Gaudere's Law is in wikipedia!

LOL. Ignore my last post, I somehow missed this part.

Well, if you wanna pick nits . . .

Mine was a joke too. You will notice that my post pointed out someone else’s error, but contained at least two errors itself.

But very often a second nitpicker will come along to invoke Guadere’s name when someone else has pointed out a mistake and screwed up in the process, thus increasing the total amount of nits picked.

Speaking of which, how do you say Gaudere again? “Go-dair,” “Gow-dair,” or what?

It’s Gow-dah! Say it!

You angling for a law of your own, Marley?


Acually, I already have a law named after me. PV = nRT. Unfortunately I don’t have the kind of publicists that, say, Murphy and Gaudere have, so nobody knows about it. But I claimed it about five years ago in a Physics class. We discussed Boyle’s Law and Charles’s Law, and then came to this one, which we were informed wasn’t named after anyone. So I claimed it. That’s Marley’s Law. I’m not sure if Wikipedia will post it, but like I said, I can’t afford the best publicists. :wink:


Latin infinitus modus praesens: to rejoice, to take delight (in)

I think Ma’am works in most cases.

bows You’re welcome.

And yes, I thought I might mention it since it’s turned up in non-SDMB contexts.

Congratulations, Gaudere, dahlin’, you’re a star! :smiley:

We are deeply honored to be on the same board as you.


That question gets asked so often it ought to be in the FAQ.

Gosh I never met anyone famous before. Um…can I have an autograph?

Congratulations Gaudere. But the real question should be what you have done with the Wikipedia entry. I’m 99.9% sure that the page is either your desktop wallpaper right now or you’ve printed it off and had it framed and placed directly above your computer.

Am I right? :wink:

Congrats, Gaudere!

Well, as it turns out. . .I was perusing the wikipedia and looked up the SD’s claim to fame and found out:

As Gaudere said, “If this doesn’t have a name, it should.” It did, we just hadn’t heard of “Bell’s First Law of Usenet,” codified: “Flames of spelling and/or grammar will have spelling and/or grammatical errors.”

This was first posted by 15 May, 1990, by Andrew Bell to (cite).

Not to bring down the party or anything. I’ll still consider it as “Gaudere’s Law.”

But 1990…geeze.

Who invited the party pooper? Garfield226, I don’t attend your birthday parties so I can tell everyone how old you really are so I think we can expect the same courtesy here :wink:
props to Gaudere

I know some smart people, I know some smart people

Very cool, Gaudere.

I know I’ve been doing my part to spread the word. I’ve mention Gaudere’s Law numerous times outside the SDMB.

Now I’ll be able to even provide a Wikipedia link!

Have you learned nothing from history? It’s not the first person to find it, it’s whoever is remembered for it and I remember Gaudere. It’s all about the publicity. We just have to do our part.

I definitely agree, I just thought the extra information was interesting.