Famous people who are considered unattractive but you think are HOT

Oooooh, yes. I met Ron Perlman briefly at a science fiction convention, and he is a definite hottie. Even when he isn’t “Hellboy.”

I wonder how Bjork is generally regarded.

I think he’s supposed to be hot, like the perfect boyfriend-type. He’s hot to me!

I’m not sure if Fred Armisen is supposed to be attractive or not, but I think he’s hot.

Alice Cooper

Jon Favreau (God, I love sarcasm)
Ray Liotta (intense, with those gorgeous blue eyes)
Willem Defoe (smart, sexy)
Roy Scheider (pre-surgery)
Giovanni Ribisi (a damn fine actor, too)
Vin Diesel (I have no excuse)
Michael Palin (adorable, funny)
Alan Cumming (so freakin’ sexy)
Billy Connolly (outrageous, hilarious)
Jason Lee (kinda dorky, but cute in an awkward kind of way)
James Gandolfini (bad boy)

Laura Dern!


I think Shirley Manson, singer for the band Garbage, is generally not considered classically attractive. But I think she’s smokin’, especially her velvety voice.

Gary Busey. Oddly enough, his picture on the IMDB looks solidly attractive. I find him hotter when he looks more like the guy who’s been drunk for two days and can’t dress himself.

Eugene Levy.

I’ll agree with Christopher Walken, James Gandolfini (oh yeah!), and John Goodman. And I’ll add… Ben Stein. I’ve often wondered what sex would be like with him. It would either be very clinical and methodical or wildly passionate.

Oh wait! Dr. Drew!!! I LOVE Dr. Drew. You just know his wife wears a smile 24/7.

Why yes! I love smart, nerdy guys.

At the risk of hijacking this thread, I think this may be true of women in show biz, but not so much for men. Women in Hollywood who are supposed to be “unattractive” would still be the most beautiful woman in any given room out in the “real world”. But men, well, Benicio del Torro and Steve Buscemi, imho, would both be considered “unattractive” by just about any standards (even though a lot of women find them hot).

Bruce Willis (particularly Bald Bruce Willis) and especially David Ducovey, who is much better looking put together than he should be, considering his individual features are nothing special.

I agree, you are probably right in this.

Sure you want to admit to that middle one? :stuck_out_tongue:
She was kind of … young. For my ownself, I’ll admit that when I saw CR in the Addams family movies, I thought she’d probably GROW UP to be hot–but she was way too young to be hot back then.

The whole problem with this thread is not that there are few unattractive people (particularly women) in show business, which is true, but that there are enough individual tastes and preferences in what people consider “attractive” that the question is rendered pretty much meaningless.

There’s basically no way for this thread not to be offensive to someone, but to try to stay true to the intent of the OP, it is important to choose someone who really breaks all the ‘standard’ rules of Hollywood attractiveness. If I may go out on a limb, I’ll try to identify some of the criteria & give examples that some of you have listed already:

  • Wrinkly and/or saggy face (ie. Benicio Del Toro - who I agree is Hottie McHotstuff)
  • Bad Teeth (ie. Elliott Yamin, Steve Buscemi)
  • Bad Skin (ie. Edward James Olmos, Ray Liotta - barely, his hotness pretty much overcomes that…)
  • Much Fatter/Thinner than average (ie. John Goodman, DJ Qualls, James Gandolfini, Roseanne Barr - in her earlier days. She’s not much bigger than average now.)
  • Elderly - like over 70 (not over 40). Say, someone gets a boner over Rue McLananahan or Doris Roberts, for example…
  • A “character” face more than a classically beautiful one - this one is tough to identify and will vary a lot depending on people’s own tastes, but I’d put Ron Perlman, Sarah Gilbert (barely), Gary Busey, Eugene Levy, Christopher Walken, Laura Dern (I’d also add Camryn Manneheim and S. Epatha Merkerson) in this category.

Who doesn’t count would be someone that a person might not consider their type, but overall fits the prevailing standard of beauty. Therefore, these people don’t count:
Christina Ricci
Patricia Heaton
Penelope Cruz
Shirley Manson from Garbage
Dr. Drew
Natasha Lyonne

I welcome dissenting opinions. :wink:

I’d like to add Scottish actor Tommy Flanagan, who had key roles in Braveheart and Gladiator, and bunches of other movies. He’s quite recognizeable due to a large scar on his face (criteria #6), and is just…so…yummy.

I’d like to add Scottish actor Tommy Flanagan, who had key roles in Braveheart and Gladiator, and bunches of other movies. He’s quite recognizeable due to a large scar on his face (criteria #6), and is just…so…yummy.

Yoink! Could a mod please delete the duplicate post?
And to clarify one thing (then I’ll shut up, promise):

Let’s change that to “who breaks at least one of the ‘standard’ rules…”

After two of these: :smack: :smack: , it’s time to go do something else now.

re Ricci:

Some of us were rather young ourselves at the time. She was “hot.”

I agree with John Goodman and Christopher Walken, and add Billy Bob Thorton. Yum!