Heff says: No more thread-bare hare

Further proof we are living in the End of Days. :eek: :frowning:

My blood runs cold…

But the thing is, you’d think that same fact would make equally obsolete all those sideboob, etc. pix a lot of sites push as clickbait.

There are some things about our brave new Internet age that I just don’t understand.

I don’t want to be a downer, but this has a snowball’s chance in hell of working. They will be trying to compete with Esquire and other established magazines. At a time when all magazine sells are down. I see Playboy’s retail sells dropping in half.

The one thing Playboy offers is very high class photography. Some of the worlds best Photographers have shot centerfolds. Playboy considers hundreds of models every year and picks 12. The best and most beautiful.

Compare that to a web site where just any girl can strip off. The photographer may be good or terrible depending on experience. Depends on the web site too. There are a few that focus on artsy figure study photography. Dramatic lighting. Still not quite the same as what Playboy does.

I hate to say it. But I see the end of this magazine coming. Ending the centerfold will just make it happen a few years earlier.

What, Playboy isn’t “established”?

Playboy pretty much strepped into Esquire’s shoes as the magazine that appealed to a young croiwd with politics, how to live well, and a racy side with sexy cartoons and female vskin. Esquire retreated from the sexy side, and Playboy appears to be trying for the same.

If by high-class you mean heavily photoshopped glamour shots, then you are correct.

The way I see it, regardless of the quality of writing, Playboy is primarily known for having nude pictures. So when the change happens, will they be viewed as Esquire or as Maxim?

Playboy can’t avoid the central problem: it’s a business based around a magazine in a time when magazines are failing. Unless Hefner and Jones figure out a way to shut off the internet, they’re not going to restore Playboy to anywhere near its heights.

The best Playboy can hope to do is to cushion the fall and run things out as long as they can. And their best asset is six decades of tradition. So they should be focused on reminding people of the old Playboy rather than trying to create a new Playboy. A new Playboy is going to die at birth. An old Playboy might manage to linger for another few years.

But apparently the point is that it’s pinup cheesecake, not full frontal, where the ad-valuable mainstream eyeballs are to which you can share and link to advertise on the mainstream social networks. And when your product is no longer “porn” (because it no longer has visible hooha in it), you can make it into the official App/Play store. Where people WILL pay and advertise.

(and in the case of magazines sell outside of shrinkwrap at the newsstand at the drugstore or 7-11, and nobody has a fit if you’re reading it next seat over in the airplane.)

Yep. The perennial magazine for centerfolds is dropping nude women.LINK A move seen to bolster its readership. Maybe they will still have some bikini models.

So basically it will be at most another MAXIM or closer to other popular magazines featuring cooking, science, sports, movies, tv, tech info, politics, and occasionally an article on sex. The sex articles actually sound tame to the ones on the supermarket tabloids targeting women.

The article goes on to say that readership has dropped from the millions to just around 500,000.

Seems like a good idea. Others do the nudity better (or at least harder) but the Playboy brand still has some genuine cachet.

So Playboy is no longer popular with teenage boys? When did this change?

When teenage boys discovered pr0n on the intrawebs.

Clarification: When teenage boys discovered FREE pr0n on the intrawebs.

Still, isn’t it terribly difficult to hold a monitor up with one hand?

Probably not a bad idea. Electronic media is a much more mainstream and accessible delivery for the product anyway. And let’s face it, their dedicated readers probably won’t much mind the change.

I haven’t checked, but do they plan on keeping the nekkid wimmins in their online manifestation, or are they just giving up entirely?

If I understood correctly from this morning’s NPR feature, they’ve done that already.

Just as an FYI, also being discussed here.

So where is Britney going to show off her tits when she finally realizes she’s no longer relevant?

Super Bowl half time show.

iPads, man. iPads.