Ladies, is this unsexy

A mensch would quietly pass the coupon along with payment for the remainder of the bill and a decent tip, and not make mention otherwise. Being obvious about the coupon brings attention-the wrong kind.

So, kambuckta, how YOU doin’? :wink:

It does seem a little on the cheap side.

So are you planning to do this? Already done it? Please let us know what happened! We’re all dieing to know. :smiley:

Of course she should grab the tip - his meal didn’t cost anything, remember? 15% of zero is zero.

I’ve always been told that when using a coupon like that, the tip is still based on the value of the food, not the actual cost.

I might just pick up the coupon, pay for the whole meal, and then use it to dine out at a later date. After taking a taxi home.

Assuming it was a first date. If I had advance warning ahead of time, like "Hey, let’s go to Fudruckers, or, I’ve got this buy one get one Entertainment Book coupon for Frommage a Tois … no biggie. Depends on the date, the timing, etc.

Why would I be dating David Brent?

unsexy…hummmm…no, I don’t think that is the word. Rude comes to mind. Ballsy is ok, but implies some sort of admirable quality. Selfish. Bastardly. Either way, I kind of have to agree that the only person around to grope in the car would be yourself, as I’d be taking a cab home.

How’s this - is it inappropriate for you to take me on a date, pay the bill (even split it), and then have me say “oh, by the way, you don’t need to drop me off at home, my boyfriend is going to meet me here and we are going dancing.”

Wesley, where do you come up with these?

It’s so shameless that it’s kind of hot.

The Force is strong in this one…

I see you quoted me above, so I just want to say, in my defense, that I meant the guy should pay whatever the coupon doesn’t cover. At no point should he ask the girl to contribute anything… not money at the restaurant, and certainly not any nookie later.

Oh, and someone made a fantastic point above: when you leave a tip (which should be 20%), it should be based on the full amount of the bill before you get any kind of discount from the coupon. If your bill is $20 and you have a “half-off” coupon so you only have to pay $10, you leave 20% of $20, NOT 20% of $10. I was stunned how many people in college either didn’t know this, or refused to abide by it.

On the bright side, it would a 100% effective method of birth control.

If both are poor college students (sometimes have money, sometimes not - and splitting the check is more out of necessity than cheapness), then the guy should have used his coupon and split the balance between himself and the girl. That way, the girl isn’t forking over all the cash, and they both benefit from the discount.

If I were that girl, I would have seen the guy’s actions as rather immature and inconsiderate.

The groping in the car part didn’t happen but she thought it was pretty funny.

Anyway, I know this is the wrong thread to ask this, but we are going out again for a July 4th party. Its a costume party though, and we decided to go as candy. I decided to go as a tootsie roll and she is going as a blow pop.

My costume should be easy to make, all I need is to wrap a brown blanket around myself, but hers is a little harder. she was going to wear an all white outfit with some kind of really large foam head (to represent a skinny white handle and the large head of a sucker). I told her it was excessive and would require alot of effort to make but she seems to really like these parties her friends throw and doesn’t mind the effort. Does anyone know how to help her become a giant sucker for this party? My costume was easy to make, but I’m worried hers will take hours of time. Does she use styrofoam, regular foam, or what? Paper machie probably won’t work, she needs advice on making a large ball she can see out of.

Yeahhhh, um - she’s going out w/ you again after the coupon date? Huh.

Carry on.

Apparently she already is a giant sucker.

Y chromosome host checking in:

I could see using a coupon to reduce both people’s halves. (e.g. "Here’s a coupon, now we both only need to spend five dollars instead of ten.)

But using it to get out of paying entirely? That’s like telling your date that you’re just using her for a free meal. Seems it would definitely lower your chances of getting to make a meal out of her later.

I see your ‘huh’ and raise you a ‘HUH?’ :smiley:

It sounds like you’re got a nice girl there Wesley.

I’ve got no idea about the costume though.

Flash! Long-time poster admits trollery in totally unexpected turn of events! :smiley:

Can we stop talking about Tom Cruise now?

She could just tease her hair out all big and round and spray it red or purple to simulate the sucker, then paint her face pink for the gum center.

Please tell me you split the balance on the coupon and didn’t really stick her with the whole thing?

I wasn’t gonna go there, thanks for doing it for me!