Is GOP trying to sabotage economy to hurt Obama?

Is this where Bricker plays semantic games?

Unemployment is down, job creation is up.

How so?

If you actually care about the facts, please help yourself:

I assume you agree with all my other points because you choose this to object to, yes?

By doing the same things the Republicans are doing.

nb4 cite.

Do you have statements from prominent Democrats that were in power during that administration that openly state that as a goal, to act as a comparison to statements made by Republicans in power during this administration? I’m not going to accept the “everybody does it equally” blanket statement anymore without cites.

Do you agree that fewer people are unemployed than would have been if Obama had not pushed the stimulus and saved the auto industry?

To ensure that Obama is not re-elected. Yes, it’s that important to them.

Can you point to specific legislation the Dems passed or blocked that hurt the economy by that action?

Too open to interpretation.
More importantly, were there any statements by Democrats about that being their intention?

Solyndra got $500ish million. Fiskars got less than $200 million. Even if we accept your premise (I think it’s a lot more nuanced), you’re off by a factor of 1000.

You may have missed my first post “The Democrat party has one idea about how to get out of it and the GOP has another idea. Both parties are pursuing their best ideas about how to get out of the recession”
This would be a No.
The Republicans are trying their level best to help the country as much as they can. They just have different ideas on how to do it.
The economy is like a car stuck in a ditch. Obama is trying to push it out of the ditch. The GOP sees that the way he is trying to push it is uphill from a cliff. If he succeeds the car will roll down the hill and off the cliff. So they try pushing it out the other side of the ditch onto the shoulder of a road.

And where was this prominent Republican leader attempting to push the car?

I don’t recall you making any other points.
The link is so inaccurate. First because it ignores the stimulus package that was passed in early 2009. It also ignore the portions of the TARP funding that Bush had planned to not spend but Obama decided to spend. Secondly because it creates an absurd baseline. The theory behind stimulus is that you throw a huge amount of money at the economy which causes the economy to get back into gear and take off. Then after the economy gets going you go back to a normal amount of spending. Obama and his fellow Democrats passed a huge stimulus bill and now they want credit because they only increased the budget a little each year on top of that. Plus the credit for that little bit of restraint goes to the Republicans in the house who have refused to go along with an even crazier spending binge. The increase in the budget since Obama took office is larger than the entire Federal Budget in 1982. To paint this as fiscal restraint is laughable.

Okay, I was just checking if you actually wanted to engage in a real debate or just cling to your ignorance. Thanks for letting me know.

If Obama is a one term president then the new president can stop pushing the car towards the cliff and start pushing it toward the shoulder. You seem to think that quote is some sort of smoking gun but it is just conventional politics. The republicans in the congress were elected to serve the country, it would be wrong of them to sit idly by while Obama and the rest of the democrat party tries to turn the USA into Greece.
I am old enough to remember when people were saying that Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.

No problem, I know if people want to engage in a real debate by seeing if they present evidence for their beliefs or just link to other’s opinions.

Typical “But Everybody does it!” bullshit, unless you can cite an equivalent statement by a prominent Democrat in power during the Bush administration.

I offered a cite to refute some partisan nonsense, an article of faith, actually, that you were reciting like the liturgy.

Also, it is the Democratic party. You keep making that mistake.

Do they really have to make the statement for the action to be valid?

IM not going to accept they “nobody said they were doing it so it aint so” blanket statement either.

Statements certainly speak to intent, which is what this thread is supposedly concerned with. Without equivalent statements on the other side your “They do it toooo!” whine is absolutely meaningless.