Is urinating outside a sign of a mental health problem?

I’ve caught my brother peeing in the kitchen sink a couple times.

At the risk of sounding like a total Josie Grossie…I have urinated in public a few times…only at night though, not in view of ANYONE and most importantly, while drunk. I don’t think I’d ever do that sober (unless I were in the woods and there were no bathrooms).

Once, driving to Mammoth at night, I pulled into a gas station in Mojave. There was a lady (and I’m using this term loosely I guess) squatting and taking a shit in front of the gas station. A gas station with a huge restroom.

I’m going on memory here —but it seems that a point was made in the book Sybil that her mentally ill mother did this. She’d go out in the middle of the night and piss and shit in neighbors’ back yards. The analysis that I remember from the book was that she was literally telling the neighbors what she thought of them, “You’re nothing. I piss in your yard.”

Again, as I say, this mother was extremely ill; if you know the story, the abuse Sybil suffered was why she developed all the personalities. To cope.

Moving thread from MPSIMS to IMHO.

Visited a buddy recently with some other guy friends and he actually asked us to do it outside, on some weeds he was trying to kill. I did my manly part (he provided the beer.) Maybe the OP’s dad is trying to get rid of a stubborn patch of weeds?

Well, he said he was going to dew the dishes.

Don’t even get me started about that. I asked him to do the dishes once and his reply was “do you mean ‘do’ as in ‘wash’?”

Either there is something wrong with him or he’s the laziest human being ever to draw breath.

I’ve got news for you; most men do NOT do this.

What? I piss on sitchensis’ deck all the time.

I dunno. On the other hand, <devil’s advocate> most conversations about magically switching genders always involve women saying the 1st thing they’d do is go pee their names into the snow. </devil’s advocate>

Robot, there’s something wrong with him AND he’s the laziest human to draw a breath. Why must it be one or the other? :slight_smile:

I live in a rural area and we have a lot of get-togethers of friends and family around here. After dark, men and boys are pretty much expected to pee outdoors, so as to keep the bathrooms open for women, and people who need to do #2. No biggie around here.

If it’s necessary, that’s one thing, if it’s recreational, then there’s something else going on. (IANAP) Talk to his doctor and see if there’s more to it.

Same here - it’s routine in in rural NZ (and a lot of suburban NZ too).

Also know a couple of guys who just prefer to go outdoors. Gazing at the stars, listening to the crickets, whatever. There is something to be said for not standing over a bowl of pee in a tiny airless room…

Yet in movies, far few men are attacked by something horrible when they pee indoors. :smiley:

I was looking at a condo in a building that had a laundry room as opposed to a washer and dryer in each unit.

Someone had crapped on the floor in the middle of the laundry room.

I did not make an offer.

If one is in private outdoor setting, it probably more a sign of mental health problems to have to run inside to pee in a porcelain bowl.

I don’t know. Depends on how your old man grew up and where? I mean Billy Carter was famous for pissing like the farmer he was, which was pretty much anywhere outside when he needed to go. I had friends like this when I grew up. Hell, if I need to really go, there’s no where convenient and there’s a decent semi hidden spot outdoors, I’ll whip it out and whiz like a big dawg. It’s pretty rare when that happens these days sans beer.

So, he might be crazy, and it might just be a case of “sticking it to the man” and pissing his rights back. Is he doing this when kids are around or just other adults that might get shocked?

Wow. Maybe it was someone being foreclosed on…

I’ve lived in mid-priced, not-fabulous-but-nice-enough apartments for a long time, with shared laundry rooms, and have never dealt with human evacuations of any kind. Now the El platforms, those are a different story…