I'm tired of loud sneezers

Wasn’t there a GQ thread here once about Catholic girls being quiet sneezers? The OP was asking if students in Catholic schools had been taught to sneeze quietly since there seemed to be such a high correlation between the two categories in his experience.

I went to Catholic school and can sneeze completely silently, but I think that’s just a coincidence. I was probably rebelling against my two scream-sneezer parents. So annoying.

This is a whoosh, right? Because I sneeze like a church mouse when in classes or the library or meeting with clients. . . and my eyes are most certainly still intact.

I sneeze repeatedly due to allergies and as such I really am not spreading as many pathogens as someone with a cold would be. I can sneeze as quietly as anyone and do so when appropriate, but it’s certainly not as fun as startling people like the OP.

It’s not me…I was taught to sneeze in a ‘ladylike’ way by holding it in as much as possible, which causes me to make a squeaking noise when I sneeze. My mom (who was NOT the one who taught me to hold it in…that was my grandmothers) says it’ll cause my eyes to pop out one of these days.


::hauls out the squeegee::


ETA: Talk about coincidences. Right after I posted this I sneezed loud enough to get a “bless you” from across the hall :cool:

In my culture, loud sneezing is a compliment to who ever supplied the blow. I don’t know what your mother taught you, but in my house, we never insult the host.

In my culture, we kick the ass of the rookie who sneezes the blow off the mirror.

In my culture, we laugh mercilessly at the lightweight who leaves blow on the mirror.

Hahaa! Touche! (god bless me).

In culture of Russia, mirror blows YOU!

Probably the most memorable thing a teacher ever said to me (4 years of college here), and in fact one of the only things I can remember any teacher saying to me, came from my 4th grade teacher in 1974 or so: “I hate to lose a really good sneeze.” I think of her every time I let one go.

Hello, Mrs. Robertson, wherever you are.