Does a duck's quack echo?

I actually asked the duck question at the Londope Pub Quiz, just for the hell of it.

Not only does a duck’s quack echo, but researchers at the University of Salford actually put a duck in an echo chamber and recorded it, just to make sure. The BBC was even kind enough to disseminate this important scientific finding (thank you, Radio 4). Research money well-spent, say I.

Evidently threads on duck-quacks can and do echo, endlessly.

Why does this question come up so often? I recieved similar falicies in my email about ducks quack not echoing, and the very first time I heard it, I new it was false; why would it not?

Does anyone actually have to think about it? Why do people keep repeating it (the ducks quack not echoing is echoing alot)

It keeps coming up cause it’d be cool if it were true. One of those things people want to believe.

Everyone knows that a duck’s quack does echo, but I’m suprised no one has brought up the lack of echo from the gobble of a turkey.

Don’t make me come over there and pimpslap you, moejuck