Fluoride - Pineal Gland blocker?

Have a cousin who stopped drinking fluoridated water about ten years ago, yep her mouth is a disgusting rotted maw. Her sister and parents all have beautiful teeth YMMV


But I like flouride in my water. And I like not having to buy a flouride additive filter (do those even exist?) to get it. Fouridated water provides a benefit. There is no downside to it - despite your better mood, lo these past months.

Why fix what ain’t broken?

I suppose one COULD always look at the data between countries that use fluoridation and ones that don’t and compare the rates of tooth decay between them…

…Naw! Why would anyone do something silly like that? Especially when everybody knows that there are no benefits to fluoridation, and that it’s really a government conspiracy to destroy the public’s health AND control their minds!! I mean, all the evidence points to it being a massive conspiracy, and every 1st world nation in the world is in on it, as well as every corporation…plus cats! They are all in on it too, the furry little bastards! :mad:

One thing usually left out of this type of discussion is that fluoridation is not just adding fluoride to the water supply. It is about regulation the fluoride in the water supply. That means in some places they add some and in some places they take some out. See the reason we found out that fluoride prevents tooth decay is it is naturally occurring in some water sources. From this very good article on the subject:

Just to be fair, the data would be a little hard to parse. There are a lot of European countries that don’t have public fluoridation of water without suffering mass tooth decay by relying on widespread adoption of fluoridated toothpaste or other products (France fluoridates its salt, for example).

Comparisons to the 3rd world would be ok, though access to dental care and differences in overall health may make comparisons more difficult.

Of course, that’s for folks who willfully ignore US history, which is a rather big win in terms of the benefits of fluoridation for dental health, as cited above.

I didn’t say public fluoridation of water…I said ‘countries that use fluoridation’. I suppose that IS a bit confusing, but what I meant was basically countries that either add fluoride in some form (such as your French example in the salt) actively, or promote or use products with fluoride additives in one form or another. Verse countries that don’t take any active steps at all nor promote or have wide availability of products with fluoride additives. Granted, this is going to break down along the lines of poor verse rich countries (at a guess), but that’s sort of the point…most 1st world countries DO add fluoride or have widely available products that add it in. At a guess the OP has never bothered to actually research this at even a cursory level, since s/he is unaware of any beneficial effects of fluoride (while making vague and scary asides about possible harmful effects and/or mind controlling conspiracies involving most governments, doctors, corporations AND mutant space kitteh for all I know).

Anyway, it was only supposed to be a drive by joke. :wink:

Yeah, I got that, even if I didn’t express it clearly, but you know these CTers.

You leave even the slightest little window for a rebuttal and suddenly, they want you to agree Elvis killed both JFK and RFK before shooting off to Mars on his Area 51 UFO to get mind control rays that forced the US government to detonate concealed bombs in the WTC on 9/11 while framing a bunch of innocent terrorists in a nefarious plot to fluoridate water to make people feel like spiritual crap. Oh, and something about the moon landing being a fake, too, for good measure.

By the way, thebizness, I think you’ve maybe already kinda answered your own question.

Mkay, so you’re meditating and reading nice books about the mind and having some really cool dreams? Maybe you’re also taking a little bit of DMT from time to time? (No offense if you don’t, and I’m not trying to mock you or anything; but each and every time I’ve come across a person talking about unlocking the spiritual potential of the pineal gland, that person has always, invariably, also been a big fan of DMT.) So, yeah, maybe it’s a combination of those things which make you feel so good these days, rather than the whole “fuck fluoride” thing?

Another problem is that developing countries don’t eat all of the sugary foods that developed countries do, thus one might expect rates of tooth decay to be lower in developing countries based on that alone.

Also, it hasn’t been mentioned yet, but fluoride works by helping to remineralize enamel and actually modifies the structure of enamel to make a harder more acid resistant mineral:

Although, from reading that, to be really effective you need calcium and phosphates in addition to fluoride to be most effective (most toothpaste only advertises fluoride, although drinking water commonly has calcium in it and phosphates are added to prevent corrosion of pipes).

I doubt this.

I’m having a hard time buying this either.

You see, when someone proclaims how they were initially skeptical, and have an open mind, and then goes on to cite ludicrously unbalanced arguments which can easily be debunked by a quick Internet search of reliable sources run by professionals, I am just a weeny bit doubtful of their claims of open-minded, hard-nosed skepticism.

I am doing post-doctoral studies on the phenomenon known as crank magnetism, and so am interested in what thebizness thinks about aspartame, chemtrails, 9/11 and vaccines.

Wow. You must be some kind of super-dentist to have all that information at your fingertips.


Have you stopped consuming iodized salt?

Try it! Then you can have and remember fantastic dreams about goiters.

Hey, you know what else is in rat poison? DHMO.

Also, Vitamin D. That’s why I never go outside during the day - I don’t want the sun creating all that rat poison in my skin.

I’ve stopped consuming iodized salt (except for salt in processed foods). But that’s more about taste. Plus, we eat plenty of seafood in our household.

And DHMO is also in (horror of horrors) the public water supply!

You can taste the difference? I thought it was only at such minor trace levels that no one would notice.

(Well, don’t look at me: I can’t tell the difference between “good” black pepper and the cheap stuff, or between “good” black tea and the cheap stuff!)

And, for that matter, I can’t see how the ingredients in soap and bleach is truly beneficial to humans. I’ve just started to live on a 100% salt-free diet, and I’ve gotta tell you, I feel like absolute shit, and my spiritual brain cloud feels like it could really go for some frikkin’ onion rings.

Learn some basic chemistry, really. It’s not that hard to understand.

Also, have you ever considered you don’t have poor teeth because you’ve been drinking and using fluoride since you were a kid?

Here’s a study on fluoride and adults from a dental journal I found just by doing a Google search.

I thought it was silly as a kid when my buddy’s mom refused to eat iodized salt. Guess what she got at age 60?
But you can taste the iodine…

There is an excellent documentary which deals with forced fluoridation. Here’s an excerpt; pay particular attention to the discussion 60 seconds into this excerpt.