Insult to Injury -- FEMA charges Louisiana $3.7B for Emergency Aid

Two hurricanes hit the state, one month apart. Katrina was a Cat 4 and ruined the largest city in the state, also the largest revenue generating area in the state. Rita made landfall about a month later and managed to shut down the Western part of the state while reflooding much of the New Orleans area. So a large portion of the state was closed down for months(much still closed) and it’s causing a huge budget shortfall. It has nothing to do with anyone’s ability to manage a budget, the money simply isn’t there. On top of that, there were hundreds of thousands of people on unemplyment right now(our unemployment system may go bankrupt) and many thousands with no homes. I see them every day, people crying because they have NOTHING, literally the clothes on their backs.

So, basically, figure out what the fuck you are talking about before you start condemning people for not being able to do an impossible task.

Except it isn’t a question of whether or how Louisiana can pay the bill, it’s the law.

But you just have to bash away, it’s hardwired into you, you obedient little leftie.

You’re a liar. He was the head of government, so if she worked for the government, even as an intern, he was her boss. Or can Bill Gates molest the janitor without repercussion?

Try reading the post preceding this, it might give you a clue about what’s being discussed, or you can go on mumbling to yourself in the corner.

What a perfectly retarded chain of logic.

She didn’t work for him. She wasn’t his intern. SHE was the aggressor. You really need to get over this. America didn’t care.

Bullshit. It’s the law. Change it if you don’t like it, but there it is.

Just to take one example, I haven’t heard Haley Barbour whining about paying Mississippi’s bills.

Does the janitor work for the CEO? Yes, the same way ML worked for President Clinton.

Oh, and America DID care, he was impeached, like only one other president in history.

Mississippi wasn’t hit nearly as hard as Louisiana and Blanco isn’t “whining,” she’s saying the state does not have the money. Let me ask you again…what would a GOOD governor do if the state had no ability to pay a bill like this?

A good governor wouldn’t have got herself in this situation to start with. I’m sure Louisiana rakes in boatloads of money in taxes, what did she spend it on?

Really? A good governor wouldn’t get hit by a hurricane? Thanks for clearing that up.

This is really too stupid to deserve a response, but FYI, Lousiana is hurting for tax revenue and can’t even pay its projected budget without this FEMA bill.

More evidence she’s incapable of doing the job. If LA can’t pay for the budget, why wasn’t it cut?

The shortfall in tax revenue was caused by the loss of New Orleans.

Louisiana ranks 46th of the 50 states in per capita income

Louisiana tax revenues have been decimated by the hurricanes:

That’s nice, but why should the rest of us have to buck up for their incompetence?

What’s “incompetent” about getting hit by a huuricane?

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Okay, I get it now, you’re not serious, you’re just seeing how many ridiculously outrageous things you can say before people stop taking your bait. Not even a moron could say stuff like that and actually believe it.

What’s incompetent is being the governor of a state that can’t pay their own fuckin bills.

Which is only approximately 9% of the total. Why can’t they pay 9%?

Thank god Pres. George “Alfred E. Newman” Bush is working so hard to drive this country…into the ground! I’d like to see FEMA collect for every hmoeless man, woman, and child in the Gulf Coast!

Ok, America? Where’s your “Moses” now? Oh, I forgot! GW thinks he’s the Almighty himself! Too bad Katrina and Rita didn’t shit exclusively on some insignificant, infamous ranch in Texas!

What? Me Worry?

  • Jinx

No, damn it! The loss of New Orleans was caused by the shortfall from cut Government programs. Go ask the Army Corps of Engineers how to operate within a joke budget, for one! Don’t let your Fed Reps slither off the hook so easily!

Make GW & Mr. Cheney start paying up on that FEMA bill when G.W. claims he takes full [fool] responsibility! If negligence is a criminal offense, then appointing an oaf to run FEMA should be the crime of the century for which the people of the Gulf should be treated to seeing all guilty parties hanged for their collective crimes against the general welfare!

Hmm, general welfare…has a ring to it, doesn’t it? Where have I heard that before? Seems to me I can recall a sunnier day, (up to G.W.) when our leaders were once sworn to promote the general welfare (ala defend and uphold the Constitution of the US). One thing’s for sure…those initials “G.W.” don’t stand for general welfare…it’s more like “Gee Whiz”!