Is the Democratic Party "anti-God", and what can they do to stop that stereotype?

Once again, what does this have to do with God?

Most atheists do not what?

I don’t believe this argument for one second.

No, that is how a bigoted minority see it.

Now tell me about myself, based on what I just said.

How exactly do you “force” rights on someone? Was there some silent majority of LBGT Americans who were completely happy being second-class citizens who are now upset that they’re being treated as equals?

Hatred is very unbecoming in a Christian.
What was that about a beam in your own eye?

I have no problem with it, but to some, it is an issue.

And those people are wrong.

You may have a point, but do you see the depravity of today’s culture? You see the filth in our country, our military, strange people entering our military, right?

To hearken back to the anti-Democrat aspect of the OP, this poll (from 2011) indicates that 90% of Democrats believe in God.

Haven’t done anything, huh? Do they work? Pay taxes? Serve in the military? Of course, they do. They also proved to the faithful and unfaithful they are people that deserve the same rights as any other American, because they’re Americans.

Let’s try another example. We have serious problems in infrastructure in this country. We have thousands of miles of roads, bridges and electricity needing repair and mostly replacement. Fixing these things are crucial, IMO. Show me ONE religious candidate that has even shown support for this. Fixing problems like these is progress.

We finally have health care. These same candidates have tried over 60 times to block the ACA, spending millions doing it and lying about it (I’m looking at you, Teddie-poo). That is certainly not progress.

Are we back to your speaking for some of your friends in Queens?

Ugh. Are you going to, once again, trot out the tired old “I don’t believe this, but many people do” to justify posting absolute nonsense like that? There are many atheists on this MB, including me. Do you believe that is an even remotely accurate description of how we behave?

What novel form of “depravity” exists in our culture today that has not existed throughout human history and does not exist elsewhere in the world?

Define “strange people”.

It’s not hatred, it’s listening to other’s opinions. I listen to your’s, you should listen to mine’s.

People who are entering the military, because of *financial reasons. * That should not be. You enter the military because you believe you can make a difference in something, not for a handout, and that is what has been going on for the past 4 decades.

“Listening” doesn’t mean “accepting”. We’re listening to your opinions, and we’re telling you why they’re incorrect. Not all opinions are equally valid.

Yes, discrimination in the military against non-christians is known, especially in the air force. Good of you to recognize religious bigotry…

Some, yes. I am not a bigot. The military is for people who believe that they can make a difference, not for a handout.

Do you suppose that soldiers ought to work for free? Let’s give that a try and see what it does to enlistment rates.

What are these “handouts” you claim servicemembers are getting? Noone gets a “handout” from the military. They get paid at rates typically far below what they could make for comparable civilian work.

I’ve listened to your opinion. Your opinion is wrong. I utterly reject your opinion as something that I should seriously consider in forming my view of the Democratic Party, of the military, of the American people, and of the United States.

Why in the world do you think that listening to your opinion should make me agree with it?

Why should YOU listen to anyone else? Clearly you’ve got the voice of all those Normal Americans whispering in your ear.