretty strange since I am a very picky eater. We never had them growing up because I’m the only one in the family who likes them. I should get some.

I kind of like the style of traditional sweet mollasses baked bean I have had on occasion that are made from scratch and include a mix of dried butterbeans aloing with the navy beans and bacon. That’s the way Tony Packo’s Hungarian Cafe’/Deli used to make their baked beans, don’t know if they still do?

It’s the texture.

Thoroughly dry out some old-fashion school paste in little patties. Slightly rehydrate. Add butter and salt. Enjoy!

You forgot the option for “I loathe and detest both the taste and texture with the nausea of a thousand upchucking, um, upchuckers”. So I went with “don’t like them”.

Those of you who like them, however, are welcome to my share. Can I have your beets and turnips?

I LOVE them. Absolutely plain. I have a preference for the big squishy ones, but will gladly take the smaller, firmer variety if offered.

Loooooove 'em! I was luke warm about them till I started cooking them myself. Turns out Mom overcooked them (she tended to cook the hell out of veggies) and they’re* delicious*. Succotash is my favorite.

I can eat 'em, but to me they have a very slight bitter aftertaste. Not a big fan. I prefer pintos.

Nope…the thought of eating them, makes me gag.:mad:

I think a frozen and thawed package of the young green Lima Beans would go well with thawed green peas, and maybe a third legume or runner to round them out in a typical sweet and sour 3 bean Salad vinaigrettte with fresh bacon. Maybe some blanched and bacon fried Kentucky Wonders as the third legume. Interesting take on 3 b3an.

LOVE THEM. The small firm ones, heated thru but not overcooked, a pinch of salt and melted butter… mmmmm.

I think I might fix some tomorrow in fact.

I like lima beans but I do realize how unpopular they are. For example, in my own family, I’m the only one who likes them.

Lima beans are good on their own but I think you’re underestimating how much better they are in soups. Unfortunately, you don’t see lima bean & ham soup on menus too often. One place where they had it was this roadside café (The Cottage Inn) in Cle Elum, Washington. It was made with a creamy tomato-based broth with chunks of ham, potato, and other vegetables along with the lima beans. The few times I’ve made lima bean & ham soup, I’ve pretty much tried to duplicate this recipe from my memory.

Incidentally, did anybody have their first experience eating lima beans by way of Campbell’s Alphabet Vegetable Soup? That’s where I first ate them.

Lima beans - another good vegetable, typically overcooked.
