How long would a million bucks last you (if you had to use it every time you paid for something)?

Paying off my house and then spending at the same rate would equal about a dozen years of living. Maybe a little less, probably not much more.

I could live comfortably on a million bucks for the rest of my life (I’m 65 now).

18 years if I wasn’t strictly budgeting. Significantly longer if I were.

Unless I have/adopt a bunch of kids, it’d last at least 20 years. OTOH, I would neither be inclined to quit my job or go on wild spending sprees.

But if I were, per the bonus question, I think it’d take me a year to spend it all down. Not because I couldn’t think of what to buy, but it’d take that long to get over my hang ups about spending a lot of money. (truthfully, I find the idea of spending large sums more than a little scary)

living about a day’s drive from the nevada border, saaaaay day and a half, tops? Maybe two days. Unless I decided to donate it to the local rescue mission, then probably about a month (I think thats how long it takes to get through the red tape a large donations generates)

At our current lifestyle, 50 years. About 40 years if splurging.

Realistically, for me, it’d last about 10-15 years.

The way I meant for the circumstances to be is that every time you pay for anything, it comes out of the million. So, monthly rent/mortgage? It comes out of the million. Time to make a payment on your car? It comes out of the million. Every time you go shopping, every time you go out to eat, every time you get something for entertainment purposes or luxury, every time you have to go to the doctor’s or have anything medically-related done, every bill you have to pay…it comes out of the million. Your or your kids education future? All of it comes out of that million. You are totally dependent on that million until it’s gone. You can’t use any other money until it’s gone.

So yeah, about 10 years for me.
Fastest I could spend it would probably be a week.

Are people accounting for inflation?

Tax free?
It would last me 17 years at a very comfy standard of living, if I spent everything out of the 1M initial deposit. I would also continue to work, probably for that 17 years, which would allow me to dump all of my income into retirement accounts, and be able to retire at 62 and continue to live well.

The fastest I could spend it? Hrm… Without going all “Brewster’s Millions”, I’d say by buying some toys that I would really like to have, but would never want to finance, it would take me between two and three years so spend the entire amount. Note, that that would not include any additional real estate, but would probably include leveling my current house and building a new one on the same site.

At my current burn rate, 20 years. Oh man you know what this means? I can make a million dollars in only 20 years (unless I spend some of it).

6 years at my current burn rate.
Could stretch it to 7, maybe 8 but it would be hard.
Fastest - easily within a month.

I personally could survive well on $20k per year if I have to…so that would last me until I’m 98.

On the flip side:

I’m 2 hours from Vegas, and 5 minutes from securing a large bet in a private part of the casino.

You didn’t say anything about gambling, just “no investing”. If I win…cool! If I lose…I win the fastest way to burn a million dollars! :wink:

With my current lifestyle, even without working at all, it’d probably last 15 years or more. With actual income of some kind to supplement or save it would easily last until I died.

Probably 30 years. It would be more than 40 if you don’t count inflation.

A million on Red 6! C’mon baby Gil needs a new pair of shoes…

Name one.


It’s a neat question, really.

Suppose I currently burn about $50,000 a year, which is a pretty good estimate. It’d last 20 years.

However, much of what I spend is money lost to interest.

I could make my money last longer by immediately buying a home for cash. My current domicile would cost about $250,000 so let’s go with that. (It doesn’t count as an “investment,” according to the OP, unless I make money off it, which I never will if I never sell it at a profit.)

I would now have $750,000 left but have dramatically reduced my monthly cost of housing, by approximately $1400. So now - assuming no other changes in lifestyle - I’m eating $33,200 a year, so my money will last 22.5 years. And that’s with interest rates being low right now.

I’m glad somebody finally said it. Hey, I got a lot riding in investments, but I can’t think of a single one that could return 10% consistently and safely, especially if you need a constant 10% a year, every year.

Current Rate: 25 Years
Being Conservative: 30 Years
Trying: A week at most. Depends on how fast I could get some land, pay the contractor to build a house and get a Ferarri dealership on the phone.