facts is facts

No!!! Not a xkcd cite!:eek:

I am pwned!

It’s always possible that my tongue is in my cheek.

Adama will always be Ben Cartwright.

Here is an example. Gordon. I happen to remember his name for whatever reason. I think he’s cool and I rewatched the ep where he was introduced. Skye’s mom (still don’t know her name) called him Gordon, and I remember that. I don’t correct other people for calling him “Eyeless Joe” or whatever. It’s clear who they mean and nicknames are fun. I’ll call him Gordon. Eventually, others will too but it might take awhile. No big deal.

Har! :smiley:

You’ve done a man’s job, sir!

You mean Ben Cartwright, don’t you?



To me, he’ll always be American Me…

It’s too bad he won’t live. But then again, who does?

You should really check out Gonzales in the Battlestar reboot. He’s great.

He really was. I grew up with the original and loved the reboot. Each has its place.

And they have a plan.

“All this has happened before, and all of it will happen again.”

That should really replace the motto for this board.

“Someone has said this before, and someone will say it again.”


So say we all.

I find the practice DrDeth has a problem with actually makes the thread more interesting to read.

For example, in the Under the Dome thread when posters began calling the woman cop who was almost a dead-ringer for the cop named Jo in Eureka “Not Jo” I thought it was hilarious and kept reading the thread even though Under the Dome suuuuuuucks.

Start calling him Castillo.

“Tubbs! Crocket! Get in here!”

As per my previous post, I prefer Gaff.

Cylons are dangerous villains from the planet of the toaster people. Any story that asserts otherwise is a story I don’t care to have told to me.

Cylons are hot chicks who will bang your brains out.

I wanna see Galen Tyrol (Aaron Douglas). He had some acting chops.