Five bodies found in two cars in a lake.

I wonder how many more cars are in the lake? :eek:

They were resting comfortably in their grave. Did they just have to disturb a 50 year old grave? A lot of countries consider their fallen friends in sunken ships as graves and those wrecks are off limits to divers.

Some things are best left alone. Let the past stay in the past.

Back then, probably no seat belts worn to slow you down. Crank the window and get out. None of the occupants from either vehicle could manage this? Not saying it is impossible but that is what you would call a huge coincidence.

In this shot from Google Maps, you can see the two dark spots in the water. (from here)
Also, on Bing Maps you can see the remnants of a road right there.

These sound like the words of a guy that dumped some cars in a lake awhile back.

Nah, I wasn’t even born when that first car went into the lake. I was maybe 8 went the other one went in.

I’m just thinking of the tremendous pain this will cause the families. These people already grieved 50 years ago. They accepted that their loved ones were dead and moved on with life. Now the wound gets ripped back open? It’s going to be horrible for any surviving family.

I think that’s gravity and currents. They were also found way on the east side of the lake, where the currents head and the water’s deeper, and it’s possible to drive off the highway into kind of deep lake.[sup]1[/sup]

The news reports agree that the Camaro went missing in November of 1970. I’d bet money that’s the car, those are the kids, and it was driver error.

The other car I’ve seen reports that it went missing in ‘the early 60’s’ and that that woman’s father went missing in 1969. The only tie from the 1969 guy to the car is the woman swearing it’s got to be her grandfather. She could very easily be wrong. Her father, the guy’s son, admittedly has dementia, but didn’t recognize the car.

Maybe hitting the lake hard injured them or knocked them out. Plus, Mythbusters has covered that it’s really hard to unroll windows once you’re under water.

[sup]1[/sup] My cite for this is that this news video matches this part of the lake, and the east edge of the lake (highway 44) is actually a dam that’s 142 feet tall. Since it’s obvious from google it’s not that high above ground, it must go down deep.

That’s pretty darned interesting! I wonder how many years those dark spots have been visible on google maps? (Has it been confirmed that those dark spots are the cars?)

So there’s a dirt road with a hairpin turn. I can imagine someone coming from the bottom of the frame too fast and launching into the water just about where those dark spots are.

The road appears to end. Might have been a dock or something there years ago or maybe the lake just cut the road off and it faded out of existence. But if that’s the correct location then Bob Ducca pretty much solved it.

Might not be if there’s a current and it pushed both up against some underwater obstacle. Eventually, everything not floating or anchored will end up at the same place no matter where it entered the water.

Thanks Duckie…

It’s not really a new occurence. A car was found in Lake Crescent, in the Olympic rain forest 75 years after the couple didn’t return from a shopping trip to buy a washing machine.

This was the very first thing that crossed my mind.

Dumping grounds.

Repeats of something like this incident maybe?

Here is another puzzle piece: the water is MUCH higher in the bing photo, note how much wider the beaches are in the google photo that shows two dark splotches.

I thought there was a switchback based on the google map. I see now that it’s just the beach.

Hot Dog! A chance to get a low-miles First Generation Camaro!

Could have been a favorite vacation spot for Ted Kennedy. too soon?

…its not about cars, but when you see the ending (its in three parts) you will know why I posted it. :smiley: One of the best bits of horror ever put on film.

That is the second creepiest real photo I’ve seen on the Dope.

FWIW, the first was that one of the serial killers brunette victim cowering in too-large shoes, in a wrecked building, shortly before her death.