Help with my dissertation

This. Whatever your discipline is, make sure that you have copious quotes (tied back to the subject matter, of course) from Alice In Wonderland. Alice can be made to fit with damn near everything. And bonus points if you manage to insert Jabberwocky in its entirety.

I hear Annette Schavan and Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg are real experts in this area.

Hey! I thought we’re not supposed to help posters with their homework!

[sub]I kid. Nothing of substance to add, not having done a dissertation. Best of luck! :slight_smile: [/sub]

“As we all know, Charles Dodgson was a brilliant mathematician, so I believe his astounding analysis of the non-intuitiveness of certain higher maths, as highlighted in Jabberwocky, is incredibly relevant here.”

Sounds like my best bet is to take my dissertation after I add some more to the lit review (I’m adding a section that should serve to tie my variables together viz. why did you pick these to study) then go through and add notes to everything. I mention the Dunning-Kruger effect so at least another paragraph on that. I mention Likert scales so another couple of paragraphs.

I also have a lot of charts so if a picture is worth a thousand words then . . .

Allow me to surprise you, then. I’m currently working on a certain qualification with an English academic institution known for its annual Thames-based activity with one other such institution, and the next assignment I have to hand in must be 8000 words give or take 500, no more and no less (discounting appendices).

This requirement certainly enhances the academic reputation of the university, upholds a 700 year tradition of excellence, and ensures that all graduates of such a famous institution will continue to reflect the honor and glory of true scholarship .

Geez—what’s the point of the word limit?
Journalists count words to fit column inches, because the content has to fit into the financial limitations of the format. But scholarly research doesn’t have to fill in between advertisements. The content is supposed to be, well, scholarly.

(chappachula… a once-proud author, 30 years ago, of maybe 2 dozen undergraduate liberal arts papers at a university with a fine reputation— for partying. Papers of mostly 7 or 8 pages. But (aha!!)with no artificially imposed limits on the number of words, which would have interfered with the scholarly content .Which was of , well,…inconsistent… quality. :slight_smile: )