I give you... Edible Anuses!

I checked the link and NO ONE has commented so far. Unlike dopers, they have better taste.

Is it true what they say about the lyrics of Brown Eyed Girl?

As mentioned above, the correct Latin plural is penes (and the plural of clitoris is clitorides).

Look. I’ve warned you about this.

In general, a word loaned into English can be correctly pluralized either according to the rules of its original language, or according to the rules of English. Which one is preferred generally depends on which one sounds less awkward-- usually, this is the English pluralization.

Only on the Straight Dope does a thread about chocolate buttholes devolve into an argument on the correct plural of “anus”.

[Sallah]“Bad dates.”[/Sallah]

I think the pig assholes would count as by products, so maybe they’re in pet food?

That’ll be their line of

Cherry cordials


Put it in your mouth and feel the juicy center burst…

How about a Choctopus?

No, we’re talking about (the ol’) chocolate starfish.