First Pic of Harrison Ford from Indy IV

I think that’s the best title, although Indian Jones Has Fallen and Can’t Get Up is a very close second.

Well, obviously something has to be cut. Otherwise there won’t be room for all the new sequences featuring Indy’s lifelong sidekick, Floppy Nudwacker. Lucas has realized that the adventures don’t really make any sense without Indy’s comically bumbling pal, so Floppy’s hilarious pratfalls have been seamlessly edited into all future releases.


INDY: Throw me the whip!

SATIPO: You throw me the idol, I’ll throw you the whip!

FLOPPY: Oh noesy-woes!!! (grabs both earlobes in panic, tries to run in two directions at once, and trips backwards over lever that releases giant boulder)

I thought this photo was from

Freddie Krueger; Before the Fire

Many, many years ago, Ford stated in an interview (I think for Parade magazine) that he absolutely was not going to make another Indiana Jones movie unless it was called Indiana Jones and the Comfy Chair.

The Comfy Chair!?

You have to admit, he looks pretty comfortable in that picture…

Come on… he still looks hot.


Cardinal Fang, Line 4. Cardinal Fang?

Indiana Jones and the Prostrate of Doom

He is still quite handsome :slight_smile:

Please forgive me, for I don’t intend to threadshit or anything (different strokes for different folks and all), but however entertaining the previous umpteen of these things may have been, they really seem to be humping roadkill here (no geriatric whatshisface humor intended).

How do you mean, Oh Fellow Arkansan? Given that the previous movies belong to the Fantasy genre, the assistance of make up and special effects, I don’t see that the movie will be any different from the others. If Jar Jar Binks can run, so can a 69 year old Ford. :slight_smile:

It looks to me like they pulled out his costume from Witness for that shot.

Indiana Jones and the Amish Wagon

Indiana Jones and the Medicare Part “B” Plan

Indiana Jones and the Broken Truss

Indiana Jones and the Curse of the Damned Hippies

Indiana Jones Votes Republican

Indiana Jones, I May Be Old, But I’m Banging Calista Flockhart

Indiana Jones, What’s That? Speak Up! I Can’t Hear You, Sonny!

Indiana Jones and the Search for the Lost Social Security Check

Indiana Jones and the Good Sam Club
Indiana Jones and the Lost Episodes of Matlock

Indiana Jones and the “What did I come in here for?” Quest

Gangster nailed it, Indiana Jones and the Damned Kids on the Lawn.

Who the hell is Floppy Nudwacker?

What? I can dance! Didn’t you see me at Uncle Louie’s polka party?

the Chicken Dance doesn’t count

Huh. He looks *old *to me, and not that attractive anymore. Certainly too old to be jumping around.

Indiana Jones and the Shuffleboard Court Caper

Indiana Jones and the Butterfly Ballot

Indiana Jones and the… er… what was I just saying?

Indiana Jones and These Kids Today

Indiana Jones and The Medicare Forms of Doom