In Which Our Food Editor Loses Her Mind

In college, a friend of a friend always claimed that when he died, he wanted to be cremated, and have a pinch of himself placed inside as many bottles of Mrs. Dash as possible…

That wasn’t one of the Welcoming Committee’s sacrificial goats, wasn’t it?

If it isn’t, it should be. :slight_smile:

And that boy grew up to be Mark Gruenwald! (Google it.)


Beautiful. Just Beautiful.


Would you, could you, on a kite?
To tell the truth – I think you might!

–Cliffy, again

Mrs. Dash as a maritial aid oooooooo :eek: :smiley: :smack:

Is there a Mr. Dash ? What was she known as before she got married?

Ms. Quickie?

I wonder if she lost her hyphen to Mr. Dash.

Simply as Dot.

Darnit, akira, don’t toy with us like that. I saw this thread and thought “Oh boy! Eve’s back on the board! Our long national nightmare is over!” But alas, I woke up and it was all a dream.

stay away from my ducks (tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum). they are pets, and are not in any way or fashion to be sprinkled with ms. dash. however, my neighbor has three cats, and i hear they taste just like chicken…so be my guest.

You see, that’s the beauty of being in the trade press sometimes. The PR flacks HAVE to take what you dish out. In my game magazine incarnation we get wined, dined and practically fellated to provide ink to new games and game companies. We could ask them to peel us a grape at a trade show and they’d run right out and do it.

Or, for example, I could tell the PR person “Hey, cool that you have Vin Diesel here. Tell him I loved him in Saving Private Ryan.”

Flak: “Hell, tell him yourself! Come past the rope and I’ll introduce you.”

Diesel: “Hello.”

Flak: “JC here runs a game newsletter. He says he really liked you in SPR.”

Diesel: (squeezing me until my eyes pop out like a hamster) “Thanks, man! Thanks good to hear!”

gasp You met Vin DIESEL?




Me too. :frowning:


Well, to be totally honest, what I really thought was something like:

“Eve! EVE! EveEveEveEveEveEveEveEveEveEveEveEve!!!”

Dignity? What’s that?

Could you use it in Turkey’s Topkapi?
Would you, could you, on an Okapi?

Perhaps upon a well-grilled Quagga;
A taste sensation to make you stagga!

How about with a roasted Kouprey?
Or sprinkled on milady’s Palfrey?

Would a dash improve broiled Thylacine?
(I’ll send you some, by barkentine)

Damn, JC. I’m going into the wrong line of work.

::scurries off to find how much longer it’d take to graduate if she changed her major::


Trade press, Rob. Trade press.

I have gotten or picked off…

Four really nice bottles of champagne
Tickets to the Wizards/Bulls playoff game (my only time seeing Jordan)
Capitals partial plan season tickets
A chance to ride in a replica of the General Lee with a Daisy Duke wannabe
Every computer game released in the last five years
Most game accessories (my favorite was the la-Z boy recliner fitted out for consoles)
Absolutely torched at 10AM with two guys in kilts from the Scottish Games Alliance
Met Gene Simmons
Met Vin Diesel
Met some guy from Survivor (who won the first year?)
Hung out with Sid Meier and Lord British
Endless food and drink
And tons more.

I have a friends who’s lead Senior testing editor at one of the largest trade tech magaiznes. He’s currently got (at no cost to himself) an XBox in his lab hooked up to a 52" plasma flatscreen. He hasn’t paid for technology in years. They send it to him and, because of editorial requirements, they put a ‘must return by’ date on it. And they’re all for 2025 or so.

I have seen my publisher get televisions, bar set up, and, on one memorable occasion, a complete bedroom set delivered to his house. We took care of THAT vendor, I can tell you that.

Ok, not to be the idiot foreigner and all, but who is mrs. Dash, and why am I not getting free food samples?