Famous people who are considered unattractive but you think are HOT

Allison Mack. Most Smallville fans I’ve met like Kreuk or Erica Durrance better, but I’ll always be a Mack-man.

Hee hee, I’m so clever.

Now, no.

As Wednesday Addams, probably. (She’s older than me, which I consider to be an important detail.)

Bea Arthur. I’ve had a mini-crush on her for years.

Mack or Durance are about the same page of hot in my book. Kreuk isn’t even in the book. Durance is closer to typical showbiz beauty, and Clark’s idiocy when it comes to Lana vs. Cloe makes me want to smack him upside the head with a chunk of kryptonite, preferably green.

Yeaaaa, I’d like to get me some of that. :smiley:

Agnes Moorehead, young OR old
Courtney Love
Cyndi Lauper (young or old)
I 3rd Sandra Bernhard
Dog the Bounty Hunter’s wife (Beth?)
Annie Lennox
Yeardley Smith

As of late, and for reasons I can’t readily explain: ESPN’s Linda Cohn.

I used to work with Nicole Sullivan when she was in college. She was a very attractive and outgoing girl.

I don’t talk to a lot of people over 20 about who they think is hot, so people that teens think are ugly that I think are to die for:

Viggo Mortensen (OMG he’s in his 40s!)
Sean Bean
Alan Rickman
older aged Sean Connery
Tilda Swinton
Liam Neeson
Harrison Ford

People think ANY of these people are unattractive? They’re all way, way hot. I also have to go :confused: at anyone who would call Clive Owen unattractive. He’s smokin’.

Patricia Heaton. I kid you not.

Joaquin droooool
Honorable mention goes to Elliot Yamin.

Damn, I was just thinking that as “Raymond” is on TV behind me. Is she considered unattractive??

(I did see her interviewed on TV once, though, and she came across as incredibly flakey, which lessened the hotness factor a bit.)

I had a boner for Tori Spelling on 90210.

He is exactly who I thought of right off! Not good looking, but damn! He’s sexy!

Faramir is David Wenham and I agree he’s hot. And you’re right about Denzel Washington too.

I like Alan Rickman and Malcolm McDowell (No! not Roddy) too.
But Barry Manilow???

He’s an ugly man even when he’s not in monster make-up, but I have to confess I find Ron Perlman strangely compelling.

Not in any universe I’m aware of.

Nobody’s mentioned my secret boyfriend, Christopher Walken?

I don’t know a single person who considers either one of those ladies to be unattractive. They were both models, for pity’s sake!

I also said:

Qualifying my statement. I can’t think of any outright ugly or unattractive people in show business. These are the ones who were looked over – closest I could come.