I just saw a Bigfoot in the woods; to whom should I report it?

Not quite the stuff of sequential thread titles, but I found it highly amusing that this was the top non-sticky thread in MPSIMS, and the second thread’s OP was Yeticus Rex.

Put that in your conspiracy theory stockpile!

**Winston Smith **–if y’all was a Real, Og-Fearin Ammurican, you’d have shot it with the Elephant Gun y’all carry to keep crows outen the garden.

So…how long you been posin’ as a Real Ammurican…Comrade? :dubious:

I fail to see what poker has to do with my most recent bigfoot sighting, the CIA movement against me and the satellite thing, but that’s fine. I feel ya. Thanks (I think).

Hey, I squeezed on off at the sumbitch with my trusty .38 (it’s my custom to do so first and ask questions later but I’d had a couple “road sodas” and, well, my eyesight ain’t what it used to be (it’s the first thing to go, you know). That’s never happened to me before. Really. I must have been tired or something.

Sorry, but what (who?) you saw couldn’t possibly be Sasquatch (codename Bigfoot). You’re far out of its range which is Northwestern US and Canada. Besides, the two bodies found in one of the state parks here were, obviously, the work of said primate. He couldn’t possibly be in two places at once.
More than one, you say? No way. Why? Because I SAID!

Folks, Listen To Winston.

Ya’ll know how badly that “swallow the expanding manta ray” thing turned out.

Oh, sure! I’m sure that’s what you and your buddies at Comintern would like us to believe, isn’t it?

Well keep your wookie-loving communism out of my country!!

I saw a bigfoot, not Bill Gates. Jeez.

What he said. Seriously. It’s not even a “trust me” kind of thing. It’s more a “believe me now, thank me later” kind of thing.

If 50’s Dad were here right now, he’d tell you to settle down, son, and use your manners when addressing your elders.

Let’s see, big hairy, scary monster and you’re wondering who to call? Oh, come on, now, the choice is obvious, you call someone who can take care of that big scary, hairy monster! Not the military, of course, since they’re in on any CIA operations. No, you call the one group out there who not only has the necessary hardware to handle the big, scary, hairy, monster, but also would like nothing better than plugging any pesky CIA agents who might show up: The NRA! :smiley:

Just tell 'em it’s either Osama or a UN gungrabber on the loose, and you’ll have a couple million guys loaded up with enough weapons and booze to invade several Third World nations in no time.

I’m thinking Charlton Heston here…

Well, here’s the pic I promised. It’s a bit of a disappointment (it’s kind of hard to make him out), but I’ve posted it nonetheless, as promised. He is (or was) in the lower left-hand corner. You can sort of make him out. If you squint. And use your imagination. You can see him much more clearly in this pic, though I must confess I did not take that picture myself. Call it Stock Footage, if you please.

Well, I don’t see any Bigfoot…
But did anyone notice the crying Virgin Mary in the upper right hand corner?

Thanks Winston for the “bigfoot” remarks.

My guy recently told me…
…lemme set it up first:

We were lounging on the couch and my feet were in my sweetie’s lap. He started laughing and said, “you have grown man sized feet,” and swung his feet up to measure them against mine. (grrr)

Think people, before you post.

Look closer. HERE HE IS!

I’m sad because I really wanted to see a honest to God bigfoot. You’re a sasquatch tease, Winston.


What about the shoes?
I didn’t see the shoes.

No one is as disappointed as me, you. When I make a promise, I keep it. That’s just who I am.

Do they in any way have anything to do with Sea Monkeys? Imagine that, a cold brew with Sea Monkeys in it, mmmmh… maybe that’s why the bigfoot frequents the area.