How to answer "Do you know how fast you were going?"

Do you know how fast you were going?
Yes, I have a pretty good idea how fast I was going.

You’re under no obligation to incriminate yourself. If you say a number he’ll write it down in his notes that you admitted guilt, whether you said you were driving 1mph over or 100mph over. Then it’s moot whether his equipment has been calibrated properly if you want to fight it in court.

To confirm some of the answers given, absolutely. Last time I got pulled over for speeding in Chicago (about 12 years ago), the cop asked me exactly this; I lied with a half-admission of speeding (I damned knew well how fast I was going), and he let me go with a warning, though I was doing 10-15 over the limit.

I was told to never admit to a broken speedometer as you can get a ticket for that as well. Disclaimer: I’ve never been pulled over so I don’t know if it’s legit or not.

I can verify this with the voice of experience. When I told him truthfully that the speedometer didn’t work, he inspected the car and wrote me up for the speedometer, two additional needed repairs, plus the speeding ticket.

Cop stopped me for running a red light once. (The facts: I was in left-turn lane, in rather heavy traffic, and crossed the limit line, beginning left turn, just as the yellow light turned red. There may have been room to argue whether my wheel had just crossed the limit line or was just about to.)

I argued with him, but in respectful tone, and he ended up not giving me a ticket for it. He didn’t say Tell it to the judge. Funny way he finally said it: He admitted that a truck had passed me on my right just at the critical moment, obstructing his clear view, and he didn’t really see for sure where my front wheels were at just the instant the light turned red. I think that was total BS he just made up.

Anyway, he wrote me up for having a cracked windshield. So I had to get that fixed.

That’s right. A speedometer not working is defective equipment, just like a defective blinker or headlight, also fineable offenses.

I was asked the question the last time I was pulled over. Miles from the nearest town out on the open plains I’m in a speed trap though, they’re taking my money and there’s nothing in the world that I or anyone else could say that would make a sniff of difference.

In my experience that is the more common question. I answered it once with “Because of the guns in my trunk?” which got his attention real fast. He asked if he could search the trunk and I said sure - then I then basically showed him the three hand-built flintlocks I had there. And he basically forgot the speeding ticket. Dude appreciated fine firearms.

Sometimes the combination of age, a wide smile and distraction works.

Just say, “According to my speedometer, I was driving the speed limit. Why?” This gives the option of later attempting to reduce the moving violation to improper equipment.

“Yes, I do, officer. And now that you’re on foot, I can get back to it.”

“Last I looked at it a few moments ago, I was doing [the posted speed limit in that area].”

Might not help, but at least it doesn’t further incriminate me.

You can, but that’ll pretty much guarantee that you’re getting a ticket.

Probably get a grin out of him, and a ticket.

Been there, done that, got the t-shirt(s)! :smack: (too many times!)

Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! Honestly though, have you ever really said that? :stuck_out_tongue:

Posted by Colibri

IIRC, every time I’ve ever been pulled over, I was asked some variation of that question. IMHO, the LEO is trying to get you to admit to being guilty. All too often, people will do exactly that.

(bolding mine)
Now, that was a smooth move! :wink:

I’d go for something like this as well. Dodge the question, but do it politely (saying “no comment” or something achieves the same goal legally, but it might piss off the officer personally and makes it less likely he’ll let you off with a warning, if he was inclined to do so before).

You can always take the comedy approach like Mort Sahl did when stopped for speeding in a Shelby Cobra
Officer: Do you know how fast you were going?
Mort: No sir, I was busy in the engine room.

Fast enough to meet you here.

The correct answer to any question that is not about registration, insurance and identification is a dumb look.

I was asked this by a police officer here in the UK last year - I answered with a question (well, two questions); “Was I exceeding the speed limit? What was my exact speed?”. He started talking about fines and endorsements, then seemed to lose heart and told me to be carefully on my way.
I think maybe he didn’t know my exact speed, although I think it probably was 35-40mph (in a 30 limit).

“If I guess right, will i not get a ticket?”

If the cop is a stiff i wouldnt recommend it but if he seems ok he may get a kick out of the answer. Who knows he may let u go. Its worked for me actually.

I once told the cop “about 5 miles an hour right before I stopped here”.

“No sir, I was too busy trying to get that bee out the window.”

“If you had as much to drink as I’ve had, would you know how fast you were going?”