First Pic of Harrison Ford from Indy IV

Indiana Jones and the Crossword Puzzle of Doom

Indiana Jones and the Missing Depends Coupon

Indiana Jones and the AARP Insurance Discount

Indiana Jones and Reader’s Digest

Indiana Jones and the Milk of Magnesia

Not so much referring to Ford, although geriatric action heroes are just plain ridiculous. It’s more about the fact that just about any movie that has numerous sequels is pretty much beating a dead horse and they can’t be all that particular about the artistic merit, not that that matters to the [del]knuckle-draggers [/del] general public. Reminds me of the bajillion Police Academy sequels.

**Indiana Jones and the Dentures Doom **


Indiana Jones and the Eternal Left Turn Signal

No, no no – you always need a Supernatural Element, and some Enemies. Nazis make the best enemies, since they’re instantly recognizable as Bad, and not confusible with potential Good Guys (the wat members of a Thuggee cult might be).
Indiana Jones and the Magic Eight Ball
Indiana Jones and the Wishing Well of Fate
Indiana Jones in the Land of Ys
(That’ll confuse those Americans!)

Indiana Jones and the Bottlecaps of Doom in Trala-la

Indiana Jones and the Runaway Sigmoidescope! :eek:

They’re filming in New Haven this week, including some scenes at Yale, so my guess is that’s the stand-in for the university where he teaches.

I thought he was looking a bit old for Indy but seeing him in the outfit just looks right.

And the reason some films have multiple sequels is because people like the film and characters and want to see more. I’d much rather have a few films with the original actors than a bad TV series.

Defibrillators of the Lost Heart

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Dementia

Indiana Jones and the Last Will and Testament

I enjoyed the origianl “Indiana Jones and the <older person stereotype>” thread.
I’m not so hot on seeing it again. I can’t and won’t stop it, but it gets annoying IMHO.
I’ll still read these threads because I like to hear any Indy IV movie news.


Is that a quote from Indiana Jones and those dangedblasted whippersnappers?
cause it sure sounds like something he would say… :smiley:

Indiana Jones and the Diversified Portfolio
Indiana Jones and the Pants of Great Height
Indiana Jones and the Sunglasses that Go Over your Regular Glasses

I wonder if he got a new hat? Or is that the same one…

Indiana Jones and the Pigeons in the Park.
I can’t believe I participated in this. :smack:

Indiana Jones and the Early Bird Special.

The climactic scene has Indy battling a phalanx of blue haired ladies for the last piece of German chocolate cake.

Indiana Jones Drives at Night.


Mini production diary of the 1st day of shooting. (mostly car scenes)

direct video link (~15MB)


Raiders of the Harrah’s Buffet.

*Indiana Jones Gets Winded and Has to Sit Down For a Little While

Indiana Jones and the Lengthy Afternoon Nap

Indiana Jones and the Giant Bowl of Colon Blow

Indiana Jones Moves to Florida Because, Dammit, It’s the Law*

Indiana! You know. Henry’s boy. He was so handsome. Always with the digging.

Indiana Jones and the Childproof Cap

Indiana Jones and the Attack of Lumbago

Indiana Jones and the Curse of the Closed Country Kitchen Buffet