How does one use a condom incorrectly?

What about putting it on wrong side out? Is there even such a thing as wrong side out on a condom?

I think some old-style condoms didn’t have the ‘reservoir’ bit at the front, and if you stretched the condom tightly against your mountaintop, the pressure upon release could tear the condom…

Actually, it is possible for a woman to have twins by different fathers. You should read the columns sometimes.

Another one is storage. Keeping it in the glove compartment of the car or your wallet for ages does not guarantee optimal performance.


If you wrap it around the penis, that is probably the wrong way… :wink:

I think a LOT of failure comes from improper withdrawal - you have to carefully remove yourself immediately upon ejaculation, lest the seal not, you know, hold upon alteration of conditions.

If you try to unroll it on your unit but find it’s the wrong way, then do it the right way, you already have some of your future children on the outside, which really defeats the purpose of a condom.

In the statistical data, a failure is not using one everytime. That is, if your primary/only means of birth control are condoms and you occasionally don’t use one and a pregnancy results, that is counted as a failure of condoms as birth control.

That might be the reason for the reservoir – to prevent back-movement of semen and escape at the base. Still, sounds rather theoretical, and if it were a real problem I doubt the reservior would do that much to prevent it.

OH sure, it’s easy to reuse a condom. Just turn it inside out and shake the fuck out of it.

Alex_Dubinsky I have personally ruptured a condom from it being too tightly rolled on at the top. It wasn’t the pressure upon release that did it, it was more about the friction not giving the latex room to give. Luckily I noticed before the fireworks started.

Yes. It won’t unroll all they way if you put it on the wrong way.

Like having Ear Sex? Oh, wait… that’s notwhat it is…

That’s the biggest load of bull I’ve ever heard. Over sized condoms are nothing but a marketing ploy. Certainly in terms of breakage. I suppose I could see where ones girth might make it feel snug, but… :rolleyes:

I’ve seen a friend, as a party trick, inflate a condom and pull it over his head past his chin, and that was a long time ago. I’m sure condom technology has been increased even since then.

I’m sorry, I can’t help it.

There’s a difference between “it will go on” and “it will be comfortable.” I have, uh, shall we say “direct second-hand knowledge” of this.

Apparently, double-bagging is a no-no.

It occurs to me that it is really impossible for *one *to use a condom incorrectly. Truly incorrect use really requires two or more participants. :slight_smile:

I remembered another incorrect use, which is if the erection subsides in the middle of the act, the condom should be replaced.

I think use of male and female condom at the same time would also be incorrect.

There are even still condoms today that don’t have reservoirs - Trojan Ecstasy for instance. And as EvilTOJ has already attested, if a condom is pulled tight against the tip it increases the chances it’ll tear. Where’s the bullshit?

When I was a kid, I used to think condoms were pills you had to take. But because everyone was talking about putting them on, I thought you had to balance the pill on your wee-wee (I was seven) and if it fell off then the girl would get pregnant.

So I guess that would be using a condom incorrectly.