How to Acquire Eight Cats

Ah, the magnificent dozen. . . I apologize I have no pictures.
Okay. Obsidian and I moved in together a year ago August with a third girl. I grew up with cats but Obsidian had never had any and Roommate #3 didn’t like them. #3 moved out in October and a week later we were shopping for a kitty. The manager at the pet food store we went to had found a cat at their loading dock, starving and they’d kept her in their office. We went in the office, sat on the floor and a rangy tortishell sauntered out from under the desk and curled up in my lap. This is how we got Gaia.

A month later we’re in the same pet store and the same manager tells us about a feral she brought into her house who turned out to be a sweet lap cat. Only problem was he was being beat up by her other cats. Thus, we got Amon, the crotchety tuxedo.

In January we took some food to the SPCA and a little tabby kitten stuck his paw between the cage bars and grabbed my arm. We went home with Tyr.

In March Amon was diagnosed with kidney cancer and was put down on April 8th. Though we adored the two we had we needed more and weren’t up to the medical crap shoot rescue cats are. So we did research and flew to Texas to get two Turkish Van kittens Gilgamesh and Beowulf (Gil and Bey to their friends.)

Soon after we got the Vans we moved from our tiny apartment to a nice house with a yard. And lots of hallways and such for the cats to have midnight crazies in. In fact, more room then our four could fill. So we signed up to be foster parents with Homeless Cat Network. In June we got a call and rescued a mother cat and four kittens from the SPCA. They were scheduled to be put down. We called the mama Demeter (a grey tabby with blue eyes) and her kittens Scarab (black), Dragonfly (tabby), Persephone (lynx point) and Apollo (solid point). (I’m the mythology geek, for those interested.)

We now had nine, four permenant residents and five fosters. A reasonable number, no?

As the kittens were being weaned two three week old kittens were found in the garden section of the local Home Depot, abandoned by their mother, with blisters on their feet from the hot cement. We took them in and Demeter nursed them as a surrogate. They were Chloe (a tortishell tabby manx) and Homer (an orange tabby).

Two weeks after this a kitten was found in a junkyard being abused by children. They’d thrown stones at him and tied him up. He had scratches on his face and mouth and wasn’t even two pounds. He was a beautiful flame point we called Beau.

And that, for those who’ve been keeping track was our twelve. Demeter’s original litter were adopted soon after Beau came, as were Chloe and Homer. We actually ended up with their sister Penelope, who, along with Beau, was adopted by my brother. Their new names are Ozzle and Cooper.

The six we are currently at are Gaia, Tyr, Gil, Bey, Demeter and Scarab (he was adopted but had to be returned due to a change in his owner’s living situation). Some may say this doesn’t count because we technically didn’t “own” all 12 cats but I had 6 litter pans, 3 food dishes including a automatic feeder filled with 40 pounds of dry food a month, 2 recirculating water dishes and went through 4 cans of wet food a day. They counted.

While I’m thinking of it. . . would anyone like an 18 month old spayed grey tabby with blue eyes? Very sweet. Or a 7 month old black neuter with tons of energy? Anyone? Please? :wink: Before kitten season starts again? :eek:

Your kitties are GORGEOUS. You are so lucky to have 8 that get along so well!

The picture of Freddy made me want to cry, though–he looks just like my cat Tickle, who ran away to die in September. :frowning: Give him an extra cuddle for me.

Aren’t the Bengals adorable? My brother has a cat that sort of looks like one of the splotchy Bengals, but he’s a stray so who knows. Oh, one warning, when they say Bengals are loud, they mean it. Louder than Siamese.

At one point we had 18 cats. Three females who all managed to have kittens at the same time. So 15 kittens. And yeah, we figured out the benefits of spaying and neutering soon after that.

I have three cats right now. A HUGE tom, a bitch of a female, and a hellraiser kitten. So cute! All adoptions - two strays I brought inside, one I adopted from an aunt. As it is now, I want to adopt two more - a white one and a grey one I see outside my window a lot. It’s so cold outside! Where are their families?

But when I lived in a farm, back in the day, at one point we had 40 cats, all told. 3-5 inside, varying huge numbers outside.

Oh, Bengals are beautiful, no doubt about it. Usually, though, cats just happen into our family. We live near a main highway, and people dump cats around us a lot.

If I went out looking for a cat, I’d probably get a traditional Balinese. I love Siamese cats, and a Balinese combines the Siamese personality with silky flowing fur, with not TOO much grooming required. Right now we have a male tabby who claims my daughter as his mom, and a Siamese female who owns me.

There are other spotted domestic cat breeds out there, besides the Bengal. For example, the California Spangled breed. Or the Ocicat.

Then there’s what’s touted as the oldest cat breed of all: the Egyptian Mau. I think they’re all gorgeous.

If I had my druthers, I’d own some spotted cats, and some marble-tabby Maine Coons – my favorite breed! And maybe even a Norwegian Forest Cat – the European ancester, perhaps, of the Maine Coon?

You mean someone didn’t just give you a bucket of kittens as a wedding gift?

EddyTeddyFreddy, a girl after my own heart! Once you have two, it’s a slippery slope to Catville. The most I ever had was 7, now I have 5, and when I have a house of my own, I’m sure I’ll get more. My landlord is already hating me for having this many (I told him I had 3 when I moved in, so… he’s OK now, after the heart attack passed).

I loved your kitty pictures. I have a packet of pictures of my 5 that I show people, as if they’re my kids or something (and in a way, they are), so I know where you’re coming from.
My 5 cats snuggle up like yours do; getting pictures of it is a bonus.

I have my two, Jake and Scout, but I really would like a kitten to play with them and annoy them. :slight_smile: I really like the looks of Mimi, but I worry about bringing a kitten in with the two I already have - they were declawed when I got them, and I don’t know how they’d react to “play fighting” that might actually hurt with the claws. Also, it is a small apartment, and bringing a third cat in would be problematic right now.

I only have three at the moment but I can forsee a day when I may have more. They just sort of happen, you know?

Here’s my two guys in a rare moment of togetherness. This is my big girl, she’s queen of the castle without a doubt.

My sister and her husband currently have five cats and two dogs. Fostering for the local shelter can be a risky business. They have a gorgeous part Maine Coon. He’s partly cream-colored with the softest fur imaginable which is explained, I guess, by the fact that he never gets up to do anything so his fur never gets mussed. He’s like a fur sack of marshmallow.

I’ve got two myself:

Just check the Cats section.

I can’t imagine more than that, those two occupy most of my attention. As it is I can no longer sit stationary without a furry animal making itself comfortable in my lap.

Aw, Lsura, Mimi is a doll! I WANT HER!!! (Gasp… get a grip, ETF…) If you think you can handle a third, I say go for it! The two older ones (very handsome!) won’t need their claws to keep the baby in line – declawed cats can pack a mean wallop in those paws. The small apartment is more of a problem. You’d need at least two litterboxes (I have seven, at least one on all four floors of my place) and the older cats would resent a newbie in their already limited territory. At least for a while. Introducing a baby is way easier than bringing in another adult, since it becomes clear quickly that the kitten is no threat to the established order (until it grows up, but by then amicable relations have been established).

Much as I’d like to take in homeless adult cats, I made the decision a long time ago to bring in only kittens. Way back when I lived in Boston, my darling Muffin, a Maine Coon in everything but size, was boss cat till I rescued the adult, and domineering, Allegra. The struggle for top cat was painful to watch, and when Allegra won it, something vital went out of Muffin. Soon after, she withdrew to a far corner of my apartment, stopped eating, and just faded away. My vet confirmed that she’d simply lost the will to live. I’ll never go through a loss like that again.

dwyr, cutekittieskittieskitties!!!

Bongmaster, orange kitty! Me love orange kitties! (as if you couldn’t have guessed ;))

Wow. And I thought I was being so magnanimous by adopting ONE cat last week from the shelter.

I mentioned Mr. Amanita wants to add a fourth cat to the household. He was firmly against more kitties until he read an article about savannahs. They’re a breed which are similar to Bengals, in that they’re bred to look like wildcats, but the Savannah is bred larger. They’re about the size of Maine Coons. Mr. Amanita used to live in a rural area of Louisiana where there were large cats which were the apparent result of crossbreeding between bobcats and feral domestic felines.

Here’s more about Savannah cats, and another website – and lookie lookie – great pix!

What’s most striking about the Savannahs, to me, is not their gorgeous coats so much as their ears. Definitely different from the domestic cat shape, and very much like the Serval’s.