I give you... Edible Anuses!

No, I didn’t mean that, it’s obviously the correct plural in Latin. I was mostly just sort of trying to be funny (unsuccessfully), but I also really haven’t ever seen *ani *used as a plural for *anus *in English, an *anuses *is certainly not wrong (in English, that is).

In that case I agree with you. In general it’s preferable to use the English plural whenever possible; people usually use the Latin to try to seem learned. This often backfires, however, as in the cases of ocotopi (octopodes), penii (penes), clitorii (clitorides), rhinocerii (rhinocerotes), or virii (no Latin plural).

Jeez. You try to have a perfectly decent conversation about chocolate assholes and you guys have to drag it down to the level of latin plurals.

This place, honestly.

How do you think Hershey invented the chocolate kiss?

Now where can I order that chocolate asshole? yummy.

Chocolate anuses…now all we need is some rimming sugar.

The correct term is “hot dog”.
Been around for years, you must have heard of it.

Anthony Bourdain has us all beat. Warthog anus.

Just wait until we start debating the correct form of the genitive for “chocolate.”:wink:

Do you think a gummi version might be next?

My immediate thought was they were used for rennet, but no, apparently that’s cow intestines, not pig.

I guess now we can consider the cattle mute problem solved.

Somewhere is a man who, if you ask what he does for a living, will say, “I work at the bottom of the asshole chute.”

Think about that the next time you’re having a rough day on the job.

During the Lorena Bobbitt trial, vendors were selling white chocolate penises (penii?)

Seriously? No one’s said ‘Ill bet they taste like shit’ yet? You guys are slipping.

‘Octopus’ is greek, octopuses is the correct plural. A plural -i ending is latin only.

That’s what I love about this place. Asked and answered.

It’s more complex than that, and has been hashed out on this board before. “Octopus” is, indeed, a Latin word. But it’s not firsyt declension, which woul take an “-i” plural;. It’s irregular third, and the plural is octopodes, as observed above.

Of course, it’s also an English word, with correct plural octopuses.
Myself, I avoid saying the plural. As the old joke goes, “Give me an octopus. And while you’re at it, give me another.”

Work for *mongoose[/i[, too.

I’ve eaten actual animal asses and anuses so I would try this. Doesn’t seem disgusting to me

[Martha Stewart]Sucking ani. It’s a good thing.[/Martha Steawrt]

The Famous Anus Brand is the best IMO. It’s a toss up between Tom Cruise and Donald Trump for top dog though.
