Fired! For Turning Head On A Live Game At A Casino?

This just keeps getting better!

I think we are somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert, riding a Vincent Black Shadow.

Thank goodness you’re back to clarify whatever the fuck this trainwreck is about.

I’m getting this vibe.

well thank you for clearing that up. I thought I had no fucking clue what you were talking about earlier, now I know I have no fucking clue what you’re talking about.

Can you be fired from a casino for failing a mandatory drug test? I foresee a problem there.

Sam Rothstein: Point is, Mr. Goan is unfit to work at the Caesars Casino. He is weak, slow to learn and incompetent. I went way out of my way to be helpful to that kid and he goofed.

Commissioner Webb: Welp, I am afraid you have me checkmated, pardner. Old Smee is about as useless as teats on a bull! That being said, it does not change the fact he still is my brother-in-law and I would deeply appreciate it if you considered some more about hiring him back. Could there, say, be a position further down the trough?

Sam Rothstein: Forget it. I know who you are and I like to help people. The bottom line is, I cannot have a man like that working for me. Sorry this cannot be more favorable.

Wow, thanks for coming back with that… super helpful update.

With a banana slug!

Ouch. Let me see…

I have been away from my computer for the day to prepare for the interview, which will be happening shortly, and as such was unable to return to the thread until now.

I appreciated the humor as well as the information on how a dealer should be interacting with a pit boss.

It’s funny the attitude that people have towards casinos, considering the state of “legitimate” financial investments. Per the New York Stock Exchange’s fluctuations, my investments lost $750 this morning.

My current employment covers my basics and allows me to stay well-fed, but I shall see what this opportunity brings.
… I think. (I really hope that’s what he means by “belly-job” because whoa, you do not want to know what Urban Dictionary thinks. (It’s what you’d expect from UD.)

Pretty sure this is bat country.

Just so as you know I was convinced the guy got fired because the pit boss was watching the game on TV and, when the dealer turned his head, a little bit of his neck tattoo showed above his collar :slight_smile:

Took the day off to understand the OP (soon),

Also liked the translation stuff, thanks…

Good luck with the interview, smee goan. When come back, bring update.

Ferret Herder, you and the OP deserve some sort of award for producing the most (unintentionally?) hilarious stuff I’ve ever read in my life. This really needs to be a recurring bit between you two. It’s honestly amazing. I was laughing so hard I could only manage to keep one eye open barely enough to keep reading.

Wow… that was fantastic. Thank you!

I really hope the OP comes back to tell us more :frowning:

Which didn’t prevent people from posting interesting infos about casino dealers work conditions. If only other dopers could provide poorly known trivia about motorcycles and weird stories involving ex-cops, we could thank the OP for creating a very lively and interesting thread.

I took “turning head on a live game” to mean “killing a wild gamebird (perhaps a turkey or pheasant) by wringing its neck.”

Looks like I was way off. Ignorance fought!

What’s funny was that the broken link was probably more on-point than whatever it was supposed to be:

“We are unable to process your [del]request[/del] OP at this time.
Please try again later.”

You lost 750 bucks at the NYSE? Try going to the lost property office. I’m sure some honorable person at that fine establishment will have handed in your $750 for safe keeping.

This thread makes my live game head hurt.