Help pick my college - WPI or Lehigh?

Not to be a downer, but on my freshman hall in college, every single couple from high school had broken up within 4 months. This includes both couples who were both were in college, at different schools, and also college+highschool relationships.

I would strongly advise against basing your descision on your girlfriend. It just seems to rarely work out – lives go in different directions.

Bethlehem does kind of suck, but I love it anyway. I go to Moravian College, and for fun people go… over to Lehigh.

I can’t believe that my freshmen year was the first year they didn’t have wooden goalposts for everyone to tear down and beat each other with until they could drag them back to their fraternity houses. It’s still a party school, but it’s my understanding that the administration have made a great deal of effort to reduce the psycho drunken frat party Animal House atmosphere which I guess really hit it’s peak in the late 80s (which is good or bad depending on your perspective.

It’s also worth noting that Lehigh has one of the strongest alumni networks around. One of the greatest things about L/L is being able to connect with generations of alumni (especially true if you belong to a fraternity and have an automatic meeting place).

This is true. BUT…I married my high school sweetheart, even though a) I was a grade ahead of him, and so graduated and went off to college before he did and b) when he did go to off to college, he chose one that was still 5 hours away from me. However, none of his friends’ relationships from high school lasted.

I’m saying this to point out that just because most generally do end, does not mean yours will. As a collary, however, it’s also really important to realize that one anecdotal exception does not also mean that yours will “beat the odds” and last, either. You’ll have to make that decision based on what you know about your own relationship.

I think this is the first dead post of mine that was ever bumped on a message board.

Original posting date was april of 2004, a year ago.

In case anyone is interested, I ended up going to Lehigh. I’m glad that I did.

Oh, and Lafayette does indeed suck.

My girlfriend and I are still together. Though that kinda sucked too.

A bunch of friends of mine ended up going to Lehigh. I thought about it, but I went with “I’ve never heard of this place don’t know anything about it and don’t know how to pronounce it”. Should probably have had better criteria then :rolleyes:.

Cool you ended up liking Lehigh. It seems like a pretty good school.

Couldn’t the OP go to WPI, but move into the dorms or an apartment, instead of living with the parents? He’d (assuming the OP’s male) still be away from home, which is the real important point. Beyond that, it doesn’t matter if he has to spend hours of air or road time between home and school.

Frankovich, glad you came back and updated. I read the thread when it was resurrected and noticed at the end that it was really old. Wondered how things had turned out. Glad you made a decision that sounds like it was the right one.