Gaudere's Law is in wikipedia!

Well, it would have been cool if it was someone unrelated to the board who had just heard of it. :slight_smile: Google results show it used on a few non-Dope boards. Go, dopers! Spread the word! :smiley:

mkl12, how do you tell who submitted what in Wikipedia?

First, congratulations on being recognized!

Second, it’s about 20 minutes after I first read that quoted line. I’ve got my laughter under control enough to type now, though I do have to pause occasionally for a fit of chuckling. :slight_smile:

Gaudere, just click the “History” tab. Some contributors identify themselves by real life names, some by Internet handles, and some just leave the default IP or Proxy.

It’s not really sad. It just would have been more intersting if it was contributed by someone who had lernead it outside of this board.

And Gaudere already said that. There should be a new law:
If you post something without carefully reading everything in the thread, somebody else has already posted it.

Mkl’s Law! :wink:

Stupid Wikipedia Nazis. :smiley:

Oh yeah! Well there’s another guy who used to make his own laws for how conversations went and he used to impose his will on when the ended! ANd his name was HITLER!

Arrggh - he said “Hitler”. Does that make it too late for me to bounce in to congratulate Gaudere on well, not the birth, but the public outing, the something-like-that of her very own law?

It is a nice little law - very cute. May it grow to know great fame the world over! And Gaudere will, albeit tautologically, rejoice! :slight_smile:

(Celyn, vicariously proud to have been in the Naming Thread of the Law)

Very cool deal, Gaudere. Congrats!

Hmmm…maybe I can get this immortalized? :slight_smile:

That’s just awesome.

If you google “Gaudere’s Law,” you come back with a number of usages that appear to have no connection to the SDMB. Weirdly enough, you also get this page where some bright boy gets Gaudere’s Law confused with Godwin’s. Heh heh.

(The Internet is like a giant billion-person game of Operator sometimes. In a hundred years, Gaudere will be widely remembered as the member of Hitler’s cabinet who couldn’t spell.)

You’re post doesnt make sense.

Brava, Gaudere!

Sure it does; it’s a religious metaphor — Satan, lose; God, …


I needed that laugh. Thanks, Cervaise! :smiley:

If only you’d copyrighted the phrase, you could have been rich, rich rich :dubious:

And thus, your immortality is assured. Someday Vatican 4.0 will name Gaudere the Patron Saint of Nitpickers. :slight_smile:

No no no. She is the bane of nitpickers. She is the Saint of the Nitpicked.

Congrats Gaudere! I always wanted a Wiki entry about myself :D.

It’s definitely a joke, and maybe a Clerks reference.