Get your hands OFF me, you SICK FUCK

I hope you had better luck than I did . . . they told me they didn’t want to be criminally liable for anyone busting their eyes or nearby mirrors.*

By the way, that picture is A) over a year old and B) not the only one of me on there. If you were a good little Dump, you’d have found the link on the page to a more gender-identifiable picture of me. I promise.

“Women who dress sexily deserve [fill in blank with ungood thing].” It’s just this little thing called a slippery slope. You may want to acquaint yourself with it, because you’re near the bottom, and you know the saying: shit rolls downhill.

Incorrect, you warthog-faced buffoon. In fact, here are your own shit-infected words:

Hmm. Sure looks to me like you said a woman who dresses in provocative clothing is asking to be inappropriately touched. But hey, I’m just a lousy English major, what the Hell do I know?

And that doesn’t make it right, you blathering pile of maggot-infested slothshit.

Or, since you’re an illiterate fuckwipe who can’t seem to grasp that this isn’t his board and as such he doesn’t get to make the rules, let me quote from the fucking Forum Page:

“The BBQ Pit
If you gotta flame, do it here.”

Could we make this simpler for you, O He Who Cannot Seem to Fucking Read?

*In case you’re that devoid of a brain, let me assure you that this was most definitely sarcasm. When you’re propositioned by both sexes, you know you have something going for you.

Aww, that’s sweet. Iampunha, if you were a man, I’d kiss you.

(another ‘me too’ post)

What she was wearing does not matter. I would almost put money on the fact that the sick old fuck would have found another reason to touch her if she’d been covered from neck to toe.
The only time I was realistically GROPED in public, I was wearing long pants and a long sleeved turtleneck. The guy ‘fell’ on me and his hand landed on the inner joint of my thigh. In other words, he pretty much grabbed my fucking cunt. (there was noone else within a 5 meter radius. It was in a mall. No reason for him to stumble in my direction. I was too young to go kick his ass.)

If she was an (to the subject) unattractive woman wearing the same outfit, she might have been left alone. If she was wearing a nun’s habit, he probably would have tried for her ass instead.

Also, on a side note, my uncle’s brother treated me the same way this weekend for wearing a crossover tanktop. (hand on my shoulder, held a fucking wine bottle against my bare back, telling me how pretty I was, was I nice like my mother? I’d never fucking SEEN the guy before. My response: touch me again and you’ll get a fist in the face.) Is that dressing like a highclass whore? At a wedding reception no less?


Woohoo!! I made the list. :wink:

Oh and TLNH? I just wanted to say “Go fuck yourself.”

First of all, bobkitty, another person who hopes never to piss you off, but wants to be on the list that can touch you.

Now, to the issue at hand. TheLochNessHump. You are obviously single and lonely, as you have no idea of how to talk to women. Or to even treat them. If, through some odd stroke of fate, you are involved with a woman, I hope she comes to her senses and leaves you for a nicer guy. The fact of the matter was this: Whether or not she was dressed provocatively does NOT give this cocknugget the right to put his hands on her. Some people are just dicks. I expected you to recognize one of your own kind in this old guy. Your “she was asking for it mentality” is exactly why we have double-standards, unequal pay for equal work, and all the other things that keep women treated inferior to men. It’s assholes like you that keep women from being recognized as actually superior to men.

I do dress like the average librarian, and I do get pawed, frequently. Let’s see…the baggy burgundy high-necked sweater and beige, cordouroy ankle-length skirt, not to mention the glasses, earned me a hand in my crotch. Oh, by the way, did I mention I was fourteen and at a computer show at the time?

How about the loose wool pants and cable-knit sweater that got both breasts squeezed?

You brainless piece of barbarian shit. You’re probably the asshole who did it. May your genitals crawl back up into your body and rot there.

Mmmm… nope. Otis was indeed the town drunk. I’m pretty positive about that. So you’re a Daniels man, huh? Thought I recognized that smell. And uh, why don’t you tell me when YOU’re coming back. Then we could, uh, coordinate our vacations. Yeah, that’s right. Coordinate.

To everyone else (except Humper over there)… awwwww. Thanks, guys. You did a much better job than I. Though I did do mine in another language, which should get me extra points (especially with Jarbaby). :smiley:

Superdude, you may feel free to poke away. :wink:

I just feel all warm and fuzzy right now. :slight_smile:


So…by this logic, I guess LochNess is asking to be smothered quietly under a pillow? Or maybe just tied up and left exposed on a hillside? I mean, those are appropriate traditional responses for serious defectives like that…

BobKitty, you also have my sympathy for getting harrassed. IMNSHO, what he did deserves jail-time or physical retribution. But then, I’m a firm believer in the death penalty for rape.


I’ve got a nice, fluffy one we could use… I’ll even put on a fresh pillow cover.

Why on Earth would you want to put on a fresh pillowcase? You’ll get slime all over it. On second thought, don’t even bother with a pillow. I’ve got a 40-pound block of cement in the alley behind my house we could use. Quicker and cleaner.

Oh, and Humpy? Go crawl back into whatever maggot-infested roach motel you crawled out from. Any human (and I use the term very loosely) who claims to hold the views you do about women is either: A) a pus-eating troglodyte; or B) a camel-felching, pimply-faced teenager who just wants a reaction. My vote’s on C) both of the above, plus a complete and utter waste of skin. Toodles, fuckchop (thanks, jarbabyj!). Don’t let the back door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.

I don’t know if I’d call the pillow cover that MFSjr puked on fresh… well, I guess it kinda is, if ya hurry.

hey, damnit, he has only barfed on the carpet recently… and that was because he had the flu. he’s not been doing the spit-up thing anymore… he outgrew that

I fear that this lochness hump problem is all my fault. See, I clearly mentioned trolls in this post and BAM! Here he is. It’s a lot like saying candyman in the mirror 5 times. I swear, I leave flirting and come back to fighting. Can’t y’all get along?

And Venoma no nookie? no problem. I wanted sex anyways. :wink:

Hilarious! In fact, I always thought men were superior to women until I saw the DRUNKEN GIRLS OF SPRING BREAK videos. After that, I saw the light.

Woman want to play the attention-whoring superstar? Go ahead, I won’t stop you. But don’t be surprised if you get a crazed fan or two.

A nice, attractive doctor can look at her and think, “What a pretty young woman. That half-shirt and leather pants make quite the ensemble. I must ask her out, she seems intriguing.”

A nice, attractive serial rapist can look at her and think, “Dinner bell!”

You never know. It’s all about perception, isn’t it?

Anyhow, the last few posts about me really haven’t gotten me too flustered. Maybe more exclamation points in future posts would help. Thanks a bunch.

well, I believe that the general perception is that you are a fucking jackass. Fuck off.

No. Really.
Fuck off.

Like the ones where people who are adequately covered are STILL harassed. Do we have the right to bitch? How do you know her clothes were really, actually, honest-to-god a factor in fucknut’s eyes?

Unless you are him, you don’t. To a serial rapist, a dinner bell is a woman with low self esteem who’s not as likely to be noticed.

The last acquantaince of mine that was raped (this year) is an overweight 30-year old who’s had 2 kids. She’s gorgeous on the inside. Her rapist likely didn’t know this as she didn’t even get to see his face.

Wow, I haven’t seen a delivery this inspired since Steven Seagal hosted SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE.

No. Really.

Here’s a quarter. Now dance for me again, you fucking monkey puppet! Dance!

evidently, you think you’re something special… keep in mind that I will reply to anything and everything when I see it fit to do so. All because I’m replying to you doesn’t make you special.

And your attempts at humor and cleverness need some work. Serious work.

Now, please, do us all a favor and kill yourself.

Do it now.


No! Don’t just kill yourself, that would cause work for people who really shouldn’t have to bother themselves with you - the investigators into your unattended death, so on and so forth. No. Instead, move to Afghanistan. Then you won’t have to worry about women who show too much skin, mmkay?

It shouldn’t, but unfortunately does to some.

And it also shouldn’t mean that if a guy exposes a little more skin than that revealed by oversize baggy shorts and and XXL t-shirt, that that guy is gay, but unfortunately it does mean that to many people. I’m a guy, and I live in a warm climate, and wish I had a little more leeway in that regard.
(Nothing personal, Nocturne, I only chose your reply because you remind me of a good point).