Is GOP trying to sabotage economy to hurt Obama?

I’m pretty darned certain of it.

While I’d strongly prefer to not see Romney get elected, if he does, and if the economy doesn’t magically improve in the ways in which he’s promising, I really want to see the rationalizations that conservatives come up with to explain why.

Well, if he’s elected, I’m sure it’ll suddenly become unfashionable and unpatriotic to question the president, again.

This is just an exercise in incredible arrogance. No one knows how to get out of recessions or there would be no such thing as prolonged recessions. The Democrat party has one idea about how to get out of it and the GOP has another idea. Both parties are pursuing their best ideas about how to get out of the recession. If Obama knew exactly what was needed to get out of the recession he would have done it during the time his party had control of both houses of Congress. During that time they passed huge increases in spending and borrowing. Three years later we are still in a weak economy.
Remember this is a world wide recession. Most of Europe has responded to the recession by increasing taxes on the wealthy, while maintaining spending. This has not worked. Countries that have lowered taxes and restrained spending such as Germany, Sweden, and Canada are doing better. Yet Obama is ignoring this evidence and pushing for higher taxes and more borrowing.
The GOP sees the amount of debt the government is accumulating and looks around at the wrecks of countries that refuse to get their debts under control such as Japan, Greece, Spain, Portugal, and Italy. They see the car is out of control and are frantically trying to step on the brakes before we go over the cliff.

See post #4, and try to address the question, o.k.?

You’ll probably see threads titled something like “Is the Democratic Party trying to sabotage the economy to hurt Romney?” And in response to claims that the Dems are actually trying to fix things, it’ll have posts about how Democratic efforts to pass legislation don’t count because they know full well they’d stall or fail in the other chamber.

Then those same posts would claim something like “This thread isn’t about how my side is fucking things up.”, i.e. the thread is only about agreeing with the OP and this board’s bias, not disagreeing.

We have a pretty good idea. And it doesn’t involve cutting government spending during a recession. The reason we don’t just get out of all prolonged recessions, is that ignorant people get riled up by people who scream about the budgets.

It’s the Democratic party by the way. The GOP wants to cut spending, not because it will improve the economy, but because it is a way to attack programs they hate.

You are misinformed. Obama had 60 votes for a couple of weeks. And some of those votes were very conservative Democrats. So he didn’t have carte blanche to do what he wanted.

Are you talking about the stimulus? Because it certainly worked.

Has it now? I’m pretty certain that you have that exactly backwards.

Hyperbolic nonsense. Our debt problem is like being obese. Yes, it’s bad, and it will eventually kill you. But right now, we’ve got a bleeding belly wound. And it needs spending to fix. You’re advocating a diet plan to fix a belly wound. Yeah, all bleeding stops eventually, but some times it’s not for the patient’s best interest.

YOu know, Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter.

A 180 degree spin would prove to be no problem at all. In politics, it’s just a dance move.

  1. Yes, they are actively sabotaging the economy. But I think it’s gone beyond trying to defeat Obama; whether or not he gets re-elected, they’ll still be trying to crash the economy next year.

They basically don’t believe in government. They want to cut it (except for the military) as much as possible, from Medicare on down. Even if they believed this would hurt the economy as much as economists say it will, they would want it to be done anyway.

This is not your father’s GOP; it’s not even the GOP of five years ago. They are the barbarians at the gate. Given power, they will make the Bush Administration look like a golden age by comparison.

  1. Re-elect Obama. Elect more, better Democrats to Congress and to governorships and state legislatures across the country.

One reason you won’t see those threads is that the Republicans would stop screaming socialism about all their old policy positions and would then accept them.

Not everything in the world is equal. Both sides of every issue isn’t equal.

Pro Evolution and pro creationism are equal contenders. And right now, in the early 21st century the GOP has embraced outright nonsense and histrionic outrage.

Not all conservatives are like that, certainly. But it doesn’t matter if they vote for people who are.


After this Obama can blame the fewer Republicans that Obama’s tax and spend policies have not worked. Or they can blame the few conservative democrats they haven’t driven out. Anything to avoid looking in the mirror and taking responsibility.
This has been a fun four years, from Hope and Change to “It was like that when I got here”

Spending is flat and he hasn’t raised taxes. Do you care if your catchprases are true or not?

The country is far, far better now than when Obama took over. And that’s with the GOP fighting him and filibustering every step of the way.

See previous comment.

Once again, what do these bumpersticker platitudes have to do with the topic at hand? In case there is something wrong with your browser and you are incapable of scrolling to the top of the page, let me repost it for your clarification:
Is GOP trying to sabotage economy to hurt Obama?
Yes, or no?

Total federal spending in 2008 was 3 trillion dollars, this year’s spending is projected to be 3.8 trillion dollars. 800 billion dollars more spending is hardly what I would call flat. If more democrats were elected as talked about in the hypothetical, taxes would definetly go up.

Just think how much better things would be if the GOP was better at fighting and filibustering every step of the way.

What does this have to do with the thread topic?

I am so tired of this angle, repeated over and over by Republicans. Yes, the Democrats had a numerical majority in the Senate after the 2008 elections (57-41, with 2 independents who usually caucused with the Democrats for a total of 59), but they didn’t have a functional majority. When the Senate is so at odds and the parties so oppositional, the rules that allow a minority of 41 Senators to stop anything from advancing on the floor means 59 isn’t a majority. You realize one of the huge issues surrounding the debate on the Affordable Health Care Act was to craft enticements to convince a couple of more moderate Republican Senators to climb on board? Otherwise, 59 Democratic votes isn’t enough to pass diddly-squat.

Stop. Just stop with this ridiculous mantra of “Obama and the Democrats ran Congress for two years, why didn’t they fix everything then?” It’s simply not true.

And in answer to the OP: Yes, I believe it is true. Maybe not actively sabotaging things, but by stalling and inaction, the Republicans are doing everything they can to make the economy look worse (or at least not improve very much) in order to hamper Obama’s chances at reelection. It actually seems obvious to me, and I’m hard-pressed to see why anyone would deny it.

But they have worked. Taxes are lower, economic growth is higher and fewer people are unemployed.

Fewer people are unemployed? From what date to what date?

To answer the OP.

Yes I think so


I believe the Democrats did the same thing in Bushs last 2 years.

OK, that was imprecise. The rate of unemployment is lower.