Kaboom! A Dynamite MMP

Good morning, Cool Kids!
Ellen Cherry, thunderstorms are cool, but not when people get killed! :eek:

Great OP, doggie! Speaking of BOOMS! last night and the night before there was a fall festival in my town. I didn’t go, but I could see the fireworks from my front porch. That was cool. All kinds of 'sploding flowers and stuff.

Top Secret is indeed a real movie, which I own. The best part of it is a sweet young Val Kilmer who can shake his hips like no tomorrow - I mean, I love a dancin’ man, and he looks great. And he only looks like, 22. Jeez, I’m getting too old to lust after him. Anyway. The movie is a spoof spy movie, and quite entertaining.
Nava, sorry to hear your mom is bugging you. I know how that is.

Oh, my. Nope, I don’t need to google it. Hee hee.
My coolest experiences with things that go BOOM has been in India at Diwali. You see, there’s like no laws about fireworks at Diwali, and they let off tons in their own backyard. No more standing back at a distance, you can see everything close up! Anyway, it’s fun but scary too.

Good Morning. I have all my fingers and toes. The cold front moved through last ninght, so it feels more like fall again.

kai, did you say demolition? Will there be booming involved?

picu, I wouldn’t let your husband build the cannon. Bill Gate probably has a bigger one.

Hi sneezy!

Welcome China Guy! No toilet paper? :eek: That is worse than being blasted.

Nava, good luck with the mother talk. My Dad and I would never disturb Mom’s kitchen, lest we incur her wrath.

I heart explosions!

Reminds me of one time when I was about 12, we were at a friend’s house on the 4th of July, setting off fireworks. We had this box full of fireworks sitting on a picnic table. We had a big coffee can that we were going to send flying by setting a cherry bomb under it. Since we didn’t want to set the grass on fire, we (being stupid 12 year olds) set the can on the picnic table and lit the cherry bomb.

BOOM! The coffee can goes about 10 feet in the air…woohoo!

Then, to our horror, a stray spark had gotten into the box of fireworks. The next thing we heard was an utterly deafening ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!, the sound of a whole box of mostly firecrackers going off. Our entire fireworks supply was shot in about 30 seconds, but it scared the shit out of our parents, so it was worth it.

I doubt anybody’s gonna top China Guy’s KA*BOOM story. That was good!

donkeybear are you goin’ to help AG learn how to use his new toy? :wink:

I don’t have any good BOOM! stories. But I like fireworks! Oh, I remember one time we went to a big concert/fireworks show when my son was little. He screamed and cried, and we had to leave early.

It was a good, quiet weekend. My son popped in for a visit (right before dinnertime!) and that was fun. I love to just hang out with him. He’s a funny guy. Much better when he’s doing well and I don’t have to fuss at him.

My brother and his wife will be here this Thursday. I’m excited to see them. I’m taking a vacation day, and will get to spend all day with them. Then we’re going out to dinner that night, to a nice Cajun seafood place. Can you say Ponchatrain Sauce? Mmm… Well, I can say it, but I don’t think I can spell it! :wink:

Happy Monday, cool kids!

What is it with guys and explosives??? The Klingon used to love to “play army” with a 22 rifle and a bag of the green army toy soldiers.

Mr. Anachi and his cronies cannot be trusted at any gathering to NOT attempt to set the surrounding area on fire with bottle rockets and lots of “Hey, guys! Watch this!”

My weekend was good and bad. Good cause the master bath countertops and sinks are now in and it looks tres chic. Bad because Gran is bad messed up and is causing us plenty worry. She’s been self medicating with Grampy’s pain and sleeping pills and is currently off her rocker. BarbeeDoll[sup]TM[/sup] was supposed to gather up all the meds last night at take them back to her house. I will find out more from her later. nava, I understand the matricidal tendancies only too well. :rolleyes:

Anyway, it’s a new day and doggieb gave us a grand OP. Just look at all the posters who’ve come out of the woodwork. :cool: <----- doggie

More later.


Famous last words.

Woo. I am not letting Mr. Lissar see any of these stories. We have enough dangerous stuff around without things that go boom. I like explosions, but preferably far, far away from me. I am glad that canineservant is still in one piece.

Nava, if you kill your mother you have my forgiveness and understanding. She sounds like a pain in the neck.

Morning.Guess what? Remember the eight-pound zuchinni? Attacks Husband gave me an eleven pound zuchinni last night. I agreed to take it if I also got a lot of tomatoes and basil. I have pictures. The interesting part is that we were up at the farm last weekend, and picked everything that was more than six inches long.

This thing is about thirty inches.
More zuchinni bread coming.

I’d put some of the shredded zuke in soup! Also make zuke cole slaw.

Oh and LiLi – I favor naming the KitchenAid “Martha” – although husband prefers “Mavis.” I said, “that sounds too aggressive.” He said, “exactly.”

Good morning everyone. I’m not much of a ka-boom person. I enjoy pretty fireworks and all, but loud noise just for the sake of loud noise? Nope, not for me. Why yes, I am sort of turning into an old fart.

Nava, boy howdy do I empathize with you. My mother drives me batshit too.

Yesterday was nice and quiet. I didn’t do anything but cruise the board, laundry, and cook dinner. After dinner we watched a movie. It was sooooooooooo nice.

I’ve blown up lots of stuff in my life with fireworks. My ultimate will be the day that I have my model railroad built, and I play Gomez Adams and dynamite a bridge with a train going over it… I plan on filming when I do it.

Not much else to say that didn’t already wind up in the last MMP.

Alas, I also have no kaboom stories. Well, there was this one time I ended up on Mars and I had to stop this funny little alien who wanted to use an Illudium PU-36 Space Modulator to make a big Earth-shattering KABOOM. I stole his Illudium PU-36 Space Modulator, and he sent freeze dried Martians after me. :eek:

Yeah. Today I have class, and then I have to get started on that Mechanics homework. Yippee!

So, Li Li, you’re telling us you have NINETEEN POUNDS of zuke? That’s … a lot of zuke. :eek: :eek: Send some of that bread this way when you’re done. :slight_smile:

Speaking of bread, it’s time for a pun. The bread-based puns last week were, admittedly, half-baked. These bee-based puns should go down sweet as honey.


I’m trying to decide if I can incorporate shredded zuchinni into bread. It doesn’t sound like a winner, really.

I like both names, but I think I prefer Mavis. KitchenAids should be aggressive.

Sacre Blue!! Maintenant Je vois le resemblance! Parle tu le Francais? :wink:

Oh, and there’s a Nigel Slater (all hail!) recipe for a zuchinni cheddar crumble with pecans. I think I’ll make it tonight or tomorrow.

Yes, nineteen pounds. Cripes.

Does anyone know where one might purchase Firefly paraphenalia? I just had a geeky inspiration for Mr. Lissar’s Christmas present.

I was up very late - I couldn’t sleep in spite of Benedryl. Then early this morning my neighbor is doing or having something done in their back yard that sounds like an elephant stomping aluminum cans. I am not a happy SCL.

I love fireworks, but I don’t understand why people take dogs and very small children to fireworks shows. It’s going to scare the crap out of them and ruin it for the rest of us when we have to listen to howling/screaming instead of “AHhhhhhhhhhhhh”.

The plan is to clean the carpet in the cat suite today, but Mr. SCL was up very late so he’ll probably sleep all day. I start dog-sitting for SIL tonight - she’ll be gone until Saturday. Then Saturday night the local museum opens an Ansel Adams show with a reception, so we’re going to that.

I’ve been invited to a Halloween party on the 27th of October - but, but, but that’s opening night for the Cottonmouths! I told them I’ll come by but it will be late. :slight_smile:

Mr. SCL has been trying to get his patient’s father to go to the doctor for several weeks, and he wouldn’t go. 3am Saturday night he has to call his daughter to take him to the ER because he thinks he’s having a heart attack.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Puggy! That’s French! :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

Damn you,MuttMajorDomo :mad: Beat me to it…

Happy new week, y’all. I’m taking a day off – thus far I’ve watched an episode of Babylon 5 and done two loads of laundry, plus assorted knitting and other goofing off. It’s a GORGEOUS day here, so I’m enjoying the lovely cool breeze. The best kind of Monday, a nice lazy one. :smiley:

Things that go boom, eh? Well, in chronological order:

  1. My dad. Imagine my shock when my dad, my straight-laced, always-follow-the-rules-on-pain-of-death dad, took me to college and looked at the tiled stairwell in my dorm that went from the fourth floor to the basement with a nice open drop in the middle, said to me in tones of longing, “Oh, what I would give for a cherry bomb!” :eek:

  2. Fireworks in Japan. One thing about the Japanese, they LOVE their fireworks. From Obon, a national holiday that in large part consists of throwing millions of firecrackers (I literally came home deafened), to the child climbing onto the tram in Nagasaki carrying a bag of fireworks nearly bigger than he was, to every possible excuse to put on a fireworks show, things that go boom are incredibly popular in Japan.

I’ll never forget going down to the harbor’s edge in Sasebo to watch the local fireworks show – only an hour, any portion of which would have exceeded the finale of any show I’ve seen in the US, including the 4th of July on the National Mall – and watching the guys on the police boat cruising around the harbor, drinking sake and helping with the fireworks show. See, as they’d shoot off a big huge flowery shell into the sky, the guys on the boat would knock back some more sake, light the fuse on the same huge shell, and hand-drop it over the edge of the boat into the water; the one in the water and the one in the sky would explode in unison. It was gorgeous, but why those guys aren’t dead, hand-lighting giant shells like that, I’ll never know.

  1. Watching a building come down in one of those giant controlled booms like FCM was talking about. We got to see one a couple years ago, and I managed to snap off a few photos as the building came tumbling down. It was really cool.

Fireworks are also very popular in Hawaii. My first New Years Eve living there, we were living in a studio apartment on the 18th floor - we had a wonderful view of fireworks going off all over the island. Unfortunately, houses are so close together I don’t remember a single holiday without a roof fire from fireworks.

This past 4th of July, a bunch of homeowners on Lake Harding (where our cabin is) got together and sponsored a fireworks show over the dam. Everybody took out their boats and went to the dam to watch - it was great. I was also suprised at the number of boats I saw being pulled over for BWI - idiots! You know the Patrol is going to be out in force during something like that!