Is there any source for erotic photos as good as Usenet was?


What about zombie porn?

Not like I would do such a thing, but it it possible to visit a porn site without paying anything and without getting a computer full of viruses and other malware?

It’s possible but increasingly rare. I think they see the malware as justification for it’s free-ness, free-osity, free-itude. If you don’t view porn legitimately to help support the industry, then you takes your risks.

Of course there is; Rule 34 in action (“if it exists, there’s porn of it”). World of Warcraft seems to have inspired a fair amount all by itself with the undead Forsaken faction. The Resident Evil series also has resulted in zombie porn too, along with other monster porn.

I took me literally less than a minute to find free zombie porn online.

http: // www . xvideos . com / ?k = zombie - extrememely NSFW obviously and I make no promises about malware or viruses.