Get your hands OFF me, you SICK FUCK

That’s NOT what you said LAST NIGHT!


(Just you wait until the next Bamadope ;))

Oops sorry about the double post. Guess I was overly excited.

Ah, heck, bobkitty, I’m not the jealous type. I’m a lover, not a fighter. [sub]Did I really just say that?[/sub]

And I’ve gotta second Venoma here; we NEED to see the pics (or at least I do).

It never fails to amaze me that women who dress like gutter whores get offended when a lecherous advance is made. You don’t exactly command the respect of a nun with leather pants and a half-shirt, you know.

I sorry you were sexually-harassed.

Did you deserve it?

Were you asking for it?

You’re good for the ego :wink:

That’s also a very good example of taking a quote out of context, thanks! (Translation: no nookie for you.)

Okay, I’m going to handle this in order.

Delta9, I’m actually a pretty easygoing person. But just in case, keep that note to self pretty close by. :wink:

Pezpunk, meet Venoma. Venoma, meet Pezpunk. Talk amongst yourselves. :smiley:

Nocturne, baby, you KNOW I’d never say such a crass thing to you. And I’m counting the days to the next Dope. But since I don’t know how long it’s gonna be, I’m not sure where to start counting. It’s very confusing.

Lindy… yes, you really did say that. But it’s okay. :slight_smile: Pic source claims they’ll be 1-houred tomorrow at some point, so they should be up soon. I promise you’ll be the first to see them. Good enough? I hope so, 'cause I have a small request. See that locknesshump over there? Could you beat the crap out of it for me? Oh, wait, never mind. I’ll do it. But you can be standing right there to congratulate me when I’m done.

I’m going to apologize in advance for my piss-poor spelling. I’m better with the spoken word. Any German-speaking mods can feel free to correct me.

Lock… buddy. Pal. Hamlich Kuh. Dickschadle swinezahne*. Unmensch. Uberteufel. You are a total fuckwad. Let me point something out. REGARDLESS of how I am dressed, NO ONE has the right to put their hands on me. Did I ask anyone for respect? Nope. Did I get dressed with the thought in mind ‘hey, maybe I’m going to turn some heads tonight’? Yup. I’m not a fucking moron, unlike present company. Was I asking for it? Hmmm. You know, at some point I FORGOT to put on my ‘Hey, I’ve got a little skin showing, please come fondle me without so much as an offer for a drink’ sign. See, in what we call polite society, we know to keep our hands to ourselves. We don’t assume that it’s okay to walk up to a woman you have never seen before and assault her. Hey, one of the employees at our hotel wandered around in a kilt. I thought he was pretty damn hot. Would it have been okay for me to walk up to him and shove my hand up his crotch? He was asking for it, you know. We all know that Scotsmen don’t wear anything under their kilts. Who did he think he was, walking around like that, all tempting and stuff?

And don’t think for a SECOND I’m going to let the gutter whore comment go by. I’m just too pissed off right now to get out a halfway coherent, properly vitrolic reply. You repressed, chauvinistic, impotent freak.


You just admitted you objectified yourself, and now you’re stunned someone else objectified you??? Get a damn clue.

Try dressing like an average librarian and see if you get pawed. Won’t happened. If you wanna dress like a party girl in Vegas, don’t blame me some slack-jawed tourist mistakes you for a stripper/prostitute. Nevada sort of has a rep, you know?

And your intentions for dressing that way really don’t matter much when it comes to making first impressions, on drunken casino-goers, or otherwise.


You fucking idiot. You’re a disgrace to the fucking idiots of the world, who are now fervently wishing you’d drop out of their club.

I mean, come on–the rest of us evolved. Where were you?

It doesn’t matter what anyone wears; if I wore a BIKINI and STILLETTO HEELS and someone tried to hump my leg, I would CASTRATE him.

I dress how I like. If I dress like a goth, I’m not going to fly out of class on a broomstick to my coven where we boil big vats of suspicious-looking green stuff and counsel with Macbeth.

If I dress like a hippie, it doesn’t necessarily mean I smoke pot and drive a VW Microbus and worship the Dead.

And if I dress to expose a little skin, it does NOT mean I want the GREAT DECREPIT UNWASHED of the world to TOUCH me and expect biblical knowledge of my innermost secrets simply because I want to look good.

You may now go to Hell–go straight to Hell. Do not pass Go; do not collect two hundred dollars. And while you’re at it, go fuck yourself.

Or maybe you should just go try to fondle some random chick on the street that you think is sexy and be slapped into oblivion.

Either way, it’d serve you right.

Take your own fucking advice, you pustulent gopher testicle. NO ONE, regardless of how she (or he) is dressed, should be assumed to be inviting anyone to come up and touch her (or his) body. I bet you’re one of those people who says that women who get raped were asking for it, aren’t you, you dingo-fellating bedsore?

Grrr. I hate fuckwads.

one day, I’ll bet that you get your ass thoroughly thrashed by some ultra-petite little “girl”, all because you have your head shoved up your ass, and really believe what you just posted.

I find it both sad and pathetic that you would stand up and try to justify the actions of morons. Go ahead and join them… just don’t expect people like me to jump in and help out on your side…

This screams of the whole “women who dress sexy are asking to be raped.”

So, LockNessDump, you are hereby invited to lick the sagging, purulent, flaky, scabby, maggot-ridden bag of the subject (as in, not bobkitty) in the OP.

And then go do your community service: a full month of being Jack Dean Tyler’s research partner. Do a search to find out about the late, great man.

I’d kick you in the ass, but I wouldn’t want to cut off your air supply just yet.

Loch, honey, watch it. Come down off your cloud for a second or two and listen to what us lowly women have to say. While you at it, take some time to remove your head from out of your ass. But be careful, it seems pretty far up there.

Just because bobkitty is proud of her body and likes to show some skin every once in a while, does not mean she is a walking talking open invitation for groping. Yes, when one dresses provocatively, one can expect stares, winks, offers for drinks, maybe even a few offers for more than drinks since, after all, it is Vegas. This does not mean that some sick make-me-fall-over-and-i-might-have-a-heart-attach-and-die geezer can touch her WITHOUT her consent. It doesn’t even mean sexy kilt man can touch her without her consent. Grow the fuck up. Women are not on earth to please a guy’s every whim and fancy, even if he is in his own old drunken fantasy world.

Now then, I advise you never to meet any Doper women in this state of mind of you will have many more things up your behind then only your head. But could you blame us? With those comments, you were definately asking for it. Doper women sort of have a rep, you know?

I went your webpage, and was glad that you included your gender, cause man, that pic had me STUMPED. I’m notifying Fugly about it right away.

And if I had meant to say women who dress slutty deserve to be raped, I would have said it. Stop putting words in my mouth you slobbering PC reactionary dolts. I said I can’t believe women who dress slutty are actually SURPRISED that there are going to be people who think they ARE slutty.

If you’re going to go outside in a suit made of shit, expect some flies. It’s called cause and effect.

I don’t know if any of you noticed this, but we’re not living in Utopia. There are people who misbehave. So wake the fuck up and get a grasp on real life. Most of my sympathy and compassion goes to causes like starving children or homeless veterens. So don’t expect me to cry my eyes out for someone who dresses like a Wet T-shirt Night contestant and then gets her butt pinched by a drunken old fart.

And leave this board open for people who actually have a legitimate gripe.

Here’s my legitimate gripe:

You’re an asshole.

iampunha has SO much more going for him than you do–and it’s almost funny. Funny in the “how sad, TheLochNessHump is a steaming pile of fecal matter rotting in the sun” kind of way.

Not everyone has the same definition of “slutty” as you do. Having met bobkitty, I KNOW she’s not slutty. Very aware of her sexuality, yes. Slutty, no.

However, your sexual awareness/knowledge is only due to your enormous head stuck in your ass.

You might want to go see a proctologist about that; it seems as if you’re spewing your own shit all over this board.


You’re right. I was doing much better until you reminded me of the rest of the evening. No wonder I keep saying I hafta quit boozing. Then again, I probably – no, without a shadow of a doubt – wouldn’t have dared to lay my quaking, liver-spotted, trembling…well, best you keep thinking it was my hand, on your lucious tummy without the bountiful help of Mr. Daniels :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh yeah, and it’s Orville, not Otis.

Lecherously yours,

~Old Fart Newton

PS-When are you coming back?

Well, I’ll tell ya, this may not be the “proper” Dope-way of doing this, but, damnit, you’ve sparked something.


Look here, you mentally inept excuse for a human being. i don’t know what sort of fucking day you’ve had, or just exactly what sort of reaction you thought you’d get posting your shit, but your blatant jackass-ism has imbued an ire in me that I’ve not experienced in quite a while.

Your empty-headed, neanderthal-like attitude is not only pathetic, but clearly off-kilter and just plain fucked-up.

No one here is proclaiming that the world is a Utopia. All we’re saying is that a shirt that bares one’s midrift, even when worn in Vegas, is NOT a fucking free-pass for a skin-grabbing free-for-all. No matter how you play the cards, it is wrong. Your feeble attempts to fucking justify the dirty old man’s behavior is pathetic.

If any one here needs to get a grip, it is you, LochNessHump. So why don’t you trot your ass back to the loch, fit yourself with some nice cement shoes, and go for a swim… the world will be a better place.

And here’s my legitimate gripe!

You obviously have NO GRASP of what the fuck “slutty” means!

Please, oh genius of social interaction that you are, explain to poor ign’ant me exactly how and why the way one person dresses gives another person ANY RIGHT WHATSOEVER to touch her?

DNFTT, people. He’s obviously yanking us. Or he’s incredibly stupid. Either way, not really worth any of us getting worked up.

Um, Nessie? Don’t insult people because you are wrong. Go the fuck away. No, really, go away. No one will miss you.
P.s. I dress sexy every once in a while, and if you ever touched me because of it, I’d leave you wimpering puddle on the floor.

perhaps, but damn did it feel good to rip into him…

p.s. - my vote is stupid, even if they are just trying to yank us…