Has the world always been going to Hell in a handbasket?

I always like this line from that Wear Sunscreen song from the 90s:

“Accept certain inalienable truths: prices will rise, politicians will philander, you too will get old; and when you do, you’ll fantasize that when you were young, prices were reasonable, politicians were noble, and children respected their elders.”

We can get (or propel someone else) to hell a whole lot quicker now. In olden times, if your army in Rome wanted to kick some ass up in England, it took several months of arduous journey to get your soldiers on site. Now-a-days, a cluster of nuke warheads can arrive over a given city in under thirty minutes.

[del]And as soon as the rest of the satellites are in orbit, vaporization from space will be seconds away[/del] forget I mentioned this; these are not the droids you seek.

As the dinosaurs were breathing their last, we can imagine in their walnut-sized brains they wondered if the volcano or asteroid which was laying waste to the planet and distributing a fine layer of iridium worldwide was a brand new thing in the history of the earth or because dinosaur farts were finally too much for the world to bear.

What indeed has been the trigger to ice ages in the past? The earth’s environment has never really been static, for whatever reason.

A well-placed asteroid can do more damage with one impact than greedy man has done during his infinitesimal sojourn here on earth.

And our language has been getting corrupted for so long, it is amazing that we can communicate at all. But somehow we can.

Yes. Also, every generation thinks they invented sex.

In your country, is there a fair amount of “sex, drugs and media-young-people-like” denounciation?

What does it sound like?
The pot isn’t like it used to be in the olden days?
When I was your age, we had to [OMITTED] hookers both ways?

I suggest you read up on the Netherlands, and discover it is not the sex and drugs hellhole you think it is.

Actually, the latest big complaint against our youth was directed at our black/arabic second generation immigrant teenage boys, who bothered bus drivers and ambulance personnel to the point where they had to retreat from the scene.

Damn, I should have bought refundable tickets.

A major difference being, there are now **7 billion humans **on the planet that require feeding, which wasn’t the case the last time the Earth’s climate changed significantly. Recent research suggests that carbon emissions have already reached the point where the next ice age will be deferred. In isolation, that might be a good thing - glaciation would eventually reach major food-producing regions such as the American midwest. However, the concern is that current levels of CO2 will eventually lead to complete collapse of the polar ice sheets. Looking at the historical record, it appears that CO2 levels of 400 ppm may lead to a complete melting of the Antarctic ice sheet and sea levels 25-40M higher than today.

It’s related to Milankovitch cycles. As ice age begins when there is a positive feedback loop of increased glaciation. As ice covers more of the planet, more of the sun’s heat is reflected away, leading to further glaciation.

True, but the average time between major impact events is very large compared to the span of human history. Climate change is likely to have a significant impact this century.

Indeed. (link to documentary)


I don’t know if I’ve given you the impression of being against any of those things or if you presume that, this being an American board, Fox-inspired views are the norm. I wish all those policies were adopted worldwide, with a few quibbles here and there.

Giving this the applause it deserves. Really really good. :smiley:

When was the handbasket invented?

i’m struggling to find an older containment vessel.

so i reckon prior to the basket, we were going to hell in someone’s utilitarianly cupped hands…?

btw your post made me actually lol.

Hellhole?!? Why would you think that legal dope and beautiful clean hookers would be our idea of a hellhole? Just the opposite, dude.

From Jonathan Carroll’s Bones of the Moon:

’The old days’ were probably just as bad as now; people just use them as an excuse to condemn things."

isn’t this a left wing/right wing thing? leftists HATE violence but LOOOOOVE sex (hippies) and right wing LOOOOOOVE guns and war but are sooooo uptight about sex (middle americans).

lumping sex and violence just appeals across the spectrum.

Sex and violence represent the lizard brain, the lower nature of man.

I’m pretty sure that most people have a lot more sex than lizards do. Maybe you mean bunnies, but they’re not very violent, with a couple of hilarious exceptions.

The lizard brain is the old brain, the primitive center of lust, hunger, aggression and the fight-or-flight response. As opposed to the cerebral cortex.