Ladies: Which male physique would you prefer?

#2, followed by #3. (Age 20, gay male)

Huh, I’m in the majority with #11. I’m female, 41.

11 for sure. He looks like my SO, actually.

I’m 34.

I guess 11, though clothes make the man. And faces. FYI, rarely hear women coo (IRL) over ‘butterface’ guys.

(Oh yeah, am in that coveted 24-35 y.o. demographic)

I’m 40 and I’d pick #11 by far. But he’s also obviously the youngest (I would guess that model isn’t over 25, probably younger). Most guys over 30 can’t maintain that physique and start “thickening” in their late twenties.

My next pick would be the guys in the second row, #5-#9. They all obviously work out but they aren’t as huge as #10. I bet #10 probably looks great (but too big for me) when he’s at contest weight. Unfortunately, I have low tolerance for chub so none fo the guys in the top row appeal to me.

I think rowers have the best bodies (of course, I do row so I’m kinda biased). They’re more musculer than runners or swimmers but longer and leaner than heavy lifters.

I’d just like to say, if you’re in the PA area, and you voted for #2, my address is in my profile. =P

Drat, I forgot. I’m 28.

None!! Where are the slightly underweight guys?

I’m 39.

I like #1. I think he’s cute. I get freaked out when a guy spends a whole lot of time on his looks, because I don’t, and I can’t compete (I’m just naturally hot :wink: ).

#11 is pretty nice too, though. He doesn’t look fake, he looks like a swimmer. I once had a brief fling with a swimmer on a trip; it was pretty hot. #5, #6, #7, and #8 are just gross, in my opinion.

I’m 26, btw.

Yeah, I should have said I like #1 too. I married a body just like it.

I also forgot to say that I’m 29.

11–I also prefer a slimmer build and, as others have said, he looks more like someone who is just active, rather than a weight lifter. The others are either too bulky or need to lay off the doughnuts, or both.

However, 11 is clearly a very young guy, too, so I wouldn’t expect someone my age (46) to be able to achieve that sort of look perfectly.

11. Prefer the lean look. Big beefy dudes creep me out, and particularly dudes with huge giant shoulders/biceps. I’m 32.

True story: I was watching “Mr & Mrs. Smith” with my SO, and I was mentioning how I don’t find Brad Pitt all that attractive.

“I just don’t see how he’s this big sex symbol, I mean, he’s okay looking…”
(at this moment in the movie Mr. Pitt removes his shirt)
“…HOLYSHIT he has the most perfect body. OMIGOD.”

So, I’d have to go with that as my all-time most perfect body (note Pitt is almost 40, but of course, keeping himself hot is his full-time job). :slight_smile: FTR, my SO is not bothered by me saying such things in front of him.

Neither is my husband and he’s well aware that Sting is my idea of the perfect male body (and good grief…how old is he??). My husband, if he let his body’s natural tendencies to take over, would actually fit this mold. He’s naturally lean and lanky. He prefers to be bigger, though, so he tries to stay a bit bulked up (but not too big).

Everyone will say 11, but secretly covet 7 or 10.

Just look around you, and see where all the hottest women are. They’re not with fun mister surfer, they’re with asshole bodybuilder (the bigger, the better).

27, almost 28.

Of all of these, #7 and #11 would make me stop what I was doing to stare at the pretty for a while.

Then I would turn to lovely #2 and say: “I need me some man lovins, and the only cure is YOU. C’mere.”


I’ll nth the vote for 11 (and possibly 4 or 5). fans self copiously, melting into little puddle

I’m plenty hot, and I’m with #1.

And, since when does fun mister surfer have a hard time getting laid? Never, that I’ve seen.

Age: 35
#11 is my preference. I like the lean type, either dancer/swimmer/runner or just skinny. But then again, I also love a man who speaks multiple (computer) languages, if you get my drift.

I’m 21 and I prefer 11 most (he also happens to look like how must of my boyfriends are built), followed by 7 (who also happens to look like what the guys I just sleep with look like. What? :stuck_out_tongue: ).

No, no, no! I vote for #11, too, because all the others make me kinda squeamish. And while I wouldn’t classify myself among the “hottest women”, I prefer skinny or slightly chubby geek-types over fun surfers AND bodybuilders.

25/f btw