I just saw a Bigfoot in the woods; to whom should I report it?

I thought the NID was just used to steal alien Tech when Stargate Command was too chickenshit to take it?

Pish posh. No sensible person believes all that UFO nonsense.

I’ve got conference calls at 9 snd 10:30, so I’ll be indisposed all morning but I’ll try to get in early and post them.

They just put me on hold, and then I keep getting disconnected. Very frustrating.

Yes, it always comes back to that with them. That’s precisely why I have to keep a low profile. You should, too.

Which one? Discovery? Didja bring up the “Mythbusters” commercials?

Another CIA front.

They’re everywhere. Shhh.

What I wanna know is if it’s true. You know, big feet, big… :wink:

So, is it?

No, the Fish & Game folks. Those bastards at TDC must be blocking my phone number - I just get a fast busy at all their numbers.

I couldn’t tell if his feet were actually big or not - I couldn’t see them because he was wearing shoes.

Hmmmm, wearing shoes?

Would you mind describing exactly what you saw, in lieu of pictures?

Big feet, big… Shoes? Yes. Sorry I didn’t mention that earlier.

Yes, the shoes he was wearing were big, though that doesn’t necessarily indicate anything about his actual foot size - he might just have protuberant toenails or something.

This sounds like one for Penn & Teller.

Describe it? Sure. It was a Bigfoot. You know - big, hairy, wearing a loincloth, wingtips and talking on a cell phone. In the woods. Adjacent to the highway. I’ll post the pics tomorrow, first thing in the morning, if possible. Otherwise, it might have to wait till lunchtime. Busy busy busy, you know.

CIA Operatives, both of them. Deep cover. Very dangerous.

Why would you call the cops?

Was Bigfoot doing something illegal?

Live and let live brother. Live and let live.

<looks askance> Bigfoot was wearing shoes?

I don’t believe it.

Methinks you saw a hirsute aging hippy or survivalist.

I dig it, man. I’m just tryin’ to do the right thing. He did have a “suspicious” look about hi, though.

I think maybe you saw my brother, dude.

I know. Who wear wingtips any more? Weird, right?

But rest assured, I know a hippy when I see one, and this was no hippy.