Intelectuallly Inferior Dopers, UNITE!!


Um…what language is that, and what the duce does it say?

                 :smack:   P
                       I        O
                      /\        L
                       I        E
                      /\        I
                     /   \      I

Like this, but drawn much much gooder.


I’m DeVena. And I’veneverpassedthemensatest.


:Joins monstro but accidentally does it to her ear:

Count me in.

Just don’t count too high.

Eek! Numbers!? Where!? Get them AWAY! stand on chair, bats numbers with broom

Sorry I’m late for the meeting, I washed the directions in my other pants… :smack:

You’re lucky you have pants. I’ve misplaced my pants.

What are pants?


/\ L
/\ I
/ \ I

:smack: P
. I . O
. / L
. I . E
. /\ I
./ \ I

After multiple previews and one premature submission, I can’t create a good “running into a pole” image, either. Do I get to join this club?

I think so. In fact, if you were able to, we would have to call you a poser and kick you out.

I was a teacher.

An English teacher. (Note sentence fragment.)

And I can’t spell worth shit.

I’ve made two long posts about propaganda and misspelled it propoganda. That is just my latest flash of ignorance. It happens all the time.

Everyone is ignorant about something. I am ignorant about a lot of things.

Put me in the front row of the group picture.

I’m sorry, Tom, but here at Intectuallly Inferior Dopers United, you represent everything we’re striving to overcome. In fact, in our gift shop, “How come I have all the questions and tomndebb has all answers?” is our third best selling t-shirt. Right behind “The guy standing next to me is with stupid” and our #1 best seller “Out five bucks and still ignorant”.

Dim Dopers UNTIE!!!


I had to read that 5 times over to understand it.

This topic feels cushy and warm for me to sit in, and no big words or numbers to make my head-blob go ouch.

There are times I feel that if The Straight Dope was a playfield, I’d always be the last kid to get picked for stickball…or dodgeball…or hide-n-seek…or red rover…or…well, you get the picture. Count me in.

Uh yeah, that would be me too. I read a lot and learn a lot, but my brain doesn’t really fully process and retain the information, let alone be able to call up and present the information in a coherent manner.

I’m kindofa semi-smart dim person who’s really intimidated by, but admiring of, people who have actual brains. I wonder what that feels like.
I use my Eudora for spell check.

Never make a good point in GD? Heck, I never even read GD. Too scary.

For every subject I know, there are at least 10 other Dopers that know it much better.

I’ll never be a part of the SDSAB. <Stuart Smalley>But that’s …okay.</Stuart Smalley>