Greek Porno Titles

I’m laughing my ass off, guys. How about:


Bi-Reams & Try Reams

Plato’s Repubic

Ana XXX Imander

Ana XXX Imens

Ana XXX Agoras

Hera Clit Us
The 12 Labors of Testikles


The Coming of Enkidu
Divest All Virgins

The Complete Illustrated Positions Manual for Lovers- All 5 positions! Also works with women!

Archimedes’ Screw

5 Solid Pythagoreans

The Pelopenisian Whores

Troy Gets Sacked

In the Chorus

Hard as Bronze

Diana’s Stag Party

Alcibiades Priapus-Hands

Between Scylla and Charyb-dick

(MrBoy, you’re frighteningly good at this!)


(i think i may have jumped over the line…)

gah, just spotted shagamemnon was in the OP. i’m so stupid…

I’m still laughing about Diana’s Stag Party. There could be a sequel: Stags see Nymphs Bathing, get Torn Apart by Bitches. Okay, that one’s rather obscure, and it shows what a nerd I am.

Don’t you mean:
Scylla and Charybigtits?

You can’t have “barely legal” without a code of laws…



Seven Against These.

Did someone call my name?

(Thanks for the compliment, but I loved Olympussy most…)

OK, here’s some more…

The Dickathalon

Persia goes Greek


Jay’s On Argos’ Nuts

Releasing the Kracken

Tossed Enceladus

I’ve got Demeter

Odysseus beats the Cyclops

Moon Goddess

Holy Freaking Cow, MrBoy–you’re going to get me in trouble at work. My boss is going to wonder why I’m rolling around on the floor, laughing my ass off. Were you a Classics major, by chance? Or just a Greek porn enthusiast?


Er, I mean I was a philosophy major. Close enough. Which reminds me…

The Philosopher’s Stone

Flute Girls are Easy

Ar-Ass Total


Kiss this guy

Gorgeous Gorgias